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Newsletter n° 72 January 2018




Request for information for the development of a new ISSN production tool (ISSN+)

The ISSN IC published on Friday, December 21st, 2018 a “Request For Information” concerning the development of a new ISSN production tool.

Companies interested in the ISSN+ project  will send to the ISSN IC an application file, the content of which is presented in the attached document. Based on the criteria outlined in the RFI, ISSN IC will then retain several candidates and will forward to them detailed specifications. The RFI can be downloaded here.

Potential questions will be forwarded to [email protected] by January 25th, 2019. The deadline for submitting applications is Thursday, January 31st, 2019 at noon (CET). Tenders should be sent to [email protected].

  >> ISSN International Centre, January 2019  

The ISSN International Centre is hiring a Project Officer (F/M)

Would you like to live in Paris? Do you enjoy multicultural working environments? Do you enjoy working with librarians, publishers, information providers and metadata? Are you interested in a professional experience that offers many challenges within a specialized team? Are you ready to carry out missions abroad?

The ISSN International Centre, an intergovernmental organization based in Paris, is hiring a project manager to coordinate the ISSN Network and implement its cooperation policy with international partner organizations. More information at

  >> ISSN International Centre, January 2019  

The ISSN International Centre is issuing a Call for Tenders for a Consultancy Mission on its Strategy

As the first and single entry point for the identification of all kinds of print and digital serials and other continuing resources (retail, educational and scholarly), the ISSN International Centre and the ISSN Network are the cornerstone of a wider system including the publishing industry, the distribution and retail industry, libraries, scholars and readers.

This consultancy mission will provide guidance to set up the new strategy of the ISSN International Centre for years 2020-2024.

More information available here.

  >> ISSN International Centre, January 2019  

Next Version of ISSN Standard under ballot until March 27th, 2019

A ballot on the next version of the ISO 3297 standard has just been launched by ISO. The national standard-setting organizations of TC46/SC9 Information and documentation – Identification and description member countries are required to submit their votes and comments to ISO before March 27th, 2019.

  >> ISO, January 2019  

Publishing Industry


Wiley and Projekt DEAL partner to enhance the future of scholarly research and publishing in Germany

Wiley and Projekt DEAL, a representative of nearly 700 academic institutions in Germany, have established a groundbreaking partnership for Germany to pilot new publishing models, better enable researchers to create and disseminate knowledge through Wiley’s journals, and continue to provide participating German institutions access to Wiley’s portfolio of academic journals.

Under an annual fee, this transformative three-year agreement provides all Projekt DEAL institutions with access to read Wiley’s academic journals back to the year 1997, and researchers at Projekt DEAL institutions can publish articles open access in Wiley’s journals.

  >> Wiley Newsroom, January 2019  

Survey reveals need for good Guidance about trustworthy Places to publish Research

A survey carried out by the Think. Check. Submit. initiative has revealed a strong demand from both researchers and librarians for guidance about where to publish and an appreciation of the services that the initiative offers. However, it also revealed a need for further educational resources and wider reach for the initiative. In-depth analysis of the findings is still ongoing. In 2019, the committee will focus on extending the reach of the initiative and further developing educational resources to assist researchers and librarians worldwide.

  >> Think. Check. Submit., December, 2018  



Report from the LIBSENSE Repository Workshop I

On November 19 & 20, 2018, a repository workshop was held in Zanzibar City, Tanzania. The workshop was jointly organized by West and Central African Research and Education Network (WACREN), EIFL and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) in conjunction with the UbuntuNet Alliance Conference as part of the LIBSENSE Initiative. This is the first in a series of meetings to develop a more cohesive strategy for strengthening and building repository networks in Africa. The participants identified a number of areas in which libraries and Research and Education Networks (RENs) can collaborate to improve and strengthen repositories in the region. 

  >> WACREN, December 2018  

Scholarly Communication


Preprints in Scholarly Communication: Re-Imagining Metrics and Infrastructures

In scholarly communication, the growth of preprint repositories over the last three decades as a new model of scholarly publishing has emerged as one of the major developments. Using preprint repositories as a case study, this article situates them in a scholarly web, examining their salient features, benefits, and futures. However, for the preprint repositories to sustain, scholarly communities and funding agencies should support continued investment in open knowledge, alternative metrics development, and open infrastructures in scholarly publishing.

