Meeting documents

Access to meeting documents

All documents for upcoming and past meetings can be accessed from one location. Select the committee and then the meeting date to obtain a list of the relevant documents for each agenda point, in all the languages available. The documents can be opened directly in the browser, shared via email or downloaded and saved.

Next meetings

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Brussels : JAN - 4Q2

Ordinary meeting

Committee on Public Health

Brussels : ASP - A3G-3

Public Health
Ordinary meeting


Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

Brussels : JAN - 6Q2

Ordinary meeting

Brussels : JAN - 6Q2


Committee on Public Health

Brussels : PHS - P4B001

Public Health
Extraordinary meeting


Committee on Security and Defence

Brussels : ASP - A5E-2

Security and Defence

Committee on Foreign Affairs

Brussels : PHS - P3C050

Ordinary meeting
Joint Parliamentary Committee Meeting

Brussels : PHS - P3C050

Ordinary meeting

Brussels : PHS - P3C050

Ordinary meeting

Brussels : PHS - P3C050

Ordinary meeting

Committee on Budgetary Control

Brussels : PHS - P4B001

Ordinary meeting

Committee on the Environment, Climate and Food Safety

Brussels : JAN - 4Q2

Ordinary meeting

Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality

Brussels : JAN - 6Q2

Ordinary meeting

Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Brussels : PHS - P1A002

Ordinary meeting

Brussels : PHS - P1A002

Ordinary meeting