Ralf Ohlhausen

Ralf Ohlhausen

2720 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


Open Banking, PSD2, Payments, Fintech, E-Commerce and Mobile Telecoms expert with…

Artikel von Ralf Ohlhausen

  • Obstacles per se

    Obstacles per se

    The closer we come to 14th September 2019, the implementation deadline for the RTS on SCA & CSC, which details much of…

    2 Kommentare
  • AI and the Future of Payments (Part 3)

    AI and the Future of Payments (Part 3)

    Author: Ralf Ohlhausen, Business Development Director, PPRO Group In part one of our series about artificial…

  • AI in the Payments Industry (Part 2)

    AI in the Payments Industry (Part 2)

    Author: Ralf Ohlhausen, Business Development Director, PPRO Group In part one of our series about artificial…

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  • Paysafe Grafik



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    Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany

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    Frankfurt Am Main Area, Germany

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    Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany

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    Frankfurt, Germany

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    Miami, USA

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    Miami, USA

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    Kingston, Jamaica

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    London, UK

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    Isle of Man

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    Paris, France

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    Paris, France

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    Paris, France

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    Villingen, Germany

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    Villingen, Germany

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    Villingen, Germany


  • UCL Grafik



  • ETPPA Grafik

    Chair & founding member


    –Heute 7 Jahre 3 Monate

    The European Third Party Providers Association is the official trade organisation representing and promoting the interests of bank-independent TPPs under PSD2 (and beyond), i.e. Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs), Account Information Service Providers (AISPs) and Card Based Payment Instrument Issuers (CBPIIs).

  • Berlin Group openFinance Grafik

    Advisory Board - Co-chair

    Berlin Group openFinance

    –Heute 5 Jahre 8 Monate

    The Berlin Group openFinance Advisory Board (previously NextGenPSD2 Advisory Board) represents the Advisory Group in providing strategic and functional recommendations from a market's perspective for the further development of the Berlin Group API standard.

  • European Payments Council (EPC) Grafik

    Alternate board member

    European Payments Council (EPC)

    –Heute 3 Jahre 8 Monate

    Alternate board member representing the European TPP Association (ETPPA). The EPC represents payment service providers (PSPs) on all European payment issues and strives to harmonise payments to the benefit of European competitiveness and innovation by managing the SEPA payment schemes, which are the rules underlying most of the euro credit transfers and direct debits in Europe.

  • European Commission Grafik

    Payment Systems Market Expert Group (PSMEG) - Member

    European Commission

    –Heute 3 Jahre 9 Monate

    The PSMEG advises the Commission in the area of payments and assists in the preparation of legislative acts and policy initiatives regarding payments.

  • European Commission Grafik

    European Financial Data Space Expert Group (EFDSEG) - Member & Open Finance subgroup co-ordinator

    European Commission

    –Heute 3 Jahre 9 Monate

    The EFDSEG advices the Commission in the field of data reuse and data sharing in the financial sector and assists the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives to further the establishment of a common financial data space in the EU.

  • European Payments Council (EPC) Grafik

    SEPA Payment Account Access Scheme Multi-Stakeholder Group (SPAA MSG) - Member

    European Payments Council (EPC)

    –Heute 6 Jahre 1 Monat

    The SPAA MSG was established by the EPC to take up the role of manager of a pan-European scheme in relation to access to payment accounts - with the legal and regulatory requirements of PSD2 constituting the 'baseline’, but also going beyond such baseline to encompass value-added (‘premium’) services that may be provided in the context of ‘open banking’ as a natural evolution of PSD2, within the contractual framework of a Scheme - in line with the requirements defined in the June 2021 report of…

    The SPAA MSG was established by the EPC to take up the role of manager of a pan-European scheme in relation to access to payment accounts - with the legal and regulatory requirements of PSD2 constituting the 'baseline’, but also going beyond such baseline to encompass value-added (‘premium’) services that may be provided in the context of ‘open banking’ as a natural evolution of PSD2, within the contractual framework of a Scheme - in line with the requirements defined in the June 2021 report of the ERPB Working Group on a SEPA API Access Scheme.

  • European Payments Council (EPC) Grafik

    Mobile SCT/SCT Inst Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSCT MSG) - Member

    European Payments Council (EPC)

    –Heute 6 Jahre 4 Monate

    The MSCT MSG was created to develop Mobile Initiated SEPA Credit Transfer Interoperability Implementation guidelines (including SCT Inst) (MSCT IIGs). The mobile channel is considered to be an important enabler for the further market take-up of credit transfers as a complement to card payments for customer-to-business transactions and person-to-person transactions.

  • European Payments Council (EPC) Grafik

    Scheme Technical Player Multi-Stakeholder Group (STP MSG) - Member

    European Payments Council (EPC)

    –Heute 3 Jahre 4 Monate

    The mission of the STP MSG is to establish and maintain a formal and regular dialogue between the EPC and representatives of technical players who provide to EPC SEPA payment and/or payment-related schemes participants and/or their end-users, technical services facilitating the processing of SEPA payment and payment-related scheme transactions or services.

