An official website of the European Union
Developers' corner for reusers
The TED website provides several web application programming interfaces (APIs).
These APIs let you:
- Search and retrieve data published on the TED portal (TED search API)
- Download notices in various formats using direct links
- Download XML notices in bulk
- Download the release calendar
The TED website also provides RSS feeds
Since 14 November 2022, the notices available on the TED website use both eForms and TED schema forms:
- eForms are set out in Regulation (EU) 2019/1780 introducing new procurement standard forms (valid from 14 November 2022).
- TED schema forms are set out in Regulation (EU) 2015/1986 and are based on a Publications Office interoperability standard.
Information for both eForms and TED schema forms is available in TED Developer Docs
Search and retrieve data published on the TED portal (TED search API)
The TED search API can be accessed anonymously, so you can use the website’s search engine to find specific procurement notices.
The documentation of TED search API is available on
Download notices in various formats using direct links
You can download a notice using a direct link, in any EU official languages and in the following formats: HTML, HTML download, Signed PDF and Non-signed PDF.
The format of the URLs of the direct link is as follows:{lang}/notice/{publication-number}/{format}
- {lang} is the language (e.g. en, de)
- {publication-number} is the publication number (e.g. 1-2024, 87654321-2024 )
- {format} can be :
- html: to display the HTML download file
- pdf: to download the notice as PDF
- pdfs: to download the notice as signed PDF
Furthermore, you can download notices using a direct link in XML format.
The format of the URL of the direct link is as follows:{publication-number}/xml
Download XML notices in bulk
You can download XML notices in bulk from the TED portal via the page XML bulk download in the TED website.
A single archive (XML package) contains all the notices for the chosen day or for the chosen month.
The XML packages contain XML files numbered in two ways:
- for eForms notices the XML files have 8 digits followed by the year (e.g. 00654321_2022.xml)
- for TED schema notices the XML files have 6 digits followed by the year (e.g. 123456_2022.xml)
The Format of the URLs to download packages are as follows:
- URL format for daily packages:{yyyynnnnn}
where {yyyynnnnn} is the OJ S number.
Example - Download the daily package of the OJ S 1 / 2024:
- URL format for monthly packages:{yyyy-n}
where {yyyy-n} is the year and the month.
Example - Download the monthly package of January 2024:
Download the release calendar
You can download the list of the OJ S releases per year via the page Release calendar on the TED website.
The format of the URLs to download the release calendar is as follows:{lang}/release-calendar/-/download/file/{format}/{year}
- {lang} is the language (e.g. en, de)
- {format} can be: XLS, PDF, CSV
- {year} is the year (e.g. 2023, 2024)
TED subsets in CSV format
A subset of TED data covering the most important fields from contract notices and contract award notices in comma separated value (CSV) format is available at
Fair usage policy on TED
Operation | Limits |
Visualize or download notices from a single IP | 600 visualizations or downloads in less than 6 minutes |
HTTP requests | 700 requests in the last minute |
Download daily or monthly packages HTTPS service | 3 concurrent downloads |
The architecture of the TED portal has been designed as follows:
- The Web pages are fully powered by a CMS enabling a better and tailored user experience. This CMS is efficient within a specific range of loads.
- A dedicated public API to search notices and direct link to download their contents which is efficient and scalable.
On this basis, the Publications Office strongly recommends that technical users use the public API to benefit from its performance and scalability and to leave CMS resources available for common users.