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ISSN newsletter
  N°1 - June 17, 2011 ISSN 2221-8009  
RSS   Publishing, Information Industry, Technology
    The development of Open Access journal publishing from 1993 to 2009
The results of this study show a very rapid growth of OA publishing during the period 1993–2009. Since the year 2000, the average annual growth rate has been 18% for the number of journals and 30% for the number of articles. This can be contrasted to the reported 3,5% yearly volume increase in journal publishing in general. (Plos One, 2011-06-13)

Libraries offer tools and support for Open-Access publishing

Duke University Libraries has announced a new service to help members of the Duke community create and publish peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journals. This service helps prospective editors establish their journal online, providing guidance and advice as editors develop the journal’s structure. Journals are built on a free, open-source platform known as Open Journal Systems, which was developed specifically to manage the overhead of creating and sustaining academic journals. (STM Publishing, 2011-06-09)

Financial Times introduces web app in effort to bypass Apple

The Financial Times introduced a mobile Web application aimed at luring readers away from Apple’s iTunes App Store, throwing down the gauntlet over new business conditions that Apple is set to impose on publishers who sell digital subscriptions via iTunes. (New-York Times, 2011-06-08)

Apple Newsstand: what does it really mean for publishers?

Newsstand app puts digital newspaper and magazine products into one dedicated place; once you've subscribed to a publication, Newsstand automatically downloads the new edition when it is published. Newsstand undoubtedly makes a far simpler proposition for consumers, for publishers, as is often the case, it's less clear cut. (The Guardian, 2011-06-07)

Seeking custody

The OA [Open Access] movement has given far more attention to the copyright or permission problem than to the custody or possession problem. This may have the effect of sweeping a difficult problem under the rug.  We often have permission when we lack custody, and often find that solving the permission problem is easier than solving the custody problem.  Peter Suber gives some examples of what could be called permission success and custody failure. (SPARC Open Access Newsletter, n°158, 2011-06-02)

The merger of the century: EBSCO acquires H. W. Wilson
According to EBSCO “the vast majority of Wilson databases will continue to be maintained […] Some Wilson databases will be merged together with closely related EBSCO databases to create more robust versions.” This acquisition will strengthen the presence of EBSCO in the libraries market. (American Libraries, 2011-06-03)

SAGE journals going mobile with HighWire

SAGE announces that their entire collection of online journal sites will soon be available in a mobile-optimized format, taking advantage of the HighWire Mobile Web interface. (SAGE, 2011-06-01)

Stop the scanners: Google halts efforts to digitize old newspapers

Google stops its digitizing programme of the world press : the websurfers can continue to access its existing free online archive of newspapers –3.5 million issues of more than 2,000 newspaper titles worldwide – but the company will no longer add to the collection by scanning old newspapers. (Reuters, 2011-05-20)
Libraries   Libraries
    The 2011 Library Blog Awards winners
Salem Press (a division of EBSCO publishing) has awarded 8 library blogs in 8 categories: general library, public library, academic library, school library, local Library, newcomer library and commercial library. The winners are… (Salem Press, 2011-06-15)

Research libraries, publishers stake out positions on international interlibrary loans (ILL)

Michael Kelley gives an overview of the divergences between research libraries and the International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (STM) over the right to engage in international interlibrary loans (ILL) and document delivery. (Library Journal, 2011-06-14)

Unlocking HathiTrust: inside the librarians' digital library

In 2008, major university libraries across the US came together to provide a common point to preserve and provide access to the millions of books and serials they have digitized with Google and other partners. Several years later, HathiTrust is a robust shared repository of books (and book-like volumes) that continues to grow at a rapid pace. This interview of Heather Christenson, project manager and Paul Fogel co-technical lead for the HathiTrust at the California Digital Library is an excellent opportunity to know more about HatiTrust. (Library Journal, 2011-06-09)

What Patron-Driven Acquisition (PDA) does and doesn’t mean: an FAQ

Like all acquisition and access models, PDA is imperfect, its manifestations are numerous and its availability raises lots and lots of questions (How will PDA help me save money? PDA always seems to be about books. Doesn’t the same principle apply to journals?...) that Rick Anderson try to answer in this post. (The Scholarly Kitchen, 2011-05-31)

