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Statistics Explained

Beginners:Statistics 4 beginners

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At first glance, statistics might be difficult to understand. The aim of the section Statistics 4 beginners in Statistics Explained is to make the world of statistics a bit easier both for pupils and students as well as for all those with an interest in statistics.

Official statistics serve as a basis for decisions for politicians and policy makers: democratic societies cannot function properly without a solid basis of reliable and objective statistics. However, statistics are not only for decision makers, they concern YOU as well! Statistics can answer questions posed at different occasions in everyday life: Is society heading in the direction promised by politicians? Is unemployment up or down? Are there more CO2 emissions compared with ten years ago? How many women have a job? How is my country's economy performing compared to other EU Member States?

In order to be able to better understand statistics, some underlying concepts have to be explained - and this is the aim of Statistics 4 beginners. Just click on one of the workbooks of your interest and you will find easy understandable explanations of statistical indicators and also of some statistical concepts.

Statistics 4 beginners is one of the tools making up the Education corner, a section of Eurostat website that provides interactive tools, videos, games, learning and teaching materials to understand statistics in an easy way. Teachers, students and all those with little or basic statistical knowledge can find a wide array of resources on different statistical topics.

The statistics presented are from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. Its key task is to provide the European Union with high quality statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Eurostat works in partnership with the National Statistical Institutes within the European Statistical System.

Welcome to the world of statistics!

To know more click on one of the workbooks

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