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ISSN newsletter
  N°2 - July 21, 2011 ISSN 2221-8009  
News   ISSN News
    ISSN awards: Philippines and Kirghizstan  Centres awarded
Congratulations to Kyrgyzstan and the Philippines, which have equally won the ISSN Award 2011! This exceptional decision reflects the quality of the applications received. Our colleagues Jennifer B. Dimasaca (Philippines) and Kenje Sultanova (Kirghizstan) will attend a one-week training session delivered by the ISSN International Centre in November 2011.

IFLA Conference: ISSN Network representatives will be there!

The IFLA Conference will be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from 13-18 August 2011. Several ISSN Network representatives will participate in this annual event and attend, among others, meetings of the Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section (Philippe Cantié, Director of the French ISSN Centre, as Secretary of the Section) and meetings of the ISBD Review Group (Françoise Pelle, Director of the ISSN International Centre, as liaison member).

Survey on ISSN assignment to digital reproductions

From May till June 2011, the ISSN Network has consulted the serials community and related experts/stakeholders  (publishers, subscription agencies, digital preservation agencies and institutions/working groups in charge of bibliographic standards) about a possible change of its rules regarding ISSN assignment to digital reproductions. The survey is being processed and analyzed. The results will be discussed during the next annual meeting of ISSN Directors in Sarajevo (October 2011). The final decision of the ISSN Network as well as the survey results will then be broadly publicized.

Agreement between the ISSN National Centre and the Latindex Centre of the Dominican Republic

On June 3, 2011, the ISSN National Centre and the Latindex Centre of the Dominican Republic signed an agreement whose purpose is to develop and improve the quality of the scientific and scholarly serials published in the Dominican Republic. Latindex, which promotes scientific and scholarly publications produced in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal is partner of the ISSN International Centre. (Centro Latindex para la República Dominicana,June 2011)

Survey on the PEPRS beta service
PEPRS (Piloting an E-Journals Preservation Registry Service)  aggregates metadata about e-journal preservation from five major archiving agencies: CLOCKSS, Portico, Global LOCKSS Network, British Library and the e-Depot at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library of the Netherlands). This registry is being developed by EDINA (UK) along with the ISSN International Centre and was formally launched on 28 April 2011 as a beta service. In order to assess and improve it, EDINA is carrying out a short survey available through  www. All responses will be gratefully received!

ISSN assigned to the notebooks of [Des ISSN pour les carnets d’]

In accordance with the CAITOIR criteria (Criteria for the Assignment of ISSN To Ongoing Integrating Resources established by the ISSN Network in 2010), the Centre pour l’édition électronique ouverte, CLEO, has obtained from ISSN France 69 ISSN assignments for the notebooks available on CLEO  is part of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, French National Center for Scientific Research). (Hypotheses, 2011-06-22)

Standard   Standards

    W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Call for Public Comments
W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group has been chartered from May 2010 through August 2011 to prepare a series of reports on the existing and potential use of Linked Data technology for publishing library data. It invites comments on its draft reports via a dedicated blog.  (Digital Library Federation, 2011-07-11)

OECD iLibrary provides COUNTER-compliant Usage Statistics
OECD iLibrary will provides usage statistics to subscribers according to Counting Online Usage NeTworked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) standards from July 2011. Launched in March 2002, COUNTER is an international initiative serving librarians, publishers and intermediaries by setting standards that facilitate the recording and reporting of online usage statistics in a consistent, credible and compatible way. ISSN is a key data of COUNTER-compliant reports. (OECD, 2011-06-15) 

Cambridge Journals Online moves to KBART and improves title change information pages
The latest release of new functionality for Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) includes two specific enhancements for librarians: package data in KBART compliant format and improved title change information pages. (Cambridge Journal, 2011-06)

Onix for serials formats updated
Last releases (June 2011) of ONIX Serials Products and Subscriptions (SPS), Serials Online Holdings (SOH), and Serials Release Notification (SRN) are available on EDItEUR website.  (EDItEUR, 2011-06)

Adopt RDA in France ? [Adopter RDA en France ?]
Video presentation of Françoise Leresche (Bibliothèque nationale de France). (ADBS, 2011-05-21)

FRBR, what is it again? [FRBR, c'est quoi déjà ?]
Video presentation of Philippe Le Pape (Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur, ABES, France). (ADBS, 2011-05-21)

RSS   Publishing, Information Industry, Technology 
Judge sets September 15 ultimatum for 'fairer' version of Google Books deal

Judge Denny Chin of the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit set a new hearing date for September 15. By this date, Google must reportedly present a 'fair' way to reward book publishers and authors for re-printing snippets of their content online. Google and publishers have been working on such a deal since 2005. (Knowledgespeak, 2011-07-20)

