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Newsletter n°21 March 2014


The ISSN International Centre welcomes its new Director, Mrs Gaëlle Béquet

Mrs Gaëlle Béquet replaces Mrs Françoise Pellé who has managed the Centre for 16 years. Mrs Gaëlle Béquet has also been appointed as Chairperson of ISO/TC 46.

Previously Head Librarian at the École Nationale des Chartes in Paris (France), Mrs Gaëlle Béquet has experience as International Officer and ICT specialist. She has worked with European universities and cultural institutions and has been a consultant for the European Commission. She holds a PhD in library and information science from University Sorbonne nouvelle.




Presentation about the ROAD project by Regina Romano Reynolds

Mrs. Regina Romano Reynolds, Director of the US ISSN Centre, has given a presentation about the ROAD project during the ALA-Midwinter meeting in January. ROAD is a new service offered by the ISSN International Centre with the support of the UNESCO Communication and Information Sector. ROAD has been launched as a beta version in December 2013.

Official website of the event

ROAD, the Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources



  >> Library of Congress, 2013-03  



NISO Alternative Assessment Metrics (Altmetrics) Project

In June 2013, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation awarded NISO a grant to undertake a two-phase initiative to explore, identify, and advance standards and/or best practices related to a new suite of potential metrics in the community. This project is an important step in the development and adoption of new assessment metrics, which include usage-based metrics, social media references, and network behavioral analysis.

The third meeting of the project’s group was held on Thursday, January 23, 2014 in Philadelphia, PA, all the documents from this session and from the previous ones are available on the project’s homepage.

  >> NISO  

The National library of France becomes ISNI Registration agency : for a persistent identification of persons and organizations

In January 2014 the BnF was appointed as ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) Registration Agency by the ISNI-International Agency. The BnF is the first national library in the world to make such a commitment.

  >> BnF, 2014-02-06  

Publishing Industry


Corrosion of URLs Implications for electronic publishing

The aim of this study is to analyze the accessibility, corrosion and half-life of URLs cited in the articles of Indian LIS conference proceedings published during 2001 to 2010. A total of 5,698 URLs cited in the 1,700 articles were examined.

  >> IFLA Journal, March 2014  

How are established, subscription-based publishers making the transition to open access?

Open access is both a strategic challenge and an opportunity, especially for the traditional publishers which have an economic model based on subscriptions.  Two publishers from the Taylor & Francis Group explain the stakes for their company in the framework of such a disruptive context and present the initiatives they are taking to adapt to this new paradigm.

  >> Insights, 2014-03-03  

Editorial ethics: the detection of plagiarism by automated means

Plagiarism, in spite of it being a practice which violates ethical standards (in addition to copyright), is occurring more and more frequently. The major reason behind this growth is the ease with which access can be achieved to online content. Ernesto Spinak gives an overview of the different procedures used for detecting plagiarism.

  >> SciELO in Perspective, 2014-02-12  

A Metric for the Quality of Peer Review: Interview with Adam Etkin of PreSCORE

PreSCORE is a new metric that ”measures the level of peer review conducted prior to the publication of scholarly material.”

Adam Etkin, founder and managing director of PreSCORE, describes the workings and rationale for scoring papers and journals based on the rigor of peer review.


  >> Scholarly Kitchen, 2014-02-04  

Paying twice or paying thrice? Open access publishing in a global system of scholarly knowledge production and consumption

Casey Brienza, sociologist specializing in the study of the culture industries and transnational cultural production, argues that UK researchers represent too small a proportion of global scholarly knowledge production and consumption to rebalance scholarly expenditure. She considers that UK open access initiatives as currently formulated will instead lead to a significant de facto increase in costs for the UK.

  >> London School of Economics, 2014-01-30  

MyScienceWork opens access to full catalogue of scientific articles

The professional scientific social network MyScienceWork announces that the platform’s 30 million publications are now available without registration.

  >> My Science Work, 2014-02-26  



Agile management: Strategies for success in rapidly changing times – an Australian University Library perspective

This paper explores the concept of agile management, revealing multiple meanings for the term. Notable innovations and developments in Australian university libraries reflect conscious (or possibly not) applications of agile management techniques.

  >> IFLA Journal, March 2014  

Libraries in the world

The « Association des Bibliothécaires de France » (ABF) has launched a geotagged map of the libraries in the world. This contributive project will be presented at the IFLA Conference 2014.

  >> ABF, 2014-03-03  

Authority files: Breaking out of the library silo to become signposts for research information

In this publication experts explain the beneficial value of Authority Files with regards to discovery, trust and reliability, accountability, transactional efficiency, for knowledge creation. The ISSN is described among other identifiers as well as the ROAD project.

  >> Knowledge Exchange, February 2014  

UNESCO publishes Guidelines to compare Institutional Repository Software

The Guidelines to compare Institutional Repository Software is being published as part of the UNESCO’s Open Access Strategy. It compares the features of the major platforms and is intended to help libraries focus on which features will help facilitate the success of their repository.

  >> UNESCO, 2014-02-17  

What Do you Mean by Archive? Genres of Usage for Digital Preservers

Trevor Owens, Digital Archivist at the Library of Congress tries to disambiguate what we mean by « archive » by providing a description of the word’s different acceptations.

  >> The Signal, 2014-02-27  

Patent Awarded on System for Libraries to Sell eBooks

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) awarded a new patent in February for a system which will enable libraries to sell ebooks to patrons.

  >> The Digital Reader, 2014-02-26  



SSP-Webinar 2: Beyond Counting Downloads: New Methods for Capturing and Using Online Publication Traffic

  >> April 8 - Online  

NFAIS Webinar: Automated Indexing: A Case Study from the National Agricultural Library

  >> April 10 - Online  

NFAIS Virtual Seminar: Assessing Contribution, Assessing Usage: Metrics in a New Context

  >> March 28 - Online  

UKSG 37th Annual Conference and Exhibition

  >> April 14-16 - Harrogate  

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