Whilst a pandemic means that at Crossref we can't run our usual in-person events around the globe, we are now running a series of online LIVE events. These cover the basics of Crossref, content registration, the importance of comprehensive metadata, participation reports, and an overview of our additional services. Presented in Arabic by Crossref ambassador, Mohamad Mostafa, 11th May 2020.
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Crossref LIVE Arabic
1. Mohamad Mostafa
KnE Publishing editor and Crossref
Rachael Lammey
Head of Community Outreach
Vanessa Fairhurst
Community Outreach Manager
ArabicCrossrefLive 2020
بالعربية رف كروس عمل ورشة٢٠٢٠
75. -المحتوي في التشابه عن للكشف أداة
-النصوص فحص علي تعتمد اداةالمنشوره
Text-based screening
-علي تحتوي:
1 billion web pages, 57 million items
from Crossref members, and a further
105 million items from other content
partners such as Pearson, Cengage,
EBSCOHost etc.
أداة هي ماايثنتيكيت؟
#44: Questions?
Perhaps there are no problems with your metadata, and everything is completely accurate. That’s great! But, we encourage our members to submit metadata that is not just accurate, but also as thorough as possible and we are going to talk about that next!
#84: Here is one with a retraction.
The Crossmark data displays the date of the retraction. The reader may then click on the link provided to view further information.