Together as #OneHumanity

The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is a United Nations entity that builds bridges between societies, promotes dialogue and understanding, and seeks to forge the collective political will required to accomplish these tasks. UNAOC works as a convener and facilitator to bring all sectors of society together to strengthen intercultural and interreligious dialogue to diminish hostility, and promote mutual respect and harmony among the people and cultures of the world.

With its motto, "Many Cultures, One Humanity," UNAOC embraces and promotes cultural diversity, religious pluralism and mutual respect.

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We are #OneHumanityAbout UNAOCLa-Liga Joins #OneHumanity

UNAOC High Representative's Blog

In his blog, Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, UNAOC High Representative, regularly shares his vision for the work of UNAOC, as well as his thoughts, ideas, and observations about current global events.

How to Get Involved

UNAOC is the premier global platform for intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation. Learn how you can support UNAOC in a variety of ways.