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  8 - November 8, 2012 ISSN 2221-8009  
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One year on for the Keepers Registry beta service
EDINA and the ISSN International Centre launched the Keepers Registry beta service a year ago, on the 4th October 2011. As it reaches its first birthday, Adam Rusbridge reviews how the service has developed to date and how it will develop in future. (The Keepers Registry Blog,  2012-09-27)
Standard   Standards
Harvard Library to Adopt RDA
The Harvard Library plans to adopt Resource Description and Access (RDA), joining the three US national libraries—Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine and the National Agricultural Library and peers—in implementing the new code. (Harvard Library, 2012-10-25)

New Global Subject Codes Standard Launches during Frankfurt Bookfair
Book industry representatives from 15 countries announced the formation of a new, global standard to categorize and classify book content by subject during the Frankfurt International Book Fair held at the beginning of October.
"This is a very important step forward in creating a truly global community of book data," said Jesus Peraita, Technical Director of DILVE, within the FGEE (Federacion de Gremios de Editores de Espana), the group's first chair. "Thema will not only facilitate the sale of content across borders, but is also flexible enough to allow each market to retain its unique cultural voice." (BISG, 2012-10-10)

New Bibliographic Framework: Update with Eric Miller (Webcast and PowerPoint presentation)
Eric Miller, co-founder and president of Zepheira gives an overview and a report of progress on the New Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative. Launched in May 2011 by the Library of Congress (United States), this project aims to determine a transition path for the MARC 21 exchange format in order to reap the benefits of newer technology while preserving a robust data exchange. (Library of Congress, 2012-07-16)

RSS   Publishing, Information Industry, Technology 
Google chief in battle against EU 'news tax
The head of Google was in France Wednesday 29th October for talks with President François Hollande, trying to head off a movement in EU countries to force the search engine to pay a small charge each time it links its users to articles on news websites. (The Independent, 2012-10-30)

Reasons to go for open access: perspectives from a clinician and a librarian
In recognition of Open Access week, Dr. Pascal Meier an interventional cardiologist from University College London and Yale Medical School, and Whitney Townsend, the coordinator of the Health Sciences Executive Research Services at University of Michigan, provide their views on the benefits of open access publishing. (Biomed Central, 2012-10-23)

Why CC-BY (Creative Commons-BY)?
At the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), one of the criteria for membership is that a publisher must use a liberal license that encourages the reuse and distribution of content. They strongly encourage (but currently do not require) the use of the CC-BY license wherever possible.  According to Claire Redhead, given recent moves in the UK by the Wellcome Trust and the Research Councils UK to mandate use of the CC-BY license when funds are used to pay for open access publishing, it is an appropriate moment, to consider why CC-BY would be the optimal license for open access publishing. (OASPA, 2012-10-23)

Reform and reality - experiences of a 'gold' OA publisher
Dan Scott, the founder of the gold open access website Social Sciences Directory, wants to provide an alternative to traditional scholarly publishing. (Information Today, 2012-10-16)

What Can Book Publishers Learn from “Article Economy”?
During his presentation at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2012, Richard Kobel, the Assistant Vice President of Business Development at Scope e-Knowledge Center, argued that academic books have not enjoyed much visibility online and that this lack of discoverability is a big problem for academic and STM publishers. “I think it’s clear to everyone that effective metadata at the chapter level is critical to discoverability.” (Publishing perspectives, 2012-10-11)

The New Wave of Gold OA Journals

Gold open access (OA) journals appear to be proliferating, generating a virtual tidal wave of new titles. David Wojick gives an overview of this trend and provides a list of major and intermediate gold OA publishers. (Scholarly Kitchen, 2012-10-03)

Scientific Fraudsters Peer Review Their Own Journal Articles
Favorable comments from peer reviewers are essential for getting articles published in reputable journals. To assure that the papers they submitted saw print, unscrupulous researchers have obtained that all-important peer approval the easy way: by fraudulently writing the reviews themselves. (Science, 2012-10-02)

Magazines: Are Hopes for Tablets Overdone?
Magazine publishers’ two main revenue sources remain in print –sales and advertising– and both fell again in 2011. Circulation revenues were lower, as were the number of print ad pages sold.  According to Katerina-Eva Matsa, the weak economy and the shift to digital share the blame.  So far, most magazines are not capturing enough of the growth in digital to make up for what is disappearing from print. The industry’s digital revenues, while fast growing, are just 5% of the total, lower than in newspapers. (The State of the News Media 2012 )

Libraries   Libraries

BnF launches new Gallica iPad App
The Bibliothéque Nationale de France (BnF) recently released an iPad app for its digital library Gallica. The app, also called Gallica, contains nearly 2 million freely available items from the BnF, including books, journals, manuscripts, photographs, prints, posters, cards, and music scores among many others. (All things visual, 2012-11-02)

