
ERIH PLUS is an academic journal index for the HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) society in Europe. We provide article search facilitated by Dimensions which allow exploration of the 10 000+ ERIH PLUS journals in detail. We also mark the individual journals thoroughly with key information like open access status and plan S compliance. All are invited to suggest journals to be indexed in ERIH PLUS.

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Is your favourite journal not in ERIH PLUS? Suggest a journal here.


Contact us if the statistic you are looking for is not included.

Information Regarding the Article Search in ERIH PLUS by Dimensions

Published 2023-01-16

Dear colleagues,

We receive a high amount of questions concerning the article search powered by Dimensions. As many researchers are unable to find their articles using the search function, we’d like to point out that only articles containing Crossref DOIs will be found in the article search (all other journals will not be included). Also, it might take a few months before individual articles are searchable due to updates in Dimensions being done about two times a year.

We point out that only Open Access articles will display a full text. Closed journals will only display metadata.

We’d also like to stress that there is no need to send us further documentation concerning individual articles as journals and their articles will automatically find their way to the Dimensions article search.

We’d like to apologize for the inconvenience these restrictions might cause.

Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills

"ERIH PLUS are strongly condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which is also an act against international law. We support Ukraine, and urge Russian scientists to take the actions necessary to stop this war of aggression against a peaceful country.

Even though this is a difficult situation, from the onset of the invasion the Advisory Group of ERIH PLUS has advised not to take down Russian journals or in any other way restrict Russian access to the index. The group have chosen so because a free, critical, and open-minded science should not follow the logic of war but should promote the free exchange of scientific positions.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues reliable information on scientific activities in humanities and social sciences in Russia is unavailable. Therefore the Advisory Group and ERIH PLUS Team decided to put all new submissions of journals from Russia on hold.

Russian journals already indexed in ERIH PLUS will not be affected by this decision. However if the ERIH PLUS becomes aware of journals that have taken an official position in support of the invasion of Ukraine and related policies, the Advisory Group can recommend removal of these journals from the ERIH PLUS list."

Published 2022-04-05, revised 2024-03-13

Archived updates

New email address

2021-09-02: Our new email address is [email protected]

ERIH PLUS is now a service under the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills

2021-07-01: The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills was established on 1 July 2021, under the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. The directorate is a result of the merger of the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku), Skills Norway, and Universell, as well as parts of Unit and the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD). The directorate will also be taking over selected tasks for the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT).

The directorate is the executive agency for the Ministry of Education and Research within the higher education and higher vocational education sectors, and is responsible for the national skills policy. We advise the Ministry, we implement national policies, and we coordinate incentive schemes and management instruments.

The moving of ERIH PLUS to the directorate will have no effect on the ERIH PLUS services

Plan S compliant and Open Access journals

2021-03-11: In ERIH PLUS we have done it easy for you to check if the journal is Plan S compliant. We have done so by adding the Journal Checker Tool to the information page of the journal. The tool will provide you with key information which you need to establish whether the journal is compliant with the Plan S criteria.

You can read more about cOAlition S, who developed the tool and Plan S.

We are also facilitating information in the index about open access. This is done by checking the journal directly to the DOAJ (directory of open access journals) register and the Sherpa Romeo database.

Insightful statistics

2021-02-16: We are pleased to announce the new statistical tool for ERIH PLUS. The tool, which you find just above the search area will give you both journal statistics, and account statistics.

Examples of information you can find by using the tool are:

The statistics are for now not giving information on daily visits to the list, only on the amount of accounts created yearly or in total.


New ERIH PLUS National Experts

2020-07-01: We are pleased to inform that we have recruited new National Experts for the United Kingdom, Russia, the Netherlands, Ireland, Czech Republic and Finland. See our list of National Experts.

ERIH PLUS seminar *Cancelled*

2020-03-13: Dear all,
We are very sorry to inform that, due to the coronavirus outbreak, NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data has decided to suspend or cancel all external meetings and seminars in the near future, including the ERIH PLUS seminar 16 April, as a protective measure and to follow the guidance from the Norwegian government. Hence, we have cancelled hotel rooms and seminar dinner reservations related to the seminar.
We sincerely hope that the cancelling of the ERIH PLUS seminar will not be too much of an inconvenience for you, and we plan to arrange the seminar next year.

Venue location

ERIH PLUS seminar in Bergen (cancelled)

2020-01-23: ERIH PLUS is pleased to announce that the ERIH PLUS seminar will take place from Wednesday 15 - Thursday 16 April 2020 at the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Bergen. The aim is to provide knowledge and give an update on various facets of the research index. The program is available here. The core target group is the National Experts as well as others interested in scholarly communications.

Enquiries regarding the seminar, e.g. if you are interested in participating, can be directed to the ERIH PLUS Team.

New requirements for documentation

2020-01-02: The ERIH PLUS team announces new requirements for documentation regarding journal applications for ERIH PLUS inclusion.

ERIH PLUS by Dimensions cube iconDimensions

2019-06-17: ERIH PLUS by Dimensions is a next-generation linked research information system that makes it easier to find and access the most relevant information, analyze the academic and broader outcomes of research in the Humanities and Social Sciences.  Read more.

