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Open policy finder international collaboration with the Mir@bel network and French publisher policies

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Mir@bel to increase the journal policy dataset holdings with the addition of publishing and self-archiving policies for a range of French publishers and journals. This is part of our ongoing commitment to operate as a sustainable, inclusive and diverse resource for our users across the globe.


Mir@bel provides a tool for declaring and consulting the publishing and self-archiving policies of French scientific journals. The project to create this service was carried out under the guidance of the Open Science Committee and its working group on publishing policies.

Mir@bel's mission is to “rethink how French journals' publication policies are collected, formatted and distributed in terms of the dissemination of articles and deposits in open archives” and to “give these policies international visibility” in partnership with Jisc and open policy finder.

The Mir@bel site reports on over 20,000 journals, offering links to online content and the navigation of numerous complementary sites.

Our work with Mir@bel

We are delighted to report that over the last 6 months our ongoing collaboration with Mir@bel has enabled us to add over 150 French journal records and their associated open access policies to our database. This improves their visibility to global open policy finder users and helps fill in the gaps of our French publisher coverage.

Our collaboration with Mira@bel will continue further into 2024, when we will be looking at ways to automate the ingest of French publishers' journals and policies into open policy finder via the Mir@bel dataset.

Open policy finder data is used world-wide and therefore we place great value on the high quality international data that is supplied to our users as a result of engaging in these open access stakeholder partnerships.

Keeping up to date with open policy finder

If you have any questions or comments on any of the above, or wish to let us know of anything else open policy finder related, please feel free to contact the open policy finder team via email at: [email protected]. Don't forget to mention open policy finder in the subject line of your email.

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