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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • The submission included the author's Orcid and affiliation.

Author Guidelines


■ Articles are accepted in English, Portuguese, French and Spanish.

■ Papers must be properly identified by the author, title and ORCID ID.

■ The same author cannot submit more than one original paper per issue. 

■ Articles should not exceed 20 pages, otherwise they will be archived.

■ Authors must submit two copies of the paper, one of them cannot bear the name of the author or authors or their affiliation.

■ Papers should be saved to a Word file, A4 size (21 cm x 29.7 cm), with top and left margins of 3 cm and right and bottom of 2 cm. The font should be Arial, size 12.

■ Line spacing should be of 1.5, paragraphs justified with first lines indented by 1 cm.


When possible, papers should be structured accordingly to the standard scientific research standard: abstract, introduction (context and objectives); literature review with a description of the sources, materials and methods; presentation and discussion of the results achieved, conclusions and references.


■ Titles should be written in Portuguese or in the mother tongue in lowercase characters, Arial 16, and centred on the top of the first page;

■ The title translated into English should be written in similar formatting;

■The author's full name, with the last name in upper case characters, should be written on right-aligned two lines below the title;

Scientific affiliations occupation, Department, Faculty, School, and / or Research Centre, Postgraduate Program (for 2rd and 3rd cycle students) or Undergraduate course (for 1st cycle students), University, postal address, city, country and electronic address of the author, in a footnote called at the end of the author's name;

■ The abstract, in Portuguese or native language (two hundred words maximum), should be written two lines below the authors’ names, without any indentation and single-spaced;

■ Also in single-space format and below the abstract, the keywords in Portuguese (maximum of 7), separated by semicolons.

The Editorial Board recommends that keywords be taken from Thesauri of the research topic or from the general concepts of the broader research field to facilitate the references queries;

■ One line down, the abstract and keywords should be translated into English;

■ Two lines down from the keywords, the text should be typed in double-spaced format. The section´s headings have to be typed in bold and left-aligned;

■ Two lines after the end of the text to the left, in bold without indentation, must contain the acknowledgements (if any);

■ Two lines down, left, and no indentation, should feature references in alphabetical and chronological order, indicating the works cited in the text;

■ Additional or optional references which were not referred along the paper may follow the reference list also in alphabetical and chronological order.



ISO 690

The references to bibliographic and documentary sources should follow the ISO 690:2010 standard for footnotes.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the international reference body for Standardization International standards. ISO 690:2010 establishes the order for the bibliographical references and the conventions for the transcription and presentation of information coming from different sources.

1. General Guidelines

author | title | place of publication | editor | date of publication | number | availability and access to electronic documents

2. Printed Documents

volumes and parts of books | articles, chapters, etc. in books | journals, newspapers, etc. | theses, dissertations and other academic events | communications in congress | standards | patents

3. Electronic Documents

e-books, database and software | articles and chapters, etc. in e-books | articles in electronic documents: journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.


1. General Guidelines

  • Creator

Person or entity who is responsible for the intellectual and/or artistic content of a document. A person name is indicated in an inverted form (SURNAME, Names) and an entity is indicated in a direct form. When the author has more than one surname, the entry is always made by the last surname, except for the Spanish-speaking authors (Spanish or Latin American), whose surname is the first after the first name, and not the last.


CALIXTO, José António

MERLO VEGA, José Antonio

Up to three authors, all are listed in the same order they appear in the document. 


CANOTILHO, J. J. Gomes, FERREIRA, Luís e NEGRÃO, Fernando

When there are more than three people, the name of the primary author is given, followed by “et al.” (et alii). 


MOREIRA, Vital, et al.

Note: When the author is unknown, or there is no single person that can be considered to be the creator of the work, the main element in the reference should be the title of the work.

  • Title

The title of the publication must be typographically highlighted, preferably in italics. In book chapters or parts of books, papers published in books of proceedings and journal articles, the title to be highlighted is not that of the chapter, communication or article, but that of the book or the journal in which the referenced text is inserted.

Book titles are written in small letters, except the first word and proper or collective names; the titles of journals or conference proceedings are always written with capital letters at the beginning of each word.


Book title: Um ensaio sobre a constituição da Europa.

Journal title: Revista de Direito Penal Internacional.

Book of proceedings title: Atas do Colóquio Censura e Liberdade de Expressão em Portugal.

  • Edition

The mention to the edition number is only mandatory from the 2nd edition onwards and is indicated after the title.

  • Place

The place of publication must be transcribed in the language of the document. 

Up to three places – All the places are mentioned, separated by semicolons (;). 
More than three places – Only the first one is mentioned.


Lisboa; Madrid 

If the city of publication is uncertain, place a probable location between square brackets with a question mark.



If the city of publication is not specified, use the abbreviation [s. l.] (sine loco), i.e. without a location.


[s. l.]

  • Publisher

The publisher must be transcribed in the language of the document. If more than one publisher appears in a document, follow the same criteria applied for the place of publication. When the publisher is unknown, use the abbreviation [s. n.], which means sine nomine, that is, without a name.

  • Date

The date is usually indicated by mentioning the year of publication. When there is no publication date, the copyright or printing date.


