Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Measuring the Visibility of the Universities' Scientific Production using Scientometric Methods

Professor Angela Repanovici
Transilvania University Brasov
E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract: Paper presents scientometry as a science and a fundamental instrument for determining the international value of an university as well as for the statistical evaluation of scientific research results. The impact of the research measurable through scientometric indicators is analyzed.
Promoting the scientific production of universities through institutional digital repositories deals with the concept of scientific production of the university and the development of scientific research in information society. These concepts are approached through the prism of marketing methods and techniques.
The digital repository is analyzed as a PRODUCT, destined for promoting, archieving and preserving scientific production. Using the marketing mix, the digital repository is analyzed as a new technological product, an instrument for quantifying, preserving, disseminating and promoting the university's scientific production.
A special attention is granted to the behaviour of both the producer and the user of information in the academic environment.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Professional Activity: Professor at the Fine Mechanics and Mechatronics Department , Mechanical Engineering Faculty and Department of Library Science, Letters Faculty, Transilvania University of Brasov,Romania.. COMPETENCIES SKILLS: Information literacy,Information science, Typografic and digitization systems, Management of infodocumentary systems, Informatization systems. SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY:Books published in main publishing houses: 8 ;Articles published: 157; Patents: 1.
Research Activity: Director of 5 research national projects in engineering applied in library science.
Initiation and Development of International Programmes:
LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECT 2005-2006: No. RO/2005/95006/EX;
LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECT 2003-2004: No. RO/2003/PL 91017/EX



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