In November 2020, Crossref formally adopted the “Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure” (POSI). POSI is a list of sixteen commitments that will now guide the board, staff, and Crossref’s development as an organisation into the future.
This webinar took place on the 29th October at 03:00 PM AEST (UTC+10) and covered:
- What are the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) and why are they needed?
- Why POSI is important for Crossref and how it will help realise the Research Nexus
- Open metadata and infrastructure services from Crossref
Presented in English by Cameron Neylon, Professor of Research Communications, Centre for Culture and Technology, at Curtin University, Amanda Bartell, Head of Member Experience at Crossref, and Vanessa Fairhurst, Community Engagement Manager at Crossref.
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2. Cameron Neylon
Professor of Research Communications,
Centre for Culture and Technology, Curtin Uni
Amanda Bartell
Crossref Head of Member Experience
Vanessa Fairhurst
Crossref Community Engagement Manager
4. Agenda
● What are the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure
(POSI) and why are they needed?
● How POSI will help realise the Research Nexus
● Open metadata and infrastructure services
● Q&A
6. A set of principles describing the
desired governance
arrangements, financial
sustainability and openness of
infrastructure organisations and
how they should operate in the
scholarly space. Lorem ipsum
dolor sit sit amet, consectetur...
14. @CrossrefOrg
We envision a rich and reusable
open network of relationships
connecting research
organizations, people, things,
and actions; a scholarly record
that the global community can
build on forever, for the benefit
of society.
15. How to reach that goal?
● Open and accessible metadata - human & machine
● Persistent identifiers - for all activities, inputs/outputs,
contributors, human and machine interfaces
● Community awareness and collaboration - I4OC + I4OA
+ Metadata 20/20 + + many other
● Commitment to principles of open scholarly
16. Why is POSI right for Crossref?
● Supporting open research
● Based on real experiences
● Well-received by the community
● A need for broader governance
● Identify others to collaborate with
● Practical and measurable
● Balanced
19. Expansion of content, metadata and services
● Crossref has expanded content types: Books, Conference
proceedings, Dissertations, Grants, Journals, Peer
reviews, Preprints, Reports, Reviews, Working Papers,
● Crossref has expanded its metadata with links and
relationships: corrections & retractions, licenses, funding
information, ORCID IDs, DataCite DOIs, preprint to VoR
connections and soon - ROR IDs for affiliations.
21. 3 large tiers - 56% of revenue in 2011, 40% of revenue in 2020
3 middle tiers - 20% of revenue in 2011, 16% of revenue in 2020
3 small tiers - 25% of revenue in 2011, 44% of revenue in 2020
Smaller members now pay more
collectively than the largest
22. Crossref board - now and then
American Institute of Physics Publishing
African Journals Online (AJOL)
American Psychological Association
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
California Digital Library (CDL)
Korean Council of Science Editors
Open Edition
Oxford University Press
Springer Nature
Informa/Taylor & Francis
Academic Press (Elsevier)
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Institute of Physics
American Psychological Association
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Blackwell Science (Wiley)
Elsevier Science
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Kluwer Academic Publishers (Springer Nature)
Nature Publishing Group (Springer Nature)
Oxford University Press
Springer Verlag (Springer Nature)
23. Board motions July 2020
1. That Crossref should proactively lead an effort to explore, with other infrastructure
organizations and initiatives, how we can improve the scholarly research ecosystem. Crossref
is committed to the collaborative development of open scholarly infrastructure for the
benefit of our members and the wider research community.
2. That the exploration referenced in the foregoing resolution should consider a range of options
looking at operational, governance, technical, and product and service issues and how
the organizations could take advantage of synergies, efficiencies, and opportunities for
the benefit of the wider research community by working more closely together.
3. Formed a Strategy Committee to take this forward.
25. Living up to POSI (in practice)
● Review of governance
– Stakeholder review
– Broaden board to include funders
● Sustainability
– Working towards a 12 month contingency fund
– Publishing more about our operations
● Open and available data
– Open APIs & Search + releasing public metadata files
● Open source support, code, issues, bug-fixing
● Partnership plan
– Discussing closer alliances with several other open infrastructure
35. Research Integrity:
● An embedded button for HTML and PDF that, when clicked,
tells the reader if any changes have been made since
● The information stays with the article and can be accessed
even away from the publisher site
● Machine-readable metadata available via the Crossref REST
39. Access the reports at
and you can find documentation to help on our website.
41. Metadata should be…
Metadata should be…