DG for External Policies of the Union
DG for External Policies of the Union
Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union
The Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union is responsible for organising the work of Parliament's committees and interparliamentary delegations in the field of external – that is, beyond the EU – policies.
Its main tasks are:
Its main tasks are:
- ensuring that Parliamentary committees in the fields of foreign affairs, human rights, security and defence, development and international trade run smoothly;
- supporting the work of interparliamentary delegations and regional multilateral assemblies;
- providing professional assistance and advice to the Chairs of these bodies as they exercise their duties;
- planning, organising and following up on European Parliament election observation missions, including by providing assistance to the Election Coordination Group;
- assisting a range of working groups, ad hoc delegations and other bodies;
- providing expertise in foreign relations to parliamentary bodies and Parliament's President;
- facilitating initiatives for dialogue with and support for new and emerging democracies;
- cooperating closely with the European Commission, the Council and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the European Commission.
Pietro DUCCI
Directorate for Committees
Directorate for Regions
Directorate for Resources
Christina RUPP
Directorate for Democracy Support
Armelle DOUAUD