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What is cohesion?

The European Union's Cohesion Policy helps to ensure there are no gaps between countries and between different areas and regions in the same country. It supports key EU goals, such as the green and digital transition.

The EIB was born to support and finance cohesion throughout Europe. Since 1958, we have targeted support for projects in less-developed regions. Our cohesion financing supports projects in EU regions with gross domestic product (GDP) per capita below the EU average. Less developed and transition regions need specific types of support to reach their potential and to make sure that everyone in the European Union has a good quality of life.

In 2024, over €38.2 billion, or 48% of EIB Group total financing in the European Union, went to cohesion regions. More support for high-impact projects is critical to reduce regional socio-economic disparities and promote a vibrant economy across the EU.

EU regions who need it the most

The EU Cohesion Policy defines the following categories of regions:

  Less developed regions, which have a GDP per inhabitant that is less than 75% of the EU average

  Transition regions, which have a GDP per inhabitant that is between 75% and 100% of the EU average

  More developed regions which have a GDP per inhabitant that is above 100% of the EU average

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EIB Group activities in EU cohesion regions 2023

Our cohesion projects on the ground

Watch how we contribute to a cohesive and inclusive Europe

Find out about our EIB-financed cohesion projects in Europe

Our cohesion stories in the spotlight

Working with the European Union

We support the EU’s Territorial Agenda 2030

The EIB supports the Territorial Agenda 2030, a strategic policy document that outlines the goals for Europe, its regions, and its communities. This document defines two overarching objectives: a Just Europe and a Green Europe, with six priorities for developing the continent and all its places.

Balanced Europe

Better balanced territorial development utilising Europe's diversity.

Functional regions

Local and regional development, less inequality between places.

Integration beyond borders

Living and working across national borders.

Today, the EIB helps with important investments and gives technical advice. Many of these
activities help meet the goals and priorities of the Territorial Agenda 2030.

Healthy Environment

Better ecological livelihoods and climate neutral towns, cities and regions.

Circular Economy

Strong and sustainable local economies in a globalised world.

Sustainable Connections

Sustainable digital and physical connectivity of places.

Today, the EIB helps with important investments and gives technical advice. Many of these
activities help meet the goals and priorities of the Territorial Agenda 2030.

A Just Transition

The EU aims to become the first carbon-neutral economic union by 2050. While the advantages of decarbonisation are global, the costs are not. Regions dependent on mining and emission-intensive manufacturing will be hit hardest.

A Just Transition makes sure that the transition to a low-carbon economy is done in a way that doesn't have a negative impact on the people and places that are most affected.


How we support a Just Transition

Many of the worst affected EU regions already have low incomes or have a long history of industrial decline. It takes many changes to move away from coal mining and CO2-intensive energy and industrial production, for example:

  • Find new sources of heat and electricity.
  • Clean up mining sites.
  • Attract new businesses and invest in infrastructure to make up for the loss of jobs, value added, and tax revenue.

The Just Transition Mechanism addresses the social and economic effects of the transition. It focusses on the regions, industries and workers who will face the greatest challenges. The mechanism supports projects located in or benefiting one of the Just Transition regions jointly identified by Member States and the European Commission in the Territorial Just Transition Plans.
The Just Transition Mechanism has three pillars:

The Just Transition Mechanism will primarily assist areas in EIB Cohesion priority regions. This means that there will be strong synergies between Cohesion and Just Transition.

The EIB Group:

The EIB will co-operate with other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to support Just Transition outside the EU, following the MDB Just Transition High-level principles.

Cohesive and creative

Our key publications

Projects eligible for financing

We finance regional and cohesion policy projects under the following policy objectives:

What we offer

Our lending, our financial instruments, and also our technical assistance and advisory services can support the regions and people with furthest to go

Our cohesion loans must address at least one of the EIB's four priorities: innovation, infrastructure, small businesses, and environmental sustainability. In cohesion regions, we fund both public and private sectors.

For municipalities and regional governments

Based on the size of the project, the EIB offers a wide range of financing instruments for municipalities and regional governments, ranging from investment loans for big projects to framework loans for smaller multi-sector initiatives.

Our structural programme loans can also help deliver the EU budget's shared management funds (formerly known as the European Structural and Investment Funds, or ESIF).

For small businesses, mid-caps and large corporates

Engineers and economists evaluate every project that the EIB finances, and the EIB makes this expertise available to promoters, regional and national governments, and financial intermediaries in cohesion regions to improve the technical and financial quality of their projects.


Innovation Fund - Project Development Assistance (PDA)

Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions (JASPERS)

Project Advisory Support Service Agreement (PASSA)

EU countries can give part of their shared management funds to the InvestEU Fund by setting up a "Member State compartment." These countries can benefit from the EU guarantee's high credit rating, which allows more risky projects to be financed.