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ISSN newsletter
  N°6 - July 16, 2012 ISSN 2221-8009  
News   ISSN News

ISSN Award:  ISSN National Centre of Bosnia and Herzegovina awarded

Congratulations to the Bosnia and Herzegovina Centre, which has won the ISSN Award 2012 ! Our colleague  Viktorija Martincevic-Huseincehajic will attend a one-week training session at the ISSN International Centre in Paris in fall 2012.

Contribution of the ISSN National Centre of Argentina to a book about the impact and the visibility of scientific reviews
The book "Impacto y visibilidad de las revistas científicas " recently published by the National Library of Argentina and the Argentine Centre for Scientific and Technologic Information CAICYT  (hosting institution of the ISSN National Centre of Argentina) is available online. The completion of this work was possible thanks to the editing done by Ms. Maria Sol Piccone and Ms. Magdalena Jousset, staff members of CAICYT. The book comprises a detailed description of the ISSN activities in Argentina on pages 14 to 17.

Presentation about the harmonization between ISSN, ISBD and RDA rules by Regina Romano Reynolds at the ALA Annual Conference

Regina Romano Reynolds, Director of the US ISSN Center at the Library of Congress, delivered a presentation about the harmonization process between ISSN, ISBD and RDA during the last ALA annual Conference (American Library Association, Anaheim, 21-26 June 2012) entitled "ISSN, FRBR and RDA: harmonies and dissonances."

Discussions about ISSN cataloguing and FRBR model during the IFLA Conference 2012
ISSN Representatives  have been asked by the FRBR Review Group (IFLA Cataloguing Section) to share their questions about the application of the FRBR model to serials and continuing resources during a meeting to be held during the IFLA Conference.  This is a very good opportunity for the ISSN Network to start cooperating with this Group in charge of the IFLA FRBR family of conceptual models.

The Keepers Registry: draft of inclusion criteria for archiving agencies
A public draft of inclusion criteria for archiving agencies that wish to participate in the Keepers Registry is now available for public review.  The Keepers Registry service makes available easily accessible information about the inclusion of journals in preservation services. It is being developed by EDINA (UK) along with the ISSN International Centre.  The deadline for feedback and community input is 31st July 2012.

Standard   Standards

    Bowker Becomes First ISNI Registration Agency in the US
Bowker is the first U.S. registration agency for the new ISO-certified naming standard – ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier). Bowker will use its experience registering International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) to create a simple process for assigning ISNI’s unique 16-digit code to public identities in media content industries who are involved in the creation, production, management, and content distribution chains. (Bowker, 2012-06-21).

Implementing DOIs for Research Data
The Australian National Data Service (ANDS) partnered with DataCite to offer a DOI minting service. Such a project raised governance questions (What type of material should be assigned a DOI? Is the DOI a replacement or a complement to other persistent identifiers? At what level of granularity should a DOI be applied? …) presented by Natasha Simons, Senior Project Manager at Griffith University. (D-Lib Magazine,  Volume 18, Number 5-6, May-June 2012) 

RSS   Publishing, Information Industry, Technology 
Knowledge Base and Link Resolver Study: General Findings

This report, ordered by the National Library of Sweden, summarizes research conducted on OpenURL Link Resolvers and their associated Knowledge Bases. It includes information collected from the providers of these products as well as data provided by the libraries that use them regarding their experiences of their quality and effectiveness. The study focuses primarily on the knowledge bases, though it also examines the functionality offered in the link resolvers. In addition to these characterizations of the products, the report also provides observations regarding the role that these products play in the broader landscape of library automation and some of the trends currently in motion. (Marshall Breeding for the National Library of Sweden, 2012-07)

Duplicate and Fake Publications in the Scientific Literature: How many SCIgen papers in Computer Science?
Duplicate and fake publications are appearing in scientific conferences and, as a result, in the bibliographic services which accept and index these publications. Cyril and Dominique Labbé demonstrate a software method of detecting them. (Scientometrics, 2012-06)

Citation Cartel Journals Denied 2011 Impact Factor
Thomson Reuters has released the 2011 edition of the Journal Citation Report (JCR), promoting increased coverage of regional journals and listing 526 new journals receiving their first journal impact factor. Far less conspicuous was a list of 51 journals that were suspended from this year’s report due to “anomalous citation patterns.” (The Scholarly Kitchen , 2012-06-29)

Finch Report: an Important Step Toward UK Open Access Policy but Significant Questions Remain on Implementation

PLoS (Public Library of Science) welcomes the “Finch Report” recommendation to adopt open access of publicly funded research in the UK but regrets that the study does not give sufficient consideration to the investment in repositories by UK higher education institutions.
Authors of the “Finch Report” were charged with recommending how to develop a model, which would be both effective and sustainable over time, for expanding access to the published findings of research. (PLoS, 2012-06-29)

