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Small businesses are very important.

Lots of people work in small businesses.

The economy is strong

only if small businesses do well.


Most businesses in Europe

are small or medium-sized.

These businesses are also called SMEs.

SME stands for small or medium-sized enterprise.

How we invest in small and medium-sized enterprises

Many small and medium-sized enterprises

have new ideas or products.

Their ideas and products

can help other people or protect the environment.

These small and medium-sized enterprises

can create more jobs for people.


But because they are small

banks often do not want

to lend money to them.

The banks think small and

medium-sized enterprises are too risky.


Without a loan from a bank

small and medium-sized enterprises

cannot make their ideas

into real products.


Even if they have a product,

they cannot make enough of it

to become a big company.



Sometimes small and medium-size enterprises

need more money

to make their products.


One way to get more money

is to borrow it from a bank.


This is called

taking out a loan.


Banks sometimes decide it is too risky

to give loans to small and medium-sized enterprises

because small and medium-sized enterprises

are often new companies.


They do not have a lot of experience.

They cannot show banks

that they already know how to make a profit.


Banks also find small and medium-sized enterprises risky

because small and medium-sized enterprises usually

do not have a lot of money of their own.

This money is called equity.


Our job is to

take a risk by lending to small

and medium-sized enterprises

because we are owned by the European Union (EU).


We support EU policy and the EU economy.

We do not aim to make a profit.


We make loans to small and medium-sized enterprises

even when other banks will not make loans,

because small and medium-sized enterprises

are important to the economy.


When we make loans to small and medium-sized enterprises,

other banks join in and also give loans to them.


Small and medium-sized enterprises pay a fee

when they take out a loan.

This fee is called an interest rate.


When we make a loan

our interest rate is very low.

We do not want to make a profit.

We are a non-profit organisation.

We just want the small and medium-sized enterprises

to make a profit.


We want people to have jobs

at the small and medium-sized enterprises.


Sometimes we guarantee

the loans a bank makes

to small and medium-sized enterprises.


If the small and medium-sized enterprises

cannot pay the loan back,

the bank loses money.

We pay the bank

as much money as it lost.


The bank takes less risk

when it makes a guaranteed loan,

so it will be happy to make lots of loans.

That is good for the economy.


Most of the time we support

small and medium-sized enterprises

by making loans.


Sometimes we also buy part of a

small and medium-sized enterprise.

This is called funding.


Our funding supports

small and medium-sized enterprises

that cannot take a traditional bank loan.


But most of the time,

we do not buy part of a

small or medium-sized enterprise.


Instead, we invest in a fund.

The fund invests in

small and medium-sized enterprises.


A fund puts together money from other investors

to invest in different things.


When we give money to a fund,

we usually invest

for more than ten years.


The fund manager

decides what to do with the money.

The manager chooses which

small or medium-sized enterprise to invest in.


We do not decide.

This is called a hands-off approach.


What else do we offer to small and medium-sized enterprises?

Advisory services

Because we have a lot of experience

we can also give advice to

small and medium-sized enterprises.


We have experts who know about

many different types of business.


They help small and medium-sized enterprises

prepare the documents they need

to ask a bank for a loan.


They help small and medium-sized enterprises

prepare the documents they need

to apply for a grant from the European Union.

How to apply?

How does a small or medium-sized enterprise

qualify for a loan from the European Investment Bank?


A small or medium-sized enterprise

must be able to show

how successful it is.

This means it needs a 

financial track record.


It needs a written document

that gives a clear outline

of the company’s future.

This is called a business plan.


The small and medium-sized enterprise

needs to explain how the loan

will improve the company.

It needs to explain

how it will spend the money,

when it gets a loan.

This is called an investment plan.

How to apply for a loan