This information is also available in: Ukrainian | українська | Russian | русский
The future system for prior authorisation for travel into the EU (ETIAS) is currently not in operation and will not start in the first half of 2025. No action is required from travellers at this point.
For further information, check the ETIAS website.
You call us from inside the EU
- weekdays 9:00 - 18:00 CET
- free of charge from anywhere in the EU
- in any EU official language, Ukrainian or Russian
- Austria: 072 088 0074
- Belgium: 02 808 62 96
- Bulgaria: 024917867
- Croatia: 01 77 76496
- Cyprus: 022030671
- Czech Republic: 0 228 880 017
- Denmark: 089 87 04 73
- Estonia: 06 680 349
- Finland: 075 326 3543
- France: 01 82 88 02 43
- Germany: New number available soon.
- Greece: 02111991864
- Hungary: 06 180 88326
- Ireland: 019039739
- Italy: 06 9480 1042
- Latvia: 0 6868 8110
- Lithuania: 052141153
- Luxembourg: 020 33 15 12
- Malta: 027780013
- Netherlands: 085 888 05 89
- Poland: 0 22 307 04 80
- Portugal: 0308 800 629
- Romania: 037 630 00 33
- Slovakia: 0233 006848
- Slovenia: 082880134
- Spain: 0902.018.345
- Sweden: 0101992439
You call us from outside the EU
- weekdays 9:00 - 18:00 CET
- international phone rates may apply
- an operator will answer in English, but you can then ask to speak to someone in any EU official language
- you can also use Ukrainian or Russian
We call you (for free)
Text "call me" plus your country code & number to
+32 466 9 0 2 0 00 (international phone rates may apply)
or fill in the form below
This service is provided by Europe Direct Contact Centre. The information delivered is not legally binding, regardless of how you contact us.