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ISSN newsletter
  N°7 - October 3, 2012 ISSN 2221-8009  
News   ISSN News

37th Meeting of Directors of ISSN National Centres in Lisbon: 8-11 October 2012

Organized by the ISSN International Centre and the National Library of Portugal, the 37th Meeting of Directors of ISSN National Centres will be held in Lisbon, from 8th October to 11th  October 2012. 38 countries from Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North and South America  will be represented. Discussions, and ballots as well, will address  important topics for the ISSN Community such as : new update of the ISSN assignment policy for electronic resources,  “fake publications”, quality of ISSN data, applicability of the FRBR model to serials, harmonization with ISBD and RDA rules, enhancement of the cooperation and training within the ISSN Network.

Presentation of the Keepers Registry during the UNESCO International Conference about digitization and preservation (Vancouver, 26-28 September 2012)
Peter Burnhill, Director of EDINA, delivered a presentation about the Keepers Registry during the UNESCO International Conference about digitization and preservation which took place in Vancouver at the end of September 2012. The Keepers Registry service makes available easily accessible information about the inclusion of journals, identified by both their ISSN and ISSN-L, in preservation services. It is being developed by EDINA (UK) along with the ISSN International Centre. (presentation delivered by Peter Burnhill)

Annual meeting of the ISBN International Agency

Françoise Pelle, Director of the ISSN International Centre, attended the 40th Annual General Meeting of the International ISBN Agency in Chisinau, Moldova, on 10th  and 11th September 2012. Mrs Pelle presented the current projects of the ISSN International Centre and the recent updates of the ISSN assignment policy.

Interview of Mr. Ismet Ovcina on the IFLA website
An interview of Mr. Ismet Ovcina, Director of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and member of the Governing Board of the ISSN International Centre, is available on the IFLA website. Mr. Ovcina makes the point twenty years after the destruction of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina (NULB&H), also known as Vijecnica. (IFLA, 2012-09-21)

Standard   Standards

NISO Publishes Themed Issue of Information Standards Quarterly on Linked Data for Libraries, Archives, and Museums
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO, United States) publishes a special themed issue of the Information Standards Quarterly (ISQ) magazine on Linked Data for Libraries, Archives, and Museums. ISQ Guest Content Editor, Corey Harper, Metadata Services Librarian, New York University, has pulled together a broad range of perspectives on what is happening today with linked data in cultural institutions. (NISO,  2012-09-10)

Bibliographic Framework Initiative  Approach for MARC Data as Linked Data
Sally McCallum, Chief of the Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress, delivered a presentation about the Bibliographic Framework Initiative at the 7th IGeLU conference that took place in Zurich, Switzerland, from 11th to 13th September 2012. (IGeLU, 2012-09-04)

NISO Publishes Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) Standard
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO, United States) publishes a new American National Standard, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite, ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2012. JATS provides a common XML format in which publishers and archives can exchange journal content by preserving the intellectual content of journals independent of the form in which that content was originally delivered. In addition to the element and attribute descriptions, three journal article tag sets (the Archiving and Interchange Tag Set, the Journal Publishing Tag Set, and the Article Authoring Tag Set) are part of the standard. While designed to describe the textual and graphical content of journal articles, it can also be used for some other materials, such as letters, editorials, and book and product reviews. (NISO, 2012-08-22)

RSS   Publishing, Information Industry, Technology 
Not So Fast on 'Open Access'
The movement toward "open access" publishing -- in which scholarly journal articles are available free -- is taking off without consideration of the impact on humanities scholarship, says a statement released by the American Historical Association on 24th September.
The statement notes that there are many frustrations with the current system of journal publishing, in which high journal subscription prices limit access to scholarship. But the AHA statement says that proposed solutions such as open access may do more harm than good.
Specifically, the statement says that the arguments for open access in the sciences (where most work is supported in part by federal funds) could soon be applied to the humanities (where most work is not supported with federal funds). (Inside higher Ed, 2012-09-24)

Scientists, Foundations, Libraries, Universities, and Advocates Unite and Issue New Recommendations to Make Research Freely Available to All Online
In response to the growing demand to make research free and available to anyone with a computer and an internet connection, a diverse coalition has issued new guidelines for Open Access for the next ten years.
According to the leaders of the Open Access movement, who developed these recommendations, free access to scholarly research will accelerate scientific research efforts and allow authors to reach a larger number of readers. Recommendations address various topics such as licensing and re-use, infrastructures (OA repository for instance), sustainability... (Budapest Open Access Initiative, 2012-09-12)

Guidelines needed to prevent impact-factor abuse
Citations play a big part in assessing a journal's quality but what happens when many of those citations come from papers authored by that journal's editorial board? Paul Peters, chief strategy officer at Hindawi Publishing, considers the need to establish guidelines for appropriate citation practices. (Research Information, 2012-08-29)