Will a renewed re-examination of the Big Deal itself be a big deal?
The libraries of the University of Oregon and of the Southern Illinois University are breaking free from the big ticket payments and large journal collections tied up in Big Deals, and shifting to a per-title subscription model. Kent Anderson gives his point of view about this policy change. (The Scholarly Kitchen, 2011-07-18)

Digital Agenda: more open access to scientific information - Commission seeks views
A public consultation on access to, and preservation of, digital scientific information has been launched by the European Commission and will run until 9 September 2011. By the end of 2011 the European Commission intends to adopt a Communication on this matter. It will be accompanied by a Recommendation on actions to be implemented by EU Member States to improve access to scientific information. (Europa, 2011-07-15)

Cambridge University Press announces new digital platform for other academic publishers

Cambridge University Press has announced that it will be launching a new integrated eBook and digital content platform for other academic publishers, called University Publishing Online.
From October 2011, University Publishing Online will provide libraries with eBooks and related database products from a variety of academic publishers worldwide. (Cambridge University Press, 2011-07-13)

Open Access: shaking the basics of academic publishing
Open access, which advocates free access and substituting submission fees for subscriptions, is gaining traction worldwide and is shaking the basics of academic publishing. According to Vera Munch, both scientists and publishers will have to adapt—or disappear…”. (Online, Vol. 35 (4), July-August 2011)

The French press launches its newspaper kiosk for iPhone and iPad [La presse française lance son kiosque pour iPhone et iPad]
Nine French newspapers and magazines are launching the «ePresse », a paid application for  iPhone and iPad. (Abondance, 2011-07-01)

Funding for sustainability: how funders’ practices influence the future of digital resources
This report of Ithaka S+R offers an overview of funders' policies and practices, and provides a framework to assist funders and their grantees in thinking about the key elements of post-grant sustainability planning for digital resources. (Ithaka, 2011-06)

Guardian News & Media to be a digital-first organization
Guardian News & Media (GNM), publisher of the Guardian, has revealed plans to become a digital-first organisation, placing open journalism on the web at the heart of its strategy. According to the  company this new strategy is “a response to changes affecting the entire media sector, which has seen rapid growth in digital audiences but also financial challenges for newspaper publishers due to declining print circulation and advertising revenues”. (The Guardian, 2011-06-16)

Libraries   Libraries

    JISC calls for all metadata to be openly accessible
Twelve UK organisations have signed up to a new set of open metadata principles and now JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee, UK) is inviting all publicly funded organizations including universities, colleges, libraries, museums and archives to make the same commitment. (JISC, 2011-07-12)

Partnership appeal for the digitization and the development of the BnF collections
[Appel à partenariat pour la numérisation et la valorisation des collections BnF]

On July 6, 2011, The BnF, the French Ministry of Culture and Communication and the French Commissariat for Investment have launched a partnership appeal, within the framework of the National Program for Investment, for the digitization and the development of the BnF Collections. French press, from 1780-1940, is part of this digitization program. (Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2011-07-06)

The library of the future: Google's vision for books

Peter Barron (Google) points out some of “the huge opportunities [that] lie ahead in the relationship between the Internet and the world of books”  and discusses Google’s vision. (Learned Publishing, Vol. 24 (3)  July 2011)

Academic libraries of the future

A 18-month project has resulted in the May 2011 release of Academic Libraries of the Future, Scenarios for 2050. This joint initiative of the British Library, Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), Research Information Network (RIN), Research Libraries UK (RLUK), and the Society of College, National, and University Libraries (SCONUL) explored future scenarios for teaching, academic, and research libraries in the context of the changing academic and technological landscape. (Libraries of Future, June 2011)

The British Library and Google to make 250,000 books available to all
The British Library and Google have announced a partnership to digitize 250,000 out-of-copyright books from the Library's collections. The project will digitize a range of printed books, pamphlets and periodicals dated from 1700 to 1870. ((British Library, 2011-06-20)

Calendar   Forthcoming Events in the World
IFLA 2011 (World Library and Information Congress) : 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

August 13-18, 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico

ALPSP International Conference 2011

September 14-16, 2011, Oxford, UK

ISO General Assembly

September 19-24, 2011, New Delhi, India

DC-2011 Conference [Dublin Core Conference]
September 21-23, 2011, The Hague, Netherlands

2011 Charleston Conference (Issues in Books and Serials Acquisition)
November 2-5, 2011, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Online Information 2011
November 29-December 1st, 2011, London, UK
This issue of the newsletter and archives are also available on the ISSN website.
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