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ISSN newsletter
  9 - December 14, 2012 ISSN 2221-8009  
News   ISSN News

New project of the ISSN IC in cooperation with the National Research Council and the University of Bologna (Italy) 
The ISSN International Centre (ISSN IC) is pleased to announce the launching of a new project for the identification in bulk of Italian serials, in cooperation with the National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche), host of the Italian ISSN National Centre, and the University of Bologna, Area Sistemi Dipartimentali e Documentali, which runs the ACNP union catalogue. This project will result in a very important increase of the number of Italian serials referenced in the ISSN International Register since 10 000 dead and 20 000 current publications should be ISSN assigned).

New database BINPAR available - Bibliografía Nacional de Publicaciones Periódicas Argentinas Registradas
BINPAR, the database which references all the Argentine journals ISSN number, arising from the record created by the National ISSN Centre for Argentina hosted by CAICYT-CONICET, has been launched in November. ISSN numbers can now be searched, as well as titles, publishers entities, descriptors and other data from national magazines. (CAICYT-CONICET, 2012-11-22)

Standard   Standards

Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative: 1st draft data model 
The Library of Congress has published a draft data model for web-based bibliographic description. Conceived by Zepheira, under contract from the Library of Congress, it is the first step of the New Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative. (Library of Congress, 2012-11-21) (PDF)

NISO Receives Mellon Foundation Grant to Assess the Current State and Future Needs of a New Bibliographic Framework
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO, United States) has been awarded a $48,516 grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to fund a study to determine the needs and requirements of the library, higher education, and non-profit networked information communities to ensure they are able to use and exchange bibliographic data in the linked data environment. (NISO newsline, 2012-11)

ORCID and CrossRef collaborate to solve ambiguous author names problem in scholarly content
ORCID and CrossRef, have collaborated to solve the problem of ambiguous author names in scholarly content. ORCID began assigning unique identifiers to researchers in October. As part of the ORCID Registry, individuals can search the metadata from CrossRef and add their works to their personal ORCID records. (Crossref, 2012-11-14)

RSS   Publishing, Information Industry, Technology 

Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers 2013
The gold open-access model has given rise to a great many new online publishers. According to Jeffrey Beal, librarian at Auraria Library, University of Colorado United States, many of these publishers are corrupt and exist only to make money off the author processing charges that are billed to authors upon acceptance of their scientific manuscripts.
Jeffrey Beall provides two updated lists. The first includes questionable, scholarly open-access publishers. Each of these publishers has a portfolio that ranges from just a few to hundreds of individual journal titles.
The second list includes individual journals that do not publish under the platform of any publisher — they are essentially independent, questionable journals. (
Scholarly Open Access, 2012-12-04)

Mobile Access — Publishers Must Catch Up With User Adoption Trends
When content is available on a mobile device, we expect the convenience of access anytime from anywhere. However, if the content is licensed to an institution, the user’s path for mobile access can be complicated with pitfalls. (Scholarly kitchen, 2012-12-03)

50 Shades of Grey in Scientific Publication: How Digital Publishing Is Harming Science
According to Douglas Fields, Neurobiologist, most people are acutely aware of the devastation of print journalism by the rise of digital media, but most people are oblivious to the consequences that the same upheaval is having on scientific publication. There is no science without scholarly publication and scholarly publication as we have known it is dying. (Huffington Post, 2012-11-19)

Is the Relationship Between Journal Impact Factors and Article Citations Growing Weaker?
Three information scientists at the Université du Québec à Montréal are claiming that digital journal publication has resulted in a weakening relationship between the article and the journal in which it is published. They also claim that highly-cited articles are increasingly being found in non-highly-cited journals, resulting in a slow erosion of the predictive value of the journal impact factor. (Scholarly kitchen, 2012-11-13)

How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Journals
Simon Inger and Tracy Gardner have published results of a study into the discoverability of online content. The report, 'How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Journals', which is the culmination of a 6-month research project and has the backing of publishers within STM, humanities and social science, compares the changing reader behaviour between 2005 and 2012 and looks at the impact on publisher and library website design and function. (UKSG news, 2012-11-07)

Scientific fraud is rife: it's time to stand up for good science
According to Pete Etchells, biological psychologist, and Suzi Gage, a translational epidemiology PhD student, science is broken. Psychology was rocked recently by stories of academics making up data, sometimes overshadowing whole careers. And it isn't the only discipline with problems - the current record for fraudulent papers is held by anaesthesiologist Yoshitaka Fujii, with 172 faked articles.
These scandals highlight deeper cultural problems in academia. Pressure to turn out lots of high-quality publications not only promotes extreme behaviours, it normalises the little things, like the selective publication of positive novel findings – which leads to "non-significant" but possibly true findings sitting unpublished on shelves, and a lack of much needed replication studies. (The Guardian, 2012-11-02)

Report Issued on Open Access Repository Interoperability
The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) published "The Current State of Open Access Repository Interoperability (2012)." Interoperability is the technical “glue” that makes possible the emerging open science infrastructure—an infrastructure that connects a global, decentralized network of repositories and other tools. (Information Today, 2012-11-01)

Libraries   Libraries


Report of the French Strategic Bibliographic Committee
The French Strategic Bibliographic Committee, which comprises representatives of the French National Library (Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF), of the Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education (Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur, ABES) and of the ministries in charge, has released its scoping report.
This report gives an overview of the projects and  discussions underway within the two institutions in order to prepare the future of catalogues. The BnF and the ABES intend to develop a common approach to re-base the structure, production and dissemination of libraries metadata at the national level and thus to encourage the integration of the French catalogues in the semantic web.(Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF, 2012-12-12)

Launch of the digital collections portal in Lyon city
The library of Lyon city, the second French library in terms of collections, has launched a portal called "Numélyo", in order to make available online its most valuable books.
This work is the result of an agreement between the city of Lyon and Google which has digitized since 2009, 2000 publications from the collections per week.
Eventually, more than 450,000 books will be reachable on "Numélyo".(France 3, 2012-12-11)

First public beta version of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek is launched
The Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB) was put online the 28th of Novembeat
The objective is to pave the way for networking all of Germany’s cultural and scientific institutions together with their digitised inventories in the medium to long term and integrating them into the European digital library, Europeana. (Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek, 2012-11-28)

World Newspaper Archive Reaches 2.5 Million Pages
The World Newspaper Archive, a partnership of CRL member libraries and Readex (a division of NewsBank), has reached a milestone of 2,500,000 scanned pages. Members investment in this successful collaborative digitization program has enabled CRL and Readex to make 300,000 issues from more than 200 newspapers widely available electronically. (Center for Research Libraries, 2012-10-31)

Internet Librarians—The Power to Transform Libraries
The 16th annual Internet Librarian conference recently concluded in Monterey, Calif. More than 1,000 registrants and 215 speakers tackled the topic of Transformational Power of Internet Librarians. While the sessions ranged from accessibility of digital content to web analytics, two themes took center stage: the future role of libraries and the reality of ebooks. As it turns out, some would assert that the future role of libraries depends upon the ultimate impact of ebooks. (Information Today, 2012-11-05)

Calendar   Forthcoming Events and Conferences

ASA 2013 Conference Programme Announced

25 & 26 February 2013 – London

Deployment of RDA (Resource Description and Access) Cataloging and its Expression as Linked Data
24 April 2013 – Online


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