يمنح كروس مارك الناشرين طريقة قياسية لإبلاغ التحديثات المهمة علي المحتوي، كذلك يتيح مشاركة بيانات وصفية إضافية مما يحقق الضمان والاتساق.
سنقوم من خلال هذه الندوة بعرض ما يتعين على الناشرين القيام به من اجل تطبيق كروس مارك، وكذلك التعريف بالمتطلبات التقنية، كما ستتاح فرصة لتلقي أسئلتكم.
Crossmark gives publishers a standard way to communicate important updates to content, and to share additional metadata that can provide assurance and context.
This webinar goes over what publishers need to do to implement Crossmark, the technical requirements, and provides an opportunity to ask questions. Mohamad Mostafa, Publishing Editor at Knowledge E and Crossref Ambassador, explains the advantages of Crossref and how journal editors and publishers can use it.
Presented in Arabic on the 15th September 2020.
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ندوه عن كيفية استخدام كروس مارك باللغة العربية | Crossmark How-To Arabic webinar
1. Mohamad Mostafa
KnE Publishing Editor and
Crossref Ambassador
Vanessa Fairhurst
Community Outreach Manager
Paul Davis
Technical Support Specialist
كروس عمل ورشة
24. Add Crossref DOI to web and PDF ٤.
• HTML metadata
<meta name=“dc.identifier” content=“10.5555/12345”>
الوصفية البيانات على للعثور الرقمي المعرف إلى مارك كروس زر رمز يحتاج
25. ٥.محتواك الي مارك كروس زر بإضافة قم
On HTML article landing pages In PDF articles
#3: After it’s published content can change and readers need to know. It could be an update or a correction which are quite common, but also can be more serious changes such as retractions.
(Not sure if anyone is familiar with retraction watch blog, it’s an interesting blog that reports on retracted or other problematic papers.)
Readers need to know that they can trust that they can use the research. Not bad or negative to update works - it helps to maintain the scholarly record - this is an important job that publishers do.
#6: This is an example of a correction notice on a publisher article.
This one is at the top - other publishers may choose to place it elsewhere so there is no consistent way of seeing the correction across publishers.
Hard to find and hard to track.
#7: Similarly here is an example of a retraction, it could be included in the title of the work itself and perhaps needs more information such as a retraction notice for the reader. Again there are different ways in which publishers have displayed this information.
#10: So our members asked us to develop a solution and in 2012 after a lengthy pilot we launched CrossMark.
So as you have heard throughout the day- Crossref is all about either metadata in or metadata out and CrossMark is a great example of both. Publishers deposit extra metadata that they want CrossMark to display and researchers can then access this data though the widget or through the Rest API.
It’s a great way to show users that the article is up-to-date and that they can trust the content, the information stays with the article and can even be accessed via the widget away from the publisher site, on a pdf for example, so long as the reader is connected to the internet.
#11: This is an example of a CrossMark with no updates.
The document is current.It displays a link to the publisher maintained version which in this case is current.
Below you can see the additional publication information.
#12: This is an example of a CrossMark with no updates.
The document is current.It displays a link to the publisher maintained version which in this case is current.
Below you can see the additional publication information.
#13: This next article shows an article with an correction
#14: Here is an example with an update. Clicking on the Crossmark button shows that this article had a correction made to the original version. Readers may click on the link to view further information.
#16: Here is one with a retraction.
The Crossmark data displays the date of the retraction. The reader may then click on the link provided to view further information.
#17: Crossmark is geared towards letting readers know about significant changes to published content.
For changes that would be made during the standard editing process - correcting formatting, spelling, etc. the Crossmark status may be kept as current. These are changes that would not affect the crediting or interpretation of the work.
For substantive changes, such as a retraction due to an error being uncovered, or because changes need to be made to an author’s name, and Crossmark update should be displayed.
#18: Crossmark can be used to show a number of different status update types. The most common types of updates include corrections, erratum, and new versions.
#20: So I’m going to now talk to you about managing changes to content and how our Crossmark service helps with this.
#21: Sign up by dropping us an email at [email protected] to let us know that you want to get started with Crossmark. There are no longer fees for participating in the Crossmark service, this is because we want to remove any barriers from participation and to promote best practice around better reporting of corrections and retractions (read more on the blog here)
#23: Here is an example of a policy page. You can see information about Crossmark as well as the DOI that has been assigned which links to the publisher’s Crossmark policy
#24: Crossmark metadata should be deposited as part of a regular Crossref DOI deposit, but can also be deposited as stand-alone data to help populate backfiles.
The minimum required Crossmark metadata comprises:
The DOI of the content the Crossmark is being applied to
The DOI for your Crossmark Policy Page
The DOI of any piece of content that is being updated
#27: Place the Crossmark button close to the title of the article, preferably next to or above the title. Publishers should call the button from our content delivery network (CDN). Modifications should not be made to the colours, text, or ratios of the button.
#28: Crossmark is also used by publishers to display additional information about a content item.
#29: The Crossmark box for this article contains additional information on peer review, supplemental materials, and copyright and license information.
#30: Lets readers know they can trust the content
Convenient - one place to access information
Works in both HTML and PDF
Easier for researchers to cite the most recent version of content
Free for researchers to click on
More dissemination of your metadata
So some stats:
Number of publishers and no of DOIs found using this API query: http://api.crossref.org/works?filter=has-update-policy%3Atrue&rows=0&facet=publisher-name%3A%2A
Updates and update type: http://api.crossref.org/works?filter=is-update:true&facet=update-type:*&rows=0
#31: So what are some of the things that make Crossmark great?
It lets your readers know they can trust the content and that it is being maintained.
It’s one convenient place for readers to access any additional publication information
Works on both HTML and PDF
It makes it easier for researchers to know they are citing the most recent version of content.
There are no costs for the readers of your content
And it ensures greater dissemination of your metadata
#32: Talking about more dissemination of your metadata, the information you deposit when you participate in Crossmark is made available for re-use, as with all our metadata. eXstyles, which is software is used by journal, book, standard, and government publishers around the world to edit and export content, implemented retraction warnings which flag when an article referenced has been retracted, just one of the ways the Crossref service is used to create alerts for readers, so they never miss important updates to content.
#34: We have a dedicated support team you can contact with any technical issues either via the website listed on the slide or by emailing [email protected]
For great information on how to deposit, maintain and retrieve metadata from us, information on our services, with technical explanations and examples, you can visit our support centre at support.crossref.org. You can also submit requests here for any specific queries if you cannot find the answer to your query in our documentation.
#36: Questions?
You can also follow us on twitter, read our blog, or visit labs.crossref.org to stay up to date with what we are up to and any new developments.