  • European Central Bank Grafik

    ERPB Inst@POI working group - Member

    European Central Bank

    –Heute 6 Jahre 1 Monat

    The Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB) set up this working group with the participation of relevant stakeholders to analyse the requirements for the pan-European reach of solutions for instant payments at the point of interaction (POI), to help foster the broader setting up of an integrated pan-European instant payment landscape. The working group is currently on hold awaiting the outcome of further ground work by the EPC MSCT MSG.

  • Bank of England Grafik

    Bank of England & Pay.UK Standards Advisory Panel - Member

    Bank of England

    –Heute 6 Jahre 2 Monate

    The Bank of England and Pay.UK have established the Standards Advisory Panel to provide industry advice on the adoption of new payments standards in the UK. A key immediate focus is ISO 20022, but the Panel will also advise on other new payments standards for the UK – such as for financial APIs.

  • Open Banking Grafik

    Strategic Working Group - Member

    Open Banking

    4 Monaten

    Collating views and input from industry and broader stakeholders into the vision and strategic roadmap for further development of open banking to be defined by the UK's Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee (JROC).

  • European Payments Council (EPC) Grafik

    SEPA Request-to-Pay Multi-Stakeholder Group (SRTP MSG) - Member

    European Payments Council (EPC)

    2 Jahre 5 Monate

    The SRTP MSG developed the specifications for an RTP standardisation framework on which the SEPA RTP scheme rulebook has been based. The group has been advising the EPC's SRTP Taskforce by reviewing their deliverables before and after public consultations.

  • European Banking Authority Grafik

    EBA Industry Working Group on APIs under PSD2 - Member

    European Banking Authority

    8 Monaten

    The working group on Application Programming Interfaces under PSD2 (WG-API), chaired by the EBA, identified issues with the application of the Regulatory Technical Standard (RTS) on strong customer authentication and common and secure communication under PSD2 (RTS on SCA&CSC). The external stakeholders in the group were requested to propose solutions on how these issues could be resolved.

  • European Central Bank Grafik

    ERPB SEPA API Access Scheme working group - Member

    European Central Bank

    2 Jahre 1 Monat

    To reap the full benefits of PSD2 for the provision of innovative and competitive PIS and AIS services in an integrated European market, the ERPB agreed that this working group should define the key elements of a Scheme. These key elements shall be developed with the legal and regulatory requirements of PSD2 constituting the “baseline”, but also going beyond such baseline to encompass value-added (‘premium’) services that may be provided in context of ‘open banking’ as a natural evolution of…

    To reap the full benefits of PSD2 for the provision of innovative and competitive PIS and AIS services in an integrated European market, the ERPB agreed that this working group should define the key elements of a Scheme. These key elements shall be developed with the legal and regulatory requirements of PSD2 constituting the “baseline”, but also going beyond such baseline to encompass value-added (‘premium’) services that may be provided in context of ‘open banking’ as a natural evolution of PSD2 within the contractual framework of the Scheme. These key elements could establish the foundation of a possible future rulebook and of possible future implementation guidelines of the Scheme.

  • European Central Bank Grafik

    European Forum for Innovation in Payments (EFIP) - Member

    European Central Bank

    3 Jahre 1 Monat

    The European Central Bank and the European Commission fosters a close cooperation of national payments committees by convening their chairpersons to a European Forum for Innovation in Payments (EFIP). The purpose of the Forum is to contribute to increased economic efficiency and a deeper Single Market by fostering the development of an integrated, innovative and competitive market for retail payments in the EU.

  • European Commission Grafik

    PSD2 Taskforce - Member

    European Commission

    1 Jahr

    Taskforce created by the EC to strengthen the co-operation between Banks and TPPs to avoid customer detriments in the implementation of PSD2 and the RTS on SCA & CSC.

  • Founding Board Member

    Future of European Fintech Coalition

    3 Jahre 10 Monate

    The Future of European Fintech (FoEF) coalition was created to unite forces in order to amend the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) first draft of the PSD2 RTS on SCA & CSC in February 2017 on the provisions governing access to account on behalf of consumers, which was very much against the spirit of PSD2, against the interests of the Fintech world in general and jeopardising the business of TPPs in particular.

  • Open Banking Grafik

    Premium API Prioritisation Group - Member

    Open Banking

    1 Jahr

    The UK Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE) created the Premium API Prioritisation Group to help further shape the future of open banking in the UK. It prioritises enhancements to the Open Banking Standard and ecosystem in order to extend reach and adoption as well as potentially to identify areas of additional value and opportunity for the participants. The initial focus is on the API Evaluation Group recommendations.

  • European Commission Grafik

    API Evaluation Group - Member

    European Commission

    1 Jahr

    The Application Programming Interface (API) Evaluation Group was created by the European Commission (EC) with the support of the Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB) of the ECB. The API EG evaluated standardised API specifications and agreed a set of Recommended Functionalities in order to help ensure that those standards are compliant with the requirements of the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and meet the needs of all market participants.



  • Shortlisted (Top 30) of Payments Power 10


    Every year, the top Payment Industry contributors over the previous 12 months are recognised for their on-going commitment to pushing boundaries in the payments sector or for having shaken up the payments sector by introducing game-changing products or services to the market. Candidates are nominated and voted for by their industry peers.

  • Finalist Four under Forty

    Isle of Man Business Community

    The Four Under Forty awards recognises achievement in business by the cream of the Island's young entrepreneurs.


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