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Effective Solidarity

Constant, effective solidarity with Member States with many arrivals

  • Trigger icon

    The Commission – on its own initiative or upon request - determines that:  a ‘national system is under pressure / at risk’

  • Assessment

    The Commission sets out what other Member States need to do to help the Member State under pressure/at risk:

    • Accept on their own territory some asylum seekers relocated from the Member State in difficulty (destination country receives EU funding)
    • Take responsibility for returning to their countries of origin some persons with no right to remain in the EU
    • Take other operational measures to help
  • correction icon
    If needed, Correction

    If the pledges received fall more than 30% short of the total number of relocations or sponsored returns necessary, then Member States that didn’t pledge are requested to cover at least half of their ‘fair share’ (in relocations or return sponsorship)

    They can always choose between covering relocations or sponsoring returns

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    Legal confirmation

    Commission adopts implementing act to confirm contributions and make them legally binding

Common European asylum and migration governance

Managing migration is a shared European responsibility, which makes it essential that Member
States’ policies are coordinated. Member States with many arrivals must be able to count on the
support of others, and all Member States need to plan to contribute.

  • Legally binding process so EU countries develop their systems, plan, and prepare together
  • Constant guidance and support so national systems become more effective, flexible, resilient

Solidarity and collective responsibility for disembarked persons

Relocation for people rescued at the sea and vulnerable groups

  • Pool of pledges

    Commission to set up a pool of pledges by Member States based on annual projection of needs

  • Solidarity forum

    If not enough pledges (30% shortfall), Commission to convene Solidarity Forum

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    If unsuccessful, Commission to adopt a legal act requiring Member States to either contribute relocation places or other measures

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    If still not enough relocation places, Commission to apply a correction as in the standard solidarity mechanism


  • 23. SEPTEMBRA 2020
Factsheet: New Pact on Migration and Asylum