International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Keepers Registry




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About Keepers Registry

The Keepers Registry acts as a global monitor on the archiving arrangements for digital journals and has three main purposes:

  • To enable librarians and policy makers to find out who is looking after which e-journal, how, and with what terms of access.
  • To highlight e-journals which are still “at risk of loss” and need to be archived.
  • To showcase the archiving organisations around the world, i.e. the Keepers, which provide the digital shelves for access to content over the long term.

From December 2019

Keepers Registry has been a Jisc funded service for the UK Higher Education sector from 2016 to 2019. This funding ceased in July 2019.

The ISSN International Centre and its Governing Board value the Keepers Registry as part of the global identification infrastructure for serials. The ISSN International Centre has been a partner of the service since its inception. The ISSN International Centre will continue to make its functionality and content available for the international communities of libraries, publishers and scholars.

The ISSN International Centre aims to provide the new service from December 2019.

Keepers Registry is now available through the URL: