United Nations Public Service Award Winners








Initiative: Community Peace Center (COMPAZ) 


Institution: City Hall of Recife


Problem: The Community Peace Centers (COMPAZ) aims to address a shortfall in institutional fragmentation in security and public service delivery. Security policy in Brazil has traditionally been focused on repression. Instead of combating drug trafficking and violence solely by police, COMPAZ focuses on strengthening criminal prevention networks and providing quality services to the most economically and socially vulnerable people who are often overlooked.


Solution: COMPAZ was established in the City of Recife’s 16 of 94 neighborhoods with a high incidence of lethal violent crimes and social inequities. The project is part of a larger multi-level public security policy implemented by the state government of Pernambuco, called “Pacto pela Vida,” that aims to increase safety in areas with high crime rates. COMPAZ encompasses a crime prevention strategy that includes educational, cultural, and recreational activities to keep young people off the streets in a safe environment.


Impact: Close to 40 percent of the city’s population is within a 3 km radius of the COMPAZ. They increase the accessibility of the services to low-income groups who have previously been excluded and unattended.












Category 2:

Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs


Related SDGs: 










Latin America and the Caribbean Group


More information: 

Community Peace Center (COMPAZ)
Website: https://www2.recife.pe.gov.br

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