Standard forms for social security rights

Forms that certify your benefits situation when moving within the EU

These forms are useful for exercising your rights to benefits when living and/or working in an EU country other than your own — or having done so in the past.

The forms described on this page are valid if you legally live in an EU country, irrespective of your nationality.

Form Purpose Issuing authority and use
(formerly E 101 E 103)
Statement of applicable legislation. Useful to prove that you pay social security contributions in another EU country as a posted worker or while working in several countries at the same time. Issued by the social security institution of the country where you are insured. If you are posted, this is the institution in the sending country. If you work in various countries at the same time, it depends, but you first need to contact the institution in your country of residence.
(formerly E 106, E 109 and E 121)
Certificate of entitlement to healthcare if you don't live in the country where you are insured. Useful for posted workers, cross-border workers, pensioners and civil servants and their dependants. Issued by your health insurance authority.
Submit it to any health insurance authority in the country where you live.
(formerly E 112)
Authorisation to obtain planned health treatment in another EU or EFTA country. You should be treated the same as a resident of that country - you may have to pay a percentage of the costs up front. Issued by your health insurance authority.
Submit it to the health insurance authority in the country where you go for treatment.
S3 Certificate of entitlement to healthcare in your former country of employment. Useful for retired cross-border workers who are no longer insured in their former country of employment. Issued by your health insurance authority.
Submit it to the health insurance authority of the country where you used to work as a cross-border worker.
(formerly E 301)
Statement of insurance periods to be taken into account when calculating an unemployment benefit. Issued by the public employment service or the competent social security institution in the last country(ies) where you worked.
Submit it to the national employment service in the country where you wish to receive unemployment benefit.
(formerly E 303)
Authorisation to continue receiving unemployment benefit while looking for a job in another country. Issued by the public employment service or the competent social security institution in the country where you became unemployed.
Submit it to the national employment service in the country where you are looking for a job.
U3 Warning to the employment services of the country paying your benefits, reporting changes in your situation which may lead to a revision of your benefit payments. Issued by the public employment service or the competent social security institution of the country where you are looking for a job on the basis of a U2 form.
(formerly E 123)
Certificate of entitlement to medical treatment under special conditions reserved for accidents at work and occupational diseases in another EU country. Issued by your health insurance authority.
Submit it to the health insurance authority of the country where you are staying.
P1 Summary of pension decisions taken in your case by the various institutions in the EU countries from which you have claimed an old age, survivors or invalidity pension. Issued by the pension authority to which you made your pension claim, once the authority has received details of the decisions made by the various authorities who have dealt with your claim.


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Last checked: 27/11/2024
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