British Library leads the way for sharing research data in the UK as five major institutions sign up to DataCite

Five major research centres have expanded their commitment to make data more accessible through the British Library’s DataCite service, a global initiative which addresses the problem of how to find, access and re-use the results of research. The Archaeology Data Service, the UK Data Archive, the Natural Environment Research Council, the Science & Technology Facilities Council and the Chinese genomics institute BGI have signed up to the service and are the first institutions to work with the British Library on this initiative. (British Library, 2012-10-29)

Read All About It! An Update on the National Digital Newspaper Program
At the Library of Congress, there are many projects underway to digitize and make available vast amounts of historic, archival material.  One such project is the National Digital Newspaper Program, providing access to millions of pages from historic newspapers. Deb Thomas, NDNP program coordinator at the Library of Congress, answers some questions about this project – what’s been accomplished over the past year, as well as goals for the future. (Library of Congress, 2012-10-24)

Digital preservation: preserving heritage and protecting civil rights
Issues concerning the management and preservation of digital information were examined at the international conference, “The Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation,” held in Vancouver (Canada) in September 2012 (cf ISSN newsletter n°7) to mark the 20th anniversary of UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme. An interview ofDr Anne Thurston (UK), founder and Director of the International Records Management Trust, a keynote speaker at the conference, and the final declaration are now available on the UNESCO website. (UNESCO, 2012-10-23) (The declaration)

LCA Comments on Authors Guild v. HathiTrust Decision
The Library Copyright Alliance (LCA) welcomes Judge Harold Baer's decision that the HathiTrust Digital Library’s (HDL) use of digitized works is a fair use permitted under the Copyright Act. Judge Baer's key holding was: "I cannot imagine a definition of fair use that would not encompass the transformative uses made by [HDL] and would require that I terminate this invaluable contribution to the progress of science and cultivation of the arts that at the same time effectuates the ideals espoused by the [Americans with Disabilities Act]." According to LCA, Judge Baer's ruling not only allows HathiTrust to continue serving scholars and the print disabled, it also provides helpful guidance on how future library services can comply with copyright law. (Association of Research Libraries, 2012-10-11)

Why Are Some Publishers So Wrong About Fair Use?
According to Kevin Smith, Director of Scholarly Communications at Duke University (United States), it is easy to say after the trial Authors Guild v. HathiTrust that the plaintiff publishers simply fail to understand the place of fair use in our copyright scheme. But this trial is also a symptom of a deeper problem, the root issue being a failure to understand what copyright is for. (Library journal, 2012-10-18).

New funded shared service will help universities manage their e-resources

Knowledge Base+ is a new shared service from JISC Collections that aims to help UK libraries manage their e-resources more efficiently.
KB+ is being established to start addressing the challenges facing libraries due to the inadequate data and metadata about publications, packages, subscriptions, entitlements and licences that is available throughout the e-resource supply chain.
According to JISC, libraries are spending too much time correcting and maintaining basic e-resource information and not enough time is left to undertake the sort of decision making that they would like to be conducting to improve services for users. (JISC, 2012-10-08)

Orphan Works Directive adopted by the European Council
The Council's approval marks the final step in the legislative procedure meaning that the Directive about Orphan Works will formally enter into force in the coming weeks further to its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Member States will then have two years to transpose it into national law.
The Commission memo, confirms that the new Directive on Orphan Works "will provide Europe's libraries, archives, film heritage institutions, public broadcasters and other organisations acting in the public interest with the appropriate legal framework to provide on-line cross-border access to orphan works contained in their collections." (The 1709 blog, 2012-10-05)

Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Iberoamericano
Launched in September 2012, BDPI (Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Iberoamericano) is a project of the Asociación de Bibliotecas Nacionales de Iberoamérica (ABINIA)which purpose is to provide access, from a single search point, to the digital resources of all the participating libraries.
With this portal, ABINIA aims at disseminating the bibliographic heritage of each and every library involved in the project, enabling the largest possible number of citizens to approach their collections. At the same time, BDPI is meant to become an example of international cooperation amongst Latin American countries. (Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Iberoamericano)

Calendar   Forthcoming Events and Conferences

NISO Webinar: Beyond Publish or Perish: Alternative Metrics for Scholarship

14 November 2012 – Online

NISO Webinar: Connecting the Dots: Constellations in the Linked Data Universe
12 December 2012 – Online

7th Munin Conference on Scientific Publishing 2012
22-23 November 2012 – Tromsø, Norway

ASA Annual Conference 2013
25-26 February 2013 – London

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