Print Archives Preservation Registry Now Online
The Print Archives Preservation Registry (PAPR) is now available online at This registry is designed to support archiving and management of serial collections by providing detailed information about titles, holdings, and terms and conditions of the major print archiving programs, including the Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST), Law Library Microform Consortium (LLMC), and CRL's JSTOR archive. It also references titles held in digital format by Portico and CLOCKSS.
PAPR is a service of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL), an international consortium of university, college, and independent research libraries who acquire and preserve traditional and digital resources from a global network of sources. (Center for Research Libraries, 2012-08-03)

Open access versus subscription journals: a comparison of scientific Impact
In the past few years there has been an ongoing debate as to whether the proliferation of open access (OA) publishing would damage the peer review system and put the quality of scientific journal publishing at risk. Bo-Christofer Björk and David Solomon inform this debate by comparing the scientific impact of OA journals with subscription journals, controlling for journal age, the country of the publisher, discipline and (for OA publishers) their business model. (BMC Medecine, 2012-07-17)

Will Twitter, blogs and wikis change scholarly communication?

The actual user numbers seem a bit disillusioning: social media like blogs or wikis are still only used by relatively few academics (particularly in Germany and some other European countries). Yet they offer enormous potential for those that give them a try. The Conference on Science and the Internet (#cosci12) which took place in Düsseldorf in August 2012, had a closer look at these developments from different perspectives: novel online platforms as infrastructure for research collaboration; new ways for publishing and sharing information; new learning environments based on social media and mobile technologies; big data from social media as a subject of research. (Infotoday, 2012-06-29)

Libraries   Libraries

An open letter to America’s publishers from ALA President Maureen Sullivan
This open letter was released by the President of the American Library Association (ALA),  Maureen Sullivan, regarding Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and Penguin refusal to provide access to their e-books in U.S. libraries. (No shelf required, 2012-09-24)

(Re)Defining the Library

A huge number of factors complicate the scholarly communication landscape today, and with it the world of libraries — particularly research libraries. Questions that once had obvious and widely agreed-upon answers are now much more difficult. These include: What is a book? What does “publication” mean? what does it mean to “own” a document? What is a publisher? Who should bear the costs of scholarly research and of subsequent publishing activity? What is the appropriate unit of sale for scholarly products? Rick Anderson, Interim Dean of the J. Willard Mariott Library at the University of Utah, makes an interesting point on these issues. (Scholarly kitchen, 2012-09-11, 2012-09-12)
Part 1: Why?
Part 2: How?

Europeana’s Huge Cultural Dataset Opens for  Re-Use
The digital portal Europeana opens up its dataset of over 20 million cultural objects for free re-use. The massive dataset is the descriptive information about Europe's digitised treasures. For the first time, the metadata is released under the Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication, meaning that anyone can use the data for any purpose - creative, educational, commercial - with no restrictions. According to Europeana, this release offers a new boost to the digital economy, providing electronic entrepreneurs with opportunities to create innovative apps and games for tablets and smartphones and to create new web services and portals. (Europeana, 2012-09-12)

It’s Time To Fix Library Advocacy, Now!
According to John N. Berry, the library profession’s advocacy efforts have had very little impact and the reservoir of public support for public libraries is still full and can be tapped. Still, the profession simply has not found a way to tap that public support to influence the political process. (Library journal, 2012-09-07)

The open access future
In April 2012, the publisher Sage held a round table discussion with 14 senior librarians and industry experts about the role of academic libraries in creating and delivering an open access (OA) future. The report, "Moving towards an open access future: the role of academic libraries", has just been published.
The participants set out to address a range of issues, focusing on how the OA landscape will change over the next ten years, and how this will impact on libraries, researchers and academic institutions. (Information Today, 2012-09-06)

OCLC Research to Develop Semantic Similarity Computing Algorithms with the Europeana Dataset
OCLC and Europeana are collaborating to investigate ways of creating semantic links between the millions of digital objects that are accessible online through in order to improve “similar object” browsing.
Because aggregating metadata from these heterogeneous collections leads to quality issues such as duplication, uneven granularity of the object descriptions, ambiguity between original and derivative versions of the same object, etc., Europeana and OCLC Research are working together on innovation pilots to identify and create semantic links between objects that are connected. (OCLC, 2012-08-20).

Top priorities for European librarians
A report published by OCLC describes the changing priorities of librarians in Germany, The Netherlands and the UK.  This is the first time that an OCLC survey has focused solely on European librarians.
The report explores some of the changes that librarians are anticipating in the way their libraries will be used.  A separate report is available for each of the participating countries. (Information Today Blog, 2012-08-15) Libraries in Germany Libraries in the Netherlands UK Academic Libraries UK Public Libraries

Calendar   Forthcoming Events and Conferences

Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference

3-5 October 2012 – Online, multiple time zones (free of charge)

NISO Webinar: MARC and FRBR: Friends or Foes?
10 October 2012 – Online (charged)

Berlin 10 Open Access Conference
6-10 November 2012 – Stellenbosch University, South Africa

W3C Workshop: Making the Multilingual Web work
12–13 March 2013 – Rome

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