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ISSN newsletter
  15 - July 2, 2013 ISSN 2221-8009  
News   ISSN News
    The ISSN National Centre of Iceland working on a project for assigning ISSN to digitized reproductions of dead print newspapers and magazines
The ISSN National Centre of Iceland, hosted by the National and University Library of Iceland, has assigned around 300 ISSN to digitized reproductions of dead print newspapers and magazines from the end of the 19th century and the 20th century. These publications have been digitized in the framework of the “Policy for retroactive digitization and preservation of digital objects” of the National Library, they are available online on the Icelandic National Digital Library: The assignment of ISSNs and the creation of the corresponding bibliographic records have been made in cooperation with the ISSN International Centre thanks to the semi-automatic assignment method developed by the ISSN IC. The records already created for the print versions of these serials have been re-used and complemented  by additional metadata describing the specific features of the digitized versions. This operation will be completed within the next months by the  assignment of ISSN to 300 other titles.

Standard   Standards

NISO Launches New Project to Develop Recommended Practices for Exchanging Serial Content
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) voting members have approved a new project to develop recommended practices for Packaging and Exchanging Serial Content. Many different organizations—libraries, archives, indexing services, content aggregators, publishers, and content creators—need to exchange and work with digital files that make up serial content. Generally, the files are aggregated in some type of "package" that can vary significantly in format and structure and contain anywhere from several files for a single article to over a million files for a full journal title backfile. This new NISO initiative will develop a recommended practice defining the rules to be used to create a package of serial content, allowing both the exchange of content and the automation of processes to receive and manage this content.(NISO, 2013-06-26)

NISO to Develop Standards and Recommended Practices for Altmetrics
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces a new two-phase project to study, propose, and develop community-based standards or recommended practices in the field of alternative metrics.(NISO, 2013-06-20)

NISO Publishes Recommended Practice and Technical Report on Improving OpenURLs Through Analytics

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of a new recommended practice, Improving OpenURLs Through Analytics (IOTA): Recommendations for Link Resolver Providers (NISO RP-21-2013). These recommendations are the result of a three-year study performed by the NISO IOTA Working Group in which millions of OpenURLs were analyzed and a Completeness Index was developed as a means of quantifying OpenURL quality. By applying this Completeness Index to their OpenURL data and following the recommendations, providers of link resolvers can monitor the quality of their OpenURLs and work with content providers to improve the provided metadata—ultimately resulting in a higher success rate for end users.(NISO, 2013-06-3)

RSS   Publishing, Information Industry, Technology 

On the Likelihood of Academia “Taking Back” Scholarly Publishing

Rick Anderson, Interim Dean of the J. Willard Marriott Library at the University of Utah, questions the feasability of a taking in hand of the publishing activity from the commercial publishers. Would academia take back scholarly publishing by competing with traditional publishers (i.e. doing it better than publishers do it) or would it actually exclude commercial publishers from operating in the academic marketplace? (Scholarly Kitchen , 2013-6-27)

DOAJ in Transition — Interview with Lars Bjørnshauge, Managing Editor
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is undergoing a major transition. Earlier this year they spun off from Lund University to make their own way in the world. DOAJ now lists almost 10,000 journals, about half of which are searchable at the article metadata level, with over one million articles available. (Scholarly Kitchen, 2013-06-20)

Timely new report on research impact gives guidance to institutions and funders
Ahead of this year's Research Excellence Framework (REF) a team from the University of Exeter, funded by Jisc, have authored a report which gives guidance on the definition, evidence and structures required to capture research impacts and benefits. ( 2013-06-11)

Is Media Becoming Device Dependent?

According to Gabriel Kahn, professor at USC Annenberg School of Journalism, despite the outstanding opportunities offered by the new reading devices, the publishing business, the news business and the content business in general all have a problem: they are overly dependent on them for delivery of content. And they have no control over that side of the equation. (PBS 2013-06-07)

Rise of 'Altmetrics' Revives Questions About How to Measure Impact of Research

A summary of what are the altmetrics, what is their purpose and how can they help to assess scholarly publications. (The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2013-06-03)

When can a book be digital-only, and when does it need to be print too?
Book publishers are increasingly experimenting with digital-first and digital-only initiatives, where they publish a book only as an ebook and then publish a print edition later, or never. According to the author, it’s a good way to take a chance on unknown authors, but it also means that a book is not available in all the formats that a customer might want it. At the Book Industry Study Group’s Making Information Pay conference on May 15th, publishers discussed print versus digital — “p. versus e.” — strategy. (BISG 2013-05-17)

Libraries   Libraries

HathiTrust Doubles DPLA Collection with More Than Three Million Books

The HathiTrust Digital Library will become The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)’s single largest content hub, the two institutions announced on June 18.
The metadata records associated with some 3,384,638 volumes (and growing daily) held by the HathiTrust will be accessible on the web at, and through the DPLA application programming interface (API). (The digitized volumes themselves will continue to reside in HathiTrust.) (Library Journal, 2013-06-20)

Path breaking partnership helps national library preserve thousands of e-journals for future generations
The British Library and digital preservation specialist Portico announced today that they will be working together to ensure that thousands of electronic journal titles will be collected, preserved and made available to current and future generations of researchers. (British Library 2013-06-19)

UK Survey of Academics: implications for SUNCAT
The interest of the report entitled "UK Survey of Academics 2012", funded by Jisc and Research Libraries UK (RLUK) and carried out by the research and consulting service Ithaka S+R, from a Suncat perspective. (Edina 2013-06-11) (The UK Survey of Academics 2012)

Europeana Releases First Free iPad App

Europeana announces the launch of it's first free iPad application, ‘Europeana Open Culture’. It provides an introduction to Europe’s art treasury through five specially curated themes: Maps and Plans, Treasures of Art, Treasures of the Past, Treasures of Nature and Images of the Past. (Europeana 2013-06-4)

The Underground Library
Underground Library is a fictional student campaign, thought up by Max Pilwat, Keri Tan and Ferdi Rodriguez, three Miami Ad School students. This video explains how the campaign would work if it were adopted by the client.
New Yorkers will be given a free digital book sample to read on their way to work. Once finished they will be informed of the closest libraries so they could finish their story.((Dezeen 2013-03-08)

Calendar   Forthcoming Events and Conferences

International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC 2013)
September 2-6 2013 - Lisbon

IFLA World Library and Information Congress
17-23 August 2013 - Singapour

PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference
August 19-21 2013 - Mexico

Repository Fringe 2013
July 31 – August 2 - Edinburgh

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