OECD Classification

2019-02-26: You can now use OECD classification as a search filter for journals in ERIH PLUS. The OECD-Frascati structure of disciplines will improve the usability of ERIH PLUS data for bibliometric statistics and research purposes.

Additional member of the Advisory Group

2018-10-09: We are pleased to announce that Dr. Gabi Lombardo has joined the ERIH PLUS Advisory Group. Dr. Lombardo is the Director of the European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities, the advocacy and science policy organization […] Read more.

New National Expert countries

2018-10-01: We are strengthening our expertise, as ERIH PLUS has recruited national experts from Germany, Ukraine and Slovenia. See our list of National Experts.

Open Access journals

2018-07-02: ERIH PLUS are marking the journals with DOAJ as a standard for Open Access.
Fact: 1600+ journals in ERIH PLUS are also in DOAJ.

[DOAJ logo]

Privacy Notice regarding GDPR

2018-07-01: Your data and your rights. Read more.

ERIH PLUS — three years at the Norwegian Centre for Research Data

2017-12-20: July 9, 2017 marked ERIH PLUS' three year anniversary here at NSD — The Norwegian Centre for Research Data in Bergen, Norway. To celebrate this anniversary, the ERIH PLUS Team wishes to share some of the developments made over the three year period.  Read more.

ERIH PLUS revision completed

2017-09-06: Between 2015 and 2017 all journals transferred from ERIH to ERIH PLUS were revised against the new ERIH PLUS criteria. The aim of the revision was to ensure that all indexed journals follow the ERIH PLUS standard. The revision process was completed on August 31, 2017. All journals not complying with the ERIH PLUS criteria by this date are no longer indexed. However, the outcome of the revision is not final. ERIH PLUS maintains records of these journals, and they may request a re-evaluation on basis of new documentation indicating compliance with the criteria.  Read more.

Fake academia

2017-03-29: A seminar addressing predatory journals and fake news. See announcement at Bergen Resource Centre for International Development and Centre on Law & Social Transformation.

Open Access as an academic publishing requirement

2016-11-22: By 2020, all academic publications are to be based on the Open Access principle; in other words, they are to be freely accessible. Read more.

Planned downtime during weekend

2019-12-04: Service announcement: Due to server maintenance, all NSD's websites and services will be out of operation between Thursday 5 December 22:00 and Monday 9 December 12:00.

Warning: Service disruptions

2018-10-19: ERIH PLUS may experience service disruptions on 2018-10-20 due to work on infrastructure.

ERIH PLUS revision ending

2017-05-10: All journals transferred to ERIH PLUS as approved journals from the ERIH-register are currently being revised against the ERIH PLUS criteria. Once all ERIH journals have been revised, journals that do not comply with the ERIH PLUS criteria will no longer be listed as approved journals in ERIH PLUS.  Read more.

Downloaded more than 600 times

2016-03-21: We are both surprised and happy to see that our new and free to use downloadable list of all included journals is so much used. Approximately 600 times it has been downloaded in the first month. This tells us that this application has been awaited and that it has improved our service to the research community with interests in Social Sciences and Humanities journals.

Download ERIH PLUS list

2016-02-15: The list is open and free to download.


2015-08-26: Starting fall 2015 all journals transferred from ERIH to ERIH PLUS will be revised against the ERIH PLUS criteria.  Read more.

ERIH PLUS Conference 2015 in Bergen

Summary with presentations

Participants at ERIH PLUS Conference 2015 in Bergen, picture.
Presentations are now available.


NSD will host an ERIH PLUS Conference in Bergen May 28-29 to mark the start of ERIH PLUS. The conference will start with a meeting for the ERIH PLUS Advisory Group on the 28th of May at NSD. On the 29th of May there will be a Conference seminar on Hotel Radisson BLU for the Advisory Group, The National Experts and the NSD staff working with ERIH PLUS. The aim of the Conference is to create a forum for common understanding of ERIH PLUS.

Bergen and Strasbourg, 9th July 2014

The European Science Foundation (ESF) and the NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data are pleased to announce that the transfer of the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) to NSD has been completed and ERIH PLUS is now accessible at the NSD website:


Following the memorandum of understanding signed in January 2014, NSD will now operate the new reference index for scientific journals in the humanities and social sciences. Our goal is to enhance the global visibility of high-quality research in the humanities and social sciences across Europe, and to facilitate access to research journals published in all European languages. ERIH PLUS encompasses the original ERIH lists, which initially only covered the humanities disciplines. The new reference index is called ERIH PLUS, in order to indicate that the list has been extended to also include social science disciplines.


We are pleased to announce that ERIH PLUS is ready to receive submissions for the inclusion of journals.

To be included, the scientific journal must meet the benchmark standards described here.

For submissions of new journals for inclusion in ERIH PLUS, please submit new journal.

All suggestions are guaranteed a response regardless of the outcome of the evaluation process. The suggestion will be evaluated by the ERIH PLUS team in due time. The waiting time for new suggestions to be processed is currently about one month.

Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
Postbox 1093, 5809 Bergen
Phone: (+47) 55 30 38 00
Email: [email protected]

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