Details Publication date13 December 2016 (Last updated on: 10 January 2017) Description Joint Declaration on the EU's legislative priorities for 2017 We are at a critical juncture for the European Union. This is a time of many global, economic, environmental and societal challenges. European citizens therefore expect the European Union to make a concrete difference in helping address the biggest of these challenges. Delivering results where they are most needed requires that the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission work closely together in particular when it comes to the European legislative process. That is why we have committed (…) to agree each year on a number of proposals to which we want to give priority treatment in the legislative process. While continuing to work on all legislative proposals, the following initiatives will be given priority treatment in the legislative process to ensure substantial progress and, where possible, their delivery before the end of 2017. At the political level, the implementation of the Joint Declaration will be monitored jointly and regularly through meetings of the Presidents of the 3 Institutions in March, July and November 2017. Files 13 DECEMBER 2016Joint Declaration on the EU's legislative priorities for 2017Other languages (22)български(223.22 KB - PDF)Downloadespañol(229.7 KB - PDF)Downloadčeština(234.35 KB - PDF)Downloaddansk(237.1 KB - PDF)DownloadDeutsch(242.94 KB - PDF)Downloadeesti(213.63 KB - PDF)Downloadελληνικά(226 KB - PDF)Downloadfrançais(231.01 KB - PDF)Downloadhrvatski(231.24 KB - PDF)Downloaditaliano(229.81 KB - PDF)Downloadlatviešu(225.14 KB - PDF)Downloadlietuvių(229.11 KB - PDF)Downloadmagyar(252.86 KB - PDF)DownloadMalti(235.48 KB - PDF)DownloadNederlands(236.83 KB - PDF)Downloadpolski(237.82 KB - PDF)Downloadportuguês(229.33 KB - PDF)Downloadromână(225.03 KB - PDF)Downloadslovenčina(242.06 KB - PDF)Downloadslovenščina(232.86 KB - PDF)Downloadsuomi(210.66 KB - PDF)Downloadsvenska(231.17 KB - PDF)Download 27 SEPTEMBER 2017State of the Union 2017: policy implementation report (13 September 2017)Other languages (23)български(HTML)Downloadespañol(HTML)Downloadčeština(HTML)Downloaddansk(HTML)DownloadDeutsch(HTML)Downloadeesti(HTML)Downloadελληνικά(HTML)Downloadfrançais(HTML)DownloadGaeilge(HTML)Downloadhrvatski(HTML)Downloaditaliano(HTML)Downloadlatviešu(HTML)Downloadlietuvių(HTML)Downloadmagyar(HTML)DownloadMalti(HTML)DownloadNederlands(HTML)Downloadpolski(HTML)Downloadportuguês(HTML)Downloadromână(HTML)Downloadslovenčina(HTML)Downloadslovenščina(HTML)Downloadsuomi(HTML)Downloadsvenska(HTML)Download Related links A Union that delivers swifter and better results: Three Institutions sign Joint Declaration on the EU's legislative priorities for 2017