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ISSN newsletter



N°17 - October 31, 2013

ISSN 2221-8009













38th Meeting of Directors of ISSN National Centres in Bucharest

Organized by the National Library of Romania and the ISSN International Centre, the 38th Meeting of Directors of ISSN National Centres was held in Bucharest, from 21th October to 25th  October. 34 countries from Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North and South America  were represented. Discussions, and ballots as well, have addressed significant topics for the ISSN Community such as the coverage of the ISSN Register, the ISSN assignment to blogs,  the questionable scholarly publishers, the application of FRBR models to serials (PRESSoo model).

Generating Actionable Evidence on E-journal Archiving

Latest report on the Keepers Registry's activity by Peter Burnhill, Director of EDINA and Head of Edinburgh University Data Library. The Keepers's registry is a service which helps you discover which e-journals are being archived and by what organization. (Keeper's Registry, 2013-10-28)








NISO Publishes Data Curation Themed Issue of Information Standards Quarterly in Open Access

The Fall issue of Information Standards Quarterly (ISQ) focuses on data curation. Standards are necessary to enable digital curation: it must be automatised and have standardized structures and ontologies. (NISO, 2013-10-17)

EBSCO Information Services Joins ORCID 

EBSCO Information Services announces it is now a member of Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique and persistent researcher identifiers. (EBSCO, 2013-10-22)




Publishing, Information Industry, Technology 





Who's Afraid of Peer Review? 

A spoof paper concocted by Science reveals little or no scrutiny at many open-access journals. (Science, October 2013)

Two points of view on this article:

Open Access “Sting” Reveals Deception, Missed Opportunities
Peer Review Quality is Independent of Open Access

Peer review needs to expand so that more scientists are reviewing papers

A new tool that selects peer reviewers by algorithm could make the peer review process more reliable, says Richard Price. (Guardian, 2013-10-23)

Visualizing Article Performance — Altmetrics Searches for Appropriate Display

An overview on these new services hovering around the perimeters of science publishers, gathering, aggregating and selling access to new data sources on how individuals interact with the literature. (Scholarly Kitchen, 2013-09-30)

SPARC Europe in two new EU projects – FOSTER and PASTEUR4OA 

SPARC Europe announced its partnership on two successful project bids to the European Commission. Both projects will start in early 2014. FOSTER is about training researchers and stakeholders, and PASTEUR4OA will promote alignment of OA policies developed in Europe. (SPARC 2013-10-22)

Dubious journal fear stalks India 

Evolution of scientific publications especially open access journals in India. (The Telegraph, 2013-10-03)

The MedOANet project releases Guidelines for implementing open access policies for research performing and research funding organizations  

The MedOANet project (Mediterranean Open Access Network) releases the Guidelines which aims to coordinate the policy-development in the six Mediterranean countries that participate in the project (France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey). (MedOANet, 2013-10-23)

When It Comes to Green OA, Nice Guys Finish Last

Green Open Access (OA) can be a factor in a librarian’s decision to cancel a subscription to a journal.  Thus, publishers with liberal Green OA policies increase the chance that their journals will be cancelled. (Scholarly Kitchen, 2013-09-26)

Part 1:
Part 2: 











New SUNCAT Interface now available

The new interface for SUNCAT (the Serials Union Catalogue for the UK research community) is now available, it includes improved pre-search library and geographic limits, the ability to combine pre-search limits, and the introduction of post-search filters, links to the local catalogues of holding libraries. (EDINA, 2013-10-29)

Private online publications based on "e-legal deposit" now available at the National Diet Library

The National Diet Library of Japan started making available private online publications collected on the basis of the National Diet Library Law (e-legal deposit). (NDL, 2013-10-15)

The university library of the future

At Hunt Library, North Carolina State University, the university decided that instead of devoting square footage to its collection, it would prioritize collaborative, high-tech learning spaces. (The Globe and Mail, 2013-10-22)

Shift from Green to Gold OA Could Leave Libraries Out of the Loop

Evolution of the libraries’ role in the researchers support. (Library Journal 2013-10-24)




Forthcoming Events and Conferences




NISO Webinar: New Perspectives on Assessment How Altmetrics Measure Scholarly Impact

November 13 - Online

NISO Webinar: Library Linked Data: From Vision to Reality

December 11 - Online

Reshaping the library catalogue (Faster, smarter and richer 2014)

February 27-28 - Rome

The 8th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2013 – Entering the Next Stage

November 25-26 -Tromsø





This issue of the newsletter and archives are also available on the ISSN website.










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