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ISSN newsletter
  N°12 - March 28, 2013 ISSN 2221-8009  

News   ISSN News

NISO Publishes Recommended Practice on Presentation and Identification of E-Journals
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO, United States) announces the publication of a new Recommended Practice: PIE-J: Presentation & Identification of E-Journals (NISO RP-16-2013). This Recommended Practice was developed to provide guidance on the presentation of e-journals—particularly in the areas of title presentation, accurate use of ISSN, and citation practices—to publishers and platform providers, as well as to solve some long-standing concerns of serials, collections, and electronic resources librarians.
Regina Romano Reynolds, Head of the U.S ISSN Center at the Library of Congress, who was part of the working group which drew up this document, will be speaking about it at UKSG in Bournemouth. (NISO, 2013-03-27)

FRBR models and serials: presentation of the PRESSoo model 

The ISSN International Centre (ISSN IC) and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) will present theversion 0.1 of the PRESSoo model during a meeting to be held in the ISSN IC premises on 24th April 2013. PRESSoo is an extension of the FRBRoo model (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records – Object Oriented) devoted to the bibliographic information relating to serials and continuing resources.  It has been developed by a working group made up by representatives of the ISSN IC and of the BnF so as to propose answers to long standing issues with the application of the FRBR family of models to serials and continuing resources.

The ISSN Network to be represented within the MARC Advisory Committee

From now on, the ISSN Network will be represented as liaison member within the MARC Advisory Committee which advises the Library of Congress concerning changes to the MARC 21 formats.
The MARC Advisory Committee includes representatives from library associations, national libraries (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany), library system vendors and OCLC.
This is a very good opportunity for the ISSN Network to be closely associated with the evolutions of the MARC 21 formats, in particular those concerning serials and continuing resources. The ISSN Network is already represented within the Permanent Unimarc Committee.

A new logo for the ISSN

The ISSN International Centre is delighted to announce the launch of its new logo. This new and dynamic design aims to reflect the ISSN’s role.


New milestone for the ISSN register 
The ISSN Register has reached the number of 1.7 million records.
The ISSN International Centre wishes to thank the whole ISSN Network for this wonderful achievement.

Standard   Standards

NISO Publishes Maintenance Revisions of Dublin Core and SUSHI Standards

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO, United States) announces the publication of maintenance revisions of two widely used standards: the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2012) and the Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol (ANSI/NISO Z39.93-2013). The Dublin Core standard defines fifteen metadata elements for resource description in a cross-disciplinary information environment and is used as the basis for most metadata standards in use today. The SUSHI Protocol defines an automated request and response model for the harvesting of electronic resource usage data and is required for conformance with the COUNTER Code of Practice. (NISO, 2013-03-05)

RSS   Publishing, Information Industry, Technology 

Is It Time for Scholarly Journal Publishers to Begin Distributing Articles Using EPUB 3?
Outside of the core e-book community, adoption of EPUB has been slow. In the scholarly journals community in particular, use has been lagging. Should journals publishers seriously consider adopting EPUB, and EPUB 3 in particular ? The answer of Todd Carpenter, Executive Director of NISO, is clearly “yes”. (Scholarly kitchen, 2013-03-19)

F1000 recommendations as a new data source for research evaluation: A comparison with citations

F1000 is a post-publication peer review service for biological and medical research which aims to recommend important publications in the biomedical literature. This study explains how F1000 works and provides the findings of a comparison between F1000 recommendations and citations through the linkage of the complete F1000 and Web of Science databases. (ArXiv, 2013-03-15)

I love open access: Arguments for Open Access to Research Results
This text was first published on 15 March 2013 in the french newspaper "Le Monde" by sixty professionals belonging to the community of higher education and research.

