How you can help

Basic metadata describing PARADISEC's collection can be freely and easily searched through OLAC, ANDS or the LINGUIST LIST gateway.

Access to the collection and catalogue records is available here:

Access to data in the PARADISEC repository is available to those who have clicked the access agreement (see the access form). A nominal fee may be charged for files delivered on CD/DVD. Completed forms should be posted or faxed to PARADISEC (Sydney).

PARADISEC has been funded by the Universities of Sydney, Melbourne, New England, ANU the Australian Research Council and Grangenet.

View a glossary of acronyms used on this site.

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Please note that the PARADISEC website has been redesigned, the page you are on has not been updated since 2016 and many links will no longer work .

The new website can be found at



The Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures offers a facility for digital conservation and access to endangered materials from all over the world. Our research group has developed models to ensure that the archive can provide access to interested communities and conforms to emerging international standards for digital archiving. A primary motivation for this project is making field recordings available to those recorded and their descendants. While initially conceived of as an archiving project focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, PARADISEC has developed into a centre for activities including:

  • Training in data management (lexicographic software and transcription and interlinearising of texts), recording techniques and data linkage
  • Provision of a catalogue in which users can create descriptions of their collections
  • Standardized Metadata - creating the descriptions in forms that conform to relevant standards and are harvested by the Open Archives Initiative search engines, enabling access for a wider community
  • Building models that show how to make reusable data (e.g. ExSite9) and using current tools such as Elan and Toolbox
  • Cultural preservation backup and data provision for cultural agencies in the region (e.g. Institute for PNG Studies, Vanuatu Cultural Centre)
  • Global Focus – meeting the demand to house files with a research focus from all over the world (including USA, Chile, Mexico)

Disclaimer: We believe the rights in the material presented in this collection have been cleared by the depositors. Please let us know if you think that is not the case for any particular item.
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PARADISEC acknowledges past support from Grangenet, APSR and UNE

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