Financial literacyThe EU is working to ensure that people throughout Europe have the knowledge and skills they need to make good financial decisions.InsuranceThe EU provides a framework for authorities to manage insurance failures effectively.Payment servicesPayment services, single euro payments area (SEPA) and e-moneyPension fundsEU rules governing the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision.Retail financial servicesEU policies to protect consumers and create a single market in retail financial services.Regulacija, nadzor in izvrševanjeEU je uvedla poseben regulativni postopek za finančne storitve. Nadzorno strukturo EU sestavljajo trije organi in odbor za spremljanje sistemskih tveganj.Unija kapitalskih trgov in finančni trgiUnija kapitalskih trgov prinaša bolj povezan trg kapitala v EU in bolj diverzificiran finančni sistem, kar bo sprostilo kapital v Evropi.Bančništvo in zavarovalništvo Predpisi EU o dejavnostih in nadzoru bank, zavarovalnic in pokojninskih skladov v EU ter o možnostih za okrepitev njihove odpornosti na morebitne pretrese in po potrebi za zagotovitev njihovega urejenega izstopa s trga.Sustainable financeThe EU is examining how to make sustainability considerations an integral part of its financial policy in order to support the European green dealDigital financeNew financial technologies can facilitate access to financial services and improve the efficiency of the financial system.Boj proti finančnemu kriminaluPredpisi EU za boj proti pranju denarja in financiranju terorizma.
Financial literacyThe EU is working to ensure that people throughout Europe have the knowledge and skills they need to make good financial decisions.
Pension fundsEU rules governing the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision.
Retail financial servicesEU policies to protect consumers and create a single market in retail financial services.
Regulacija, nadzor in izvrševanjeEU je uvedla poseben regulativni postopek za finančne storitve. Nadzorno strukturo EU sestavljajo trije organi in odbor za spremljanje sistemskih tveganj.
Unija kapitalskih trgov in finančni trgiUnija kapitalskih trgov prinaša bolj povezan trg kapitala v EU in bolj diverzificiran finančni sistem, kar bo sprostilo kapital v Evropi.
Bančništvo in zavarovalništvo Predpisi EU o dejavnostih in nadzoru bank, zavarovalnic in pokojninskih skladov v EU ter o možnostih za okrepitev njihove odpornosti na morebitne pretrese in po potrebi za zagotovitev njihovega urejenega izstopa s trga.
Sustainable financeThe EU is examining how to make sustainability considerations an integral part of its financial policy in order to support the European green deal
Digital financeNew financial technologies can facilitate access to financial services and improve the efficiency of the financial system.