Orphan Works Legislation Appears Unlikely
When the U.S. Copyright Office asked for comments on the orphan works problem in October 2012, hopes were raised that a legislative solution could be in the offing. But after initial comments from both individuals and organizations—including libraries, publishers, visual artist groups, scholars and Internet firms—it is now looking like meaningful orphan works legislation may not be in the cards. (Publishers weekly, 2013-03-08)

Financial Realities — A New Analysis Suggests OA Will Have a Benign Effect on Publishers
What if the Internet doesn’t disrupt scientific publishing, but merely leads to incremental changes in how it functions? What if there were a clear and strong practical link between achieving widespread open access (OA) and maintaining robust subscription businesses? What if a market containing both fresh young upstarts and strong incumbents thrived? And what if the large incumbents ultimately absorbed the upstarts? Kent Anderson examines the "true impact" of open access on scientific publishing. (Scholarly Kitchen, 2013-03-05)

Open access to taxpayer-funded research in the spotlight
The debate over “open access” to scientific research results has for years been an academic one, hashed out largely among university libraries and journal publishers.
But the issue has been jolted into the spotlight recently, with a new White House policy aimed at making taxpayer-funded research freely available and the suicide of Internet activist Aaron Swartz, who worked to make such information free. (, 2013-03-01)

Ebooks and the Candlemaker’s Petition
A humoristic comparison between the claims of the digital publishing industry and a petition written by a French economist in the 19th century, Frederic Bastiat. (Library journal, 2012-12-06)

Libraries   Libraries

13 partners from across Europe join together to improve digital curation
Seven European countries are launching 4C (the Collaboration to Clarify the Costs of Curation) to help public and private European organisations invest more effectively in digital curation and preservation, sustaining the long-term value of all types of digital information. (JISC 2013-03-25)

Dynamic data presents a world of possibilities 
OCLC’s two-day conference in Strasbourg at the end of February explored the opportunities that today’s huge data aggregations open up for libraries. (Research information 2013-03-20)

Sunny start for Europeana Cloud
Content providers and aggregators across the European information landscape urgently need a cheaper, more sustainable infrastructure that is capable of storing both metadata and content. Researchers require a digital space where they can undertake innovative exploration and analysis of Europe's digitised content. These are the goals of Europeana new project: Europeana Cloud (Research information 2013-03-20)

IFLA and CILIP Discuss the Challenges of eBooks in Libraries
On the 21st of February 2013 the IFLA Management of Library Associations (MLAS) Committee and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) invited participants to attend a seminar on Ebooks and the challenges faced by libraries titled ‘eBooks in Libraries – A Global Question of Survival?’. The seminar was attended by experts from all over the world who reported on the situation their libraries face in acquiring and making Ebooks accessible. (IFLA 2013-03-19)

Building a Digital Public Library of America
A summary on what is the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) and what challenges is it going to face by John Palfrey, president of DPLA’s board of directors and chair of its steering committee. (The Digital Shift, 2013-03-08)

Metadata and Copyright
Karen Coyle’s thoughts on ownership and copyrightability of library catalog data. Coyle states that there are two interlocking issues at play here: one is that of ownership, that is, if anyone owns the intellectual content of a bibliographic record, who is that owner? And the other is the question of whether or not bibliographic data, singly or in a database, meets the threshold of creativity that is required by the U.S. copyright law. (Library journal, 2013-02-28)

Tool compares Europeana and DPLA APIs 
Xavier Agenjo from DIGIBIS (a company offering digitisation services and software solutions for cultural heritage institutions) tells us about their experiment comparing the Europeana API with the Digital Public Library of America API. (Europeana, 2013-02-28)

Calendar   Forthcoming Events and Conferences

UKSG 36th Annual Conference and Exhibition
8-10 April 2013 – Bournemouth (U. K.)

NISO Virtual Conference: EPUB3 and the Future of Interoperable E-books: What Libraries Need to Know
17 April 2013 – Online

NISO/DCMI Joint Webinar Series: Deployment of RDA (Resource Description and Access) Cataloging and its Expression as Linked Data
24 April 2013 – Online

OCLC Webjunction: Extending access to e-books for public libraries: New strategies
30 April 2013 – Online


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