  >> MDPI, january 2019  

Scholarly Communication Practices in Humanities and Social Sciences: A Study of Researchers’ Attitudes and Awareness of Open Access

This paper examines issues relating to the perceptions and adoption of open access (OA) and institutional repositories. Using a survey research design, data was collected from academics and other researchers in the humanities, arts and social sciences (HASS) at a university in Australia. This study contributes to the growing literature on scholarly communication by offering evidence from the HASS field, where limited studies have been conducted. Based on their findings, the authors recommend that academic librarians engage with faculty through outreach and workshops to change perceptions of OA and the institutional repository.

  Open Information Science 2018, Vol. 2, Issue 1, December 2018  

Open Access


Why we need a public infrastructure for data on open access

Mikael Laakso, as a member of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 expert group on the Future of Scholarly Publishing and scholarly Communication, explains the necessity of building up a public infrastructure for open access, its benefits and the obstacles on the way.

  >> Elephant in the Lab, January 2019  

Harvard Library and MIT Libraries provide recommendations for Plan S implementation

cOAlition S is a group of national research funding organizations and charitable foundations who have agreed to implement the 10 principles of Plan S in a coordinated way. cOAlition S has solicited public feedback on its guidance for implementation. Harvard Library and the MIT Libraries have jointly issued their recommendations in response.

  >> MIT Libraries, January 2019  

Discipline-specific open access Publishing Practices and Barriers to change: An evidence-based Review

Many of the discussions surrounding Open Access (OA) revolve around how it affects publishing practices across different academic disciplines. Recent large-scale bibliometric studies show that the uptake of OA differs substantially across disciplines. This study investigates the underlying mechanisms that cause disciplines to vary in their OA publishing practices. How do different disciplines adopt and shape OA publishing practices? What discipline-specific barriers to and potentials for OA can be identified?

  >> F1000 Research, December 2018  

Open Access, the Global South and the Politics of Knowledge Production and Circulation – An Open Insights interview with Leslie Chan

Leslie Chan is Associate Director at the University of Toronto Scarborough. As one of the original signatories of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, he has been active in the experimentation and implementation of scholarly communication initiatives of varying scales around the world. He expresses his views about the internationalisation of research produced in the Global South, the current state of Open Access, and the Knowledge G.A.P project, an attempt to understand the various social justice issues related to the production and circulation of academic knowledge.

  >> Open Library of Humanities, December 2018  

Latest update to European Open Data and Open Science policies released

An updated analysis of Open Data and Open Science policies across Europe reports a continued increase in the growth of related policies and an increase in uptake in countries where no such policy previously existed. This report specifically examines activity across Europe between January and November 2018. The analysis delves into the types of policies in place across Europe, examining their processes of creation and some key specifics.

  >> SPARC Europe, December 2018  



NFAIS 2019 Annual Conference

The National Federation of Advanced Information Services is organising its annual conference.

Topic: Creating strategic solutions in a technology-driven marketplace

The benefits of semantic search and artificial intelligence will be discussed.

  NFAIS 2019 Annual Conference, 13-15 February 2019, Alexandria, VA, USA  

Call for Papers: IFLA Satellite Meeting on Grey Literature (WLIC, Athens, 2019)

In Athens, IFLA Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section (SOCRS) will organize a satellite meeting with IFLA National Libraries Section. The call for proposals has recently been published.

Deadline: March 1, 2019.

  IFLA Satellite Meeting on Grey Literature, 23 August 2019, Athens, Greece  

UKSG 2019 Annual Conference and Exhibition

The programme is online.

Registration is open.

  UKSG 42nd Annual Conference, 8–10 April 2019, Telford, UK  

Call for Papers: Open Session on Standards and Best Practices Relating to Serials, Continuing Resources and Scholarly Communications (WLIC, Athens, 2019)

IFLA Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section (SOCRS) and IFLA Committee on Standards are joining to organize an open session on  Standards Relating to Serials, Continuing Resources and Scholarly Communications.

Deadline to submit a proposal is March 1st, 2019.

  IFLA SOCRS session, 24-30 August 2019, Athens, Greece   

STM 50th Anniversary Frankfurt Conference & Dinner 2019

STM’s Annual Frankfurt Conference has established itself as the ‘sell out’ event prior to the Book Fair.

Register online.

  STM’s Annual Frankfurt Conference, 14 & 15 October 2019, Frankfurt, Germany  

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