IOP Publishing and China National Knowledge Infrastructure in deal to create IOP Journal Metadata Database
Non-profit scientific publisher IOP Publishing, UK, has announced an agreement with the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) to create an IOP Journal Metadata Database. As a result of this arrangement researchers at Chinese institutions can now search the IOP Journal Metadata Database, by keyword, to find IOP-hosted articles. The database, hosted on CNKI’s website, will include articles published in IOP journals from 1874 to the present. It can be used to find article titles, keywords, abstracts, authors, author affiliations, journal titles, article DOIs and journal ISSNs. (Knowledgespeak, 2012-06-28)

Virtual Science Library: an example of aggregated service
The Virtual Science Library (VSL) Open Portal is a free gateway providing access to a wide range of research publications (journals, books …) and databases. The Virtual Science Library program was created by CRDF, an independent non-profit organisation which aims to support and strengthen Research and Development (R&D) through collaborating with research institutions in the regions by offering grants, technical resources and services. (FAO, 2012-06-26)

International collaboration to help transform the way libraries manage their resources
Kuali OLE, one of the largest academic library software collaborations in the United States, and JISC, the UK’s expert on digital technologies for education and research, announce a collaboration that will make data about e-resources—such as publication and licensing information—more easily available. (JISC, 2012-06-13)

Hindawi’s ISRN Brand Offers to Pay for Articles
Cairo-based Hindawi Publishing Corporation is apparently launching a new strategy to invigorate its ISRN (International Scholarly Research Network) brand. The strategy involves paying scholars to write papers to help make the brand’s 106 journals more attractive to other potential authors. (Scholarly Open Access, 2012-06-12)

Making journals free after six months
A report commissioned by The Publishers Association and the Association of Learned, Professional and Society Publishers (ALPSP), 'The potential effect of making journals free after a six month embargo', suggests that an across-the-board mandate to make journals free after a six month embargo might have a material effect on libraries' subscriptions, and that the impact on publishers' revenues would be considerable. Higher education institutions' libraries might be impacted by the collapse or scaling down of academic publishing houses. The most distinguished research institutions would, the report suggests, be affected the most, since published outputs are essential for the work carried out by their researchers. The report indicates that STM publishers could expect to retain full subscriptions from 56% of libraries, compared with 35% for AHSS publishers (The Publishers Association, 2012-06-01)

Libraries   Libraries

    Do Librarians Need to Know Anything?
“Fewer and fewer LIS students will know what incunabula are. And that’s ok. Although the traditional formats of information are dying, the pulse of librarianship has never been more vibrant. The mediums through which people access knowledge are transforming, and it’s time our sensibilities and expectations transform with them.” This point of view, posted on a library school blog, is discussed by the AnnoyedLibrarian (Annoyedlibrarian, 2012-07-09).

The 2012 Blog Award Winners

For the third time, Salem Press, a division of EBSCO publishing, awarded 8 library blogs. Salem Press announced as well the update of its Library Blog Directory, that comprises nearly 1300 blogs and counting to date. (Salem Press, 2012-06)

New European Library Portal Launched

The European Library is a new discovery service that provides access to the collections of the national libraries of 46 European countries, plus a growing number of research libraries. Content accessible from the new service includes rare books, manuscripts, images, and video. (Information Today, 2012-06-28)

A study into the behavioural habits of the “Generation Y” PhD students released by JISC and the British Library

Research students need more face-to-face and informal support tailored to their own subject area to help them embrace open web technologies and social media fully, according to the UK’s largest study of doctoral students commissioned by the technology consortium JISC and the British Library. (British Library, 2012-06-28)

OCLC adds Linked Data to
OCLC is taking the first step toward adding linked data to WorldCat by appending descriptive mark-up to pages. With the addition of mark-up to all book, journal, and other bibliographic resources in, the entire publicly available version of WorldCat is now available for use by intelligent web crawlers, such as Google and Bing, that can make use of this metadata in search indexes and other applications. (OCLC, 2012-06-21)

Launch of the Europeana Newspapers project
A group of 17 European partner institutions have joined forces in the “Europeana
Newspapers” project to, over the next 3 years, provide more than 18 million newspaper pages to the online service Europeana. Each library participating in the project will distribute digitised newspapers and full-text via Europeana. The project aims to make the newspaper content directly accessible for users through a special interface within the content browser. (Europeana, 2012-06-26)

Calendar   Forthcoming Events
DC-2012: International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications

3-7 September 2012 - Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

NISO Open Teleconferences : KBART (Knowledge Base And Related Tools) Update

10 September  2012

Frankfurt Book Fair 2012

10-14 October - Frankfurt, Germany

Online Information 2012
20-21 November – London, UK

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