Ibict 70 years: a historical review of those who created the institute / Ibict 70 anos: um resgate histórico daqueles que fizeram o instituto
Established in 1954, Ibict, which hosts ISSN Brazil, marks Brazil’s pioneering spirit in discussions related to Information Science. Its mission is to promote information infrastructure in science and technology. Counting on the valuable contribution of 22 directors, this book makes it possible to learn a little more about the impact of the management of former directors and what it was like to lead an institution that began its history as the Brazilian Institute of Bibliography and Documentation (IBBD) until it was consolidated as the current Ibict.
Crossref DOIs, persistent discovery, and the digital preservation of 7.5 million items
Preservation organisations have reacted with alarm to a recent analysis that suggests around a quarter of academic publications are not being preserved for the future.
Martin Paul Eve of CrossRef assessed around 7.5 million ebooks and articles for which the organisation provides a fixed identifier, or Digital Object Identifier (DOI). For around two million articles in his study, he could find no evidence that the articles were being preserved. Librarians have been urged to play an important role in encouraging and requiring proper preservation. A toolkit to support librarians, including model license language, is available here: https://liblicense.crl.edu/resources/digital-preservation/. Martin Paul Eve also cited the Keepers Registry, a service hosted and managed by ISSN International Centre.
User tracking and profiling by major scientific publishers: what are the new challenges for libraries?
This document summarizes recent work, in particular reports by the SPARC association and the Committee for Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (AWBI) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation). These reports document and alert us to the serious threats to the privacy of users of information resources. A growing proportion of publishers have moved towards licensing access to online content that remains hosted on their servers. Therefore, publishers have acquired considerable control over the collection, storage and analysis of library users’ reading and research data, including personal data.
Emerging roles and responsibilities of libraries in support of reproducible research
Libraries have a significant role in promoting responsible research practices, including transparency and reproducibility, by leveraging their connections to academic communities and collaborating with stakeholders like research funders and publishers. Recommendations for libraries include:
1) Partnering with researchers to promote a research culture that values transparency and reproducibility,
2) enhancing existing research infrastructure and support,
3) investing in raising awareness and developing skills and capacities related to these principles.
Core Competencies for Cataloging and Metadata Professional Librarians
This document is meant to supplement the American Library Association’s Core Competences of Librarianship. The revision team worked during 2023 to update the 2017 document. Their effort was informed by 2022 survey about the current usage of the Core Competencies document and potential changes and additions to the document. The revision team incorporated competencies relating to artificial intelligence and large language models, emphasized ethics, and moved the examples to an appendix for easier updating over time.
FECYT y OpenAIRE reúnieron en Madrid a más de 350 agentes europeos e iberoamericanos para debatir el futuro de la ciencia abierta
La Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) y OpenAIRE han organizado la Conferencia Open Science FAIR, el Congreso Internacional de Ciencia Abierta, bajo el lema “Trazando el curso: re-imaginando la ciencia abierta para las próximas generaciones”. El evento, que se enmarca en la Presidencia española del Consejo de la Unión Europea durante el segundo semestre 2023, se ha celebrado a fines de septiembre 2023 en el Museo Reina Sofía y el Ateneo de Madrid y ha reunido a más de 350 profesionales del ámbito europeo e iberoamericano.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Introducing the eLife Global South Committee for Open Science
eLife has launched the Global South Committee for Open Science, with the aim of learning directly from its peers in the Global South on how best to promote equitable collaboration and inclusion in scientific publishing. Researchers from the Global South are often underrepresented and minoritised in scientific publishing. eLife says its new model has the potential to make publishing a more inclusive enterprise, offering the benefits of scholarly review while giving authors more agency in the publishing process.
The European landscape of institutional publishing – A synopsis of results from the DIAMAS survey
DIAMAS is a HORIZON Europe project that aims to understand and support institutional publishing, paying particular attention to initiatives that do not charge fees to read or publish scholarly outputs, i.e., Diamond Open Access (OA) publications. The following synopsis presents a summary of the DIAMAS project’s Landscape Report “Institutional Publishing in the ERA; results from the DIAMAS survey” highlighting its main findings.