DL 1998
cop. 1997
imp. 2003

If the date does not appear in the material referenced, give an approximate date:


[ca. 1962] 

In electronic documents, the date of publication, update/revision and consultation can be presented in two ways:


[17 May 2001] 

  • Issue Number

The issue number is a mandatory element in bibliographic references to periodical publications: volume, issue, number, etc.


vol. 20, n. º 1, pp. 25-45 or 20(1), 25-45

  1. º 3
  • Availability and Access

When referencing online resources, information about their availability and access must be provided, with the words “Available from”.


Available from: <> 
Available from: listserv@nome_da_lista


2. Printed Documents

  • Books

SURNAME, Names. Title: subtitle. Edition. Place: Publisher, Date. ISBN.


MINTZBERG, Henry. Estrutura e dinâmica das organizações. 3ª ed.  Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2004. ISBN 972-20-1147-2.

  • Book Chapters

SURNAME, Names. Chapter title: subtitle. In: SURNAME, Name. Title: subtitle of book. Edition. Place: Publisher, Date, Page numbers. ISBN.


MORGAN, Eleonor J. A política da concorrência na União Europeia. In HEALEY, Nigel. A doutrina económica da nova Europa. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget, DL 1997, pp. 279-297.

  • Journal Articles

SURNAME, Names. Article Title. Journal Title: subtitle. Edition. Place: Publisher, Date, Volume, Number, Page numbers. ISSN.


KALNINS, Arthurs and MAYER, Kyle J. Relationships and hybrid contracts: an analysis of contact choice in information technology. The Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, April 2004, vol. 20, nº 1, pp. 207-229. ISSN 2402-0712.

  • Academic Works

SURNAME, Names. Title: subtitle. Type of work or degree, Institution, Place, Date.


SANTOS, Maria Alice Teixeira dos. Avaliação de sítios educativos de apoio à aprendizagem da língua portuguesa. Master Thesis, Universidade Portucalense, Porto, 2012.

  • Conference Paper

SURNAME, Names. Paper title: subtitle. In Title of Conference Proceedings. Place: Publisher, Date, Page Numbers. ISBN.


NUNES, Manuela Barreto, et al. O papel social das bibliotecas públicas. In Nas encruzilhadas da informação e da cultura: (re)inventar a profissão: actas do Congresso Nacional de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas, 8, Estoril, 2004. Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas, 2004. pp. 54-76. ISBN 978-972-4851-0.

  • Legislative documents
  • Standards, Codes, etc.:

SURNAME, Names. Title. Place: Publisher, Date, Volume/Series Number. ISBN.

Note: the author for legislative documents such as Civil, Criminal Codes, etc., is PORTUGAL. In case of an annotated or commented document, the entry can be made by the author of the notes and comments. In case of Plans, Projects, etc. without an identified author, the entry is made by title.


PORTUGAL. Código de Processo Penal. Coimbra: Almedina, 2001.

ARAÚJO, Laurentino da Silva, anot. Código de Processo Penal: actualizado e anotado. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 1960.

Il Plano de Fomento (1959-1964): proposta de lei e projecto do II Plano. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1959, vol. 1.

  • Legislative Documents
  • Acts, decrees, orders, resolutions, etc., published in Diário da República:

Title. Publication Title. Place: Publisher, Date, Number, Page Numbers.


Despacho n. º 1947/2018. Diário da República, 2º Série. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2018-02-23, nº 39, p. 5984.


3. Electronic Documents

  • E-books

SURNAME, Names. Title: subtitle [online]. Edition. Place: Publisher, Date [Viewed date]. ISBN. Available from: <URL>

Example in Portuguese:

GERWICK, Ben C. Construction of marine and offshore structures [em linha]. 2.ª ed. Boca Raton; London: CRC Press, 2000 [consult. 19 Agosto 2004]. Disponível em: <http… >

Example in English:

GERWICK, Ben C. Construction of marine and offshore structures [online]. 2nd ed. Boca Raton; London: CRC Press, 2000 [viewed 19 August 2004]. Available from: <http…>

  • E-book Chapters

SURNAME, Names. Title of chapter. In: Title of e-book [online].  Edition. Place: Publisher, Date, Page numbers [viewed date]. ISBN. Available from: https://

Example in Portuguese:

AMYES, Tina L., TOTEVA, Maria M., and RICHARD, John P. Crossing the Borderline between SN1 and SN2 Nucleophilic Substitution at Aliphatic Carbon. In: Reactive Intermediate Chemistry [em linha]. Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience, cop. 2004, pp. 41-68 [consult. 11 Dezembro 2008]. ISBN 978-0-471-72149-9. Disponível em: 

Example in English:

AMYES, Tina L., TOTEVA, Maria M., and RICHARD, John P. Crossing the Borderline between SN1 and SN2 Nucleophilic Substitution at Aliphatic Carbon. In Reactive Intermediate Chemistry [Online]. Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience, cop. 2004, pp. 41-68 [viewed 11 December 2008]. ISBN 978-0-471-72149-9. Available from: 

  • Electronic Journal Articles

SURNAME, Names. Article Title: subtitle. Journal Title: subtitle [online]. Edition. Place: Publisher, Date, Volume, Number, Page numbers [viewed date]. ISSN. Available from: https://

Example in Portuguese:

MASTROFSKI, Stephen D. Controlling Street-Level Police Discretion. The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science [em linha]. Abril 2004, vol. 593, nº 1, pp. 100-118 [consultado em 2004-09-19]. Disponível em: <http…>

Example in English:

MASTROFSKI, Stephen D. Controlling Street-Level Police Discretion. The Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science [online]. April 2004, vol.593, n. 1, pp. 100-118. Available from: <http…>


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.