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Crossref LIVE US Online
Susan Collins
Community Outreach Manager
Rosa Clark
Communications & Events Manager
Isaac Farley
Technical Support Manager
Welcome and Introductions
Intro to Crossref
Content Registration
Updating and Maintaining Your Metadata
Questions and Break
Participation Reports - brief introduction
Community Initiatives
How to get help
Crossref makes research outputs easy to find, cite,
link, assess, and reuse.
We’re a not-for-profit membership organization that
exists to make scholarly communications better.
Crossref LIVE US Online
Governance and Committees
•Advisory Groups and Committees
•16 member board, cross section of international
•One member, one vote, including members
represented by a sponsoring organization - each of
you has a vote
•Board elections each November
Crossref overview
• Over 14,000 member and affiliated organizations
•16 member board, cross section of international publishers
• Metadata store of over 117 million scholarly content items
• A DOI is just the start - We offer a wide array of services to
ensure that scholarly research metadata is registered, linked,
and distributed.
• We preserve the metadata we receive and make it available via
our open APIs and Search.
Who uses Crossref?
•Archives & repositories
•Research councils
•Data centres
•Professional networks
•Patent offices
•Indexing services
•Publishing vendors
•Peer review systems
•Reference manager systems
•Lab & diagnostics suppliers
•Info management systems
•Educational tools
•Data analytics systems
•Literature discovery services
•Registration Agencies
Why do publishers join Crossref?
•To help get their content discovered
•Show people where their content is located and
update that if/when the content moves
•Drive more traffic to publications
•Turn references into hyperlinks
•Find out who is using their content
•Participate in other collaborative services
Crossref Members and Affiliates by Year
Crossref LIVE US Online
content items
Content Types
• Journals
• Books
• Conference proceedings
• Standards
• Technical reports
• Working Papers
• Theses and dissertations
• Components (figures, tables)
• Datasets (supplementary data)
• Databases
• Posted content (includes preprints)
• Peer Reviews
Registered content
registration at
More than just
Your prefix
•One prefix may be used for all content
•New titles may be added at any time
•No limit to the number of DOIs created, also no
minimum number is required.
Persistent identifiers
• The DOI directory: makes the DOI actionable on the web
• Prefix: assigned by Crossref
• Suffix: assigned by the publisher
Total DOI = routes through the DOI resolver to point to the registered URL
DOI suffix
• consistent
• simple
• short
More details:
Crossref DOI display guidelines
• Always be displayed as a full URL link
• An example of the best practice in displaying a Crossref DOI link is:
• Old format was
Your landing page
• A full bibliographic citation so that the user can verify they have been
delivered to the correct item
• The DOI displayed as a URL, per display guidelines
• A way to access full text: access to full text is completely controlled
by the publisher but the landing page must be accessible to
author names, ORCIDs, affiliations, article titles, ISSN, ISBN,
pages, issue #, volume #s, dates, identifiers
more metadata
reference lists, funding data, ORCIDs, license data, clinical trial numbers,
errata, retractions, updates and more through our Crossmark service,
JATS-formatted abstracts, relationships between items…
Ways to register content
Upload XML file (
The manual web deposit form (
OJS Crossref plugin (
Metadata Manager (
Create XML
Crossref Schema
Metadata deposit schema: for everything
Metadata deposit schema 4.4.2 (documentation)
Resource schema: for adding most non-bibliographic metadata to existing
doi_resources4.3.6.xsd (documentation)
<full_title>International Journal of
<abbrev_title>Am J Meet</abbrev_title>
<issn media_type='print'>4445-6767</issn>
<publication_date media_type='print'>
Journal title: International Journal of Meetings
ISSN: 4445-6767
Publication date: 5-5-2001
Volume: 33
Issue: 1
<journal_article publication_type='full_text’>
<title>Let’s have a meeting</title>
<person_name sequence='first' contributor_role='author'>
<publication_date media_type='print'>
article title: Let’s have a
author: Bob Surname
pages: 100-200
DOI: 10.50505/test_2007
Success! Your content now has
persistent identifiers and a Crossref
metadata record
Failure…your content has not been
Web deposit form
OJS/Crossref integrations
As of OJS 3.1.2
• Reference linking and depositing
• Funding metadata
• iThