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about the ENIC-NARIC networks

The ENIC-NARIC Networks are the result of an ongoing collaboration between the national information centres on academic recognition of qualifications of in total 56 countries, which are operating under the principles of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (1997).

The joint website of the ENIC (European Network of Information Centres) and NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centres in the European Union) Networks is an initiative to enhance navigation to relevant online resources.

This website aims to help interested organisations and individuals find information on current issues in international academic and professional mobility, and on procedures for the recognition of foreign qualifications, and to support ENIC-NARIC member organisations, directing them to up-to-date information supplied and maintained by the competent bodies in each member country.

Find more details about the national information centres’ role & responsibilities, information on the governance of the Lisbon Recognition Convention and the governance of the ENIC-NARIC Networks.

This website is a joint initiative of the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.


Select a country of interest to obtain information on its national system of (higher) education:

our activities

ENIC-NARIC and the world

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