Adoption of the proposed directive on orphan works by the college of European Commissioners

The main objective of this proposal is to create a legal framework to ensure the lawful, crossborder
online access to orphan works contained in online digital libraries or archives. Such works include works which are published in the form of books, journals, newspapers, magazines or other writings. (European Commission, 2011-05-24)

The state of America’s libraries 2011

Some highlights of the annual report of the American Library Association : libraries are still a key resource for the jobless and entrepreneurs, they do more with less, in particular school and academic libraries, technological advances of the past decade – or the past year –– are leading the library community to rethink the definition of library…. (American Library Association,  April 2011)

Standard   Standards
    Report and recommendations of the U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee (Executive summary) and Response of the Library of Congress, the National Agricultural Library, and the National Library of Medicine to the RDA Test Coordinating Committee
The U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee has evaluated RDA in 2010-2011 by testing it within the library and information environment, assessing the technical, operational, and financial implications of the new code. The first document below summarizes the results of the tests and recommends that “RDA should be implemented by LC, NAL, and NLM no sooner than January 2013”, the second one states the endorsement of the Committee report and its conclusions by the Executives of the three National Libraries. [We remind you that our colleague Regina Romano Reynolds from the Library of Congress is member of the U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee.] (National Library of Medicine, 2011-06-15)

Library of Congress may begin transitioning away from MARC

The Library of Congress is going to undertake a major reevaluation of bibliographic control (Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative) in a move that could lead to a gradual transition away from the 40-year-old MARC 21 standard. The goal of this initiative is to determine "what is needed to transform [the] digital framework" in the light of technological changes (in the semantic web environment for instance) and budgetary constraints. (Library Journal, 2001-05-26)

UKSG and NISO Announce eight more publishers endorse KBART
Eight more publishers are now able to supply metadata that conforms to the recommended practice, KBART (Knowledge Bases And Related Tools). At the end of 2010, the KBART report mentioned the “important role of the ISSN in ensuring successful resolution of OpenURL-based links”. (NISO, 2011-06-13)

Identification of e-books

Peter Kilborn gives an overview of the discussions regarding assignment of ISBN to e-books since the latest revision of the ISBN standard (ISO 2108- 2005) that recommends to assign a separate ISBN to all the digital versions of any products. He comments in particular the Code of Practice for the Identification of e-books and Digital Content published by the Book Industry Communication (UK) in 2009. (Learned Publishing, Volume 23, Number 2, April 2010)

News   ISSN News

    36th Meeting of Directors of ISSN National Centres in Sarajevo : online registration is open
Organized by the ISSN International Centre and the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the 36th Meeting of Directors of ISSN National Centres will be held at the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, B&H from October 3 to October 7, 2011.

ISSN award: deadline for application extended to June 21, 2011 (ISSN national Centers only)

The ISSN Award was established in 2007 by the ISSN Governing Board, to support and encourage ISSN Member Countries encountering financial difficulties to participate in ISSN training sessions and meetings. Its objective is to provide financial support to a National Center that is making a consistent effort to participate in ISSN activities, or that has shown a real intention to improve ISSN activities but needs a training session in order to achieve concrete results or that has been recently created.

i-Expo 2011 : ISSN, une source dont il serait dommage de se passer

An interview of Pierre Godefroy and Annabelle Dinan from the ISSN International Centre. (Archimag, 2011-05-19)

ISSN - Advantages and importance in international information systems.

Annual meetings of the directors ISSN national centres are privileged moments in the life of ISSN network. They are important for the exchange on the level of ISSN network, for a better understanding of the needs and requirements of all the professional communities interested in the publishing, production, distribution and access serial resources. In 2011 that meeting will be held in Sarajevo, in the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Françoise Pellé, Director of the ISSN International Centre - Bosniaca, Vol. 15, Number 15, 2010)

Calendar   Forthcoming Events in the World
American Library Association Annual Conference

The Changing Standards Landscape during the 2011, June 24, 2011, New Orleans, USA.

Digital Preservation Summit 2011

October 19-20, 2011, Hamburg, Germany.

Colloque international sur le document numérique

December 7-8, 2011, Rabat, Morocco.

This issue of the newsletter and archives are also available on the ISSN website.
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