Towards a federated global community of Diamond Open Access
This paper proposes to establish a global research infrastructure for Diamond Open Access (OA). This infrastructure will aim at providing resources and services to diamond open access communities worldwide to strengthen their role in scholarly communication. It will be a global infrastructure serving communities worldwide, while operating as a distributed system that aligns diverse communities to achieve shared goals. The proposed infrastructure aims to support and align the common resources for the entire diamond open access ecosystem, as uncovered by the OA Diamond Journals Study and the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access.
AIP Publishing, the American Physical Society and IOP Publishing create new ‘Purpose-Led Publishing’ coalition
AIP Publishing, the American Physical Society, and IOP Publishing have joined forces to create Purpose-Led Publishing (PLP), a new coalition with a promise to always put purpose above profit.
The three scholarly publishers are united by their not-for-profit status, with all the funds made from publishing going back into the research ecosystem. As members of PLP, the publishers have defined a set of industry standards that underpin high-quality, ethical scholarly communications.
Reference Coverage Analysis of OpenAlex compared to Web of Science and Scopus
OpenAlex is a promising open source of scholarly metadata, and competitor to the Web of Science and Scopus. As OpenAlex provides its data freely and openly, it permits researchers to perform bibliometric studies that can be reproduced in the community without licensing barriers. However, as OpenAlex is a rapidly evolving source and the data contained within is expanding and quickly changing, the question naturally arises as to the trustworthiness of its data. In this paper, the reference and metadata coverage within each database will be studied and compared with each other.
Premiers éléments de l’ontologie RDA-FR concernant les ressources continues
Dans le cadre du programme Transition bibliographique, l’objectif de l’ontologie RDA-FR est d’exprimer avec les technologies du web sémantique les entités, leurs attributs et leurs relations définies par le code de catalogage RDA-FR en conformité avec le modèle international IFLA LRM.
Les premiers éléments de l’ontologie RDA-FR concernant les ressources continues viennent d’être publiés en version bêta : voir https://rdafr.fr/release-notes.html#v0.3.0. L’ontologie rend compte des attributs de l’Oeuvre de ressource continue, sous-classe de l’entité Oeuvre, ainsi que de toutes les relations entre une Oeuvre de ressource continue et une autre oeuvre (qui peut ou non être de ressource continue).
Final Report of the Standing Committee on Standards (SCS) Task Group on Developing Guidelines for Using ISO 639-3 Language Codes for Library Cataloging
The Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Task Group on Developing Guidelines for Using ISO 639-3 Language Codes for Library Cataloging was charged with developing a set of guidelines for how to use ISO 639-3 language codes in MARC records. These guidelines were approved by the PCC on November 22, 2022. Most of the test recommendations were carried over. The guidelines continue to recommend only using ISO 639-3 language codes in addition to MARC language codes in shared cataloging in order to support interoperability.
The ISBD Review Group and the ISBD for Manifestation Task Force held an online introductory meeting on 8 February 2024 with participants from other IFLA bodies, Resource Description and Access (RDA), MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) and ISSN International Centre, in order to facilitate the start of the expert review phase of the ISBD for Manifestation. This phase will be ending by mid-May 2024, and will be followed by an official worldwide review phase from mid-May to mid-July. A webinar for all interested colleagues before starting the review will be held at the end of April 2024.
2024 Library Publishing Forum registration and updates, May 15-16 2024, Minneapolis, USA
Registration for the 2024 Library Publishing Forum is now open! This year’s Forum will be held on May 15-16 at McNamara Alumni Center at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. More information about registration, including rates and refund policies, can be found on the Registration & Travel Information page.
Special affiliated event: PKP will be hosting a Sprint and Pre-Conference Event on Monday, May 13 and Tuesday, May 14, to be held at the University of Minnesota Libraries, Wilson Library.