Publisher workshop: metadata, Open Access and more

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Publisher workshop: metadata, Open Access and more

By Crossref & the British Library

Date and time

Tuesday, February 5, 2019 · 1 - 5pm GMT


Brontë Room

British Library Conference Centre 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB United Kingdom


We’d like to invite you to join us to talk open access, metadata, data citation and legal deposit alongside colleagues from other publishers. This free event is aimed at smaller publishers, university presses and other organisations trying to get to grips with all of the above.

Crossref and the British Library are co-hosting a free event on 5th February from 1pm - 5pm in the Brontë Room in the Conference Centre at the British Library and it would be great to see you there. We’re going to share updates on what we’re working on, and we’re keen to hear what questions you have, challenges you’re facing and what’s coming up on the horizon.

The agenda for the day is as follows:

13:00-13:15 Introductions

13:15-14:15 Love your metadata: Crossref overview, updates and new tools for publishers, Rachael Lammey, Head of Community Outreach, Crossref

14:15-14.45 Best practice for data citation, Jez Cope, Data Lead, British Library

14.45 -15:15 Afternoon tea

15:15 -15:45 Legal deposit requirements, Ian Cooke, Head of Contemporary British Collections & Andrew Davis, Legal Deposit Publisher Relations Manager, British Library

15:45 -16:30 Open access workshop, Tom Mowlam, Director of Operations, Ubiquity Press and Dimity Flanagan, Scholarly Communications Lead, British Library

16.30 -16.45 Discussion

16:45-17:00 Close

We’ll share slides and notes after the event, and if you have any questions/things you’d like us to cover, do let us know. We’ll look forward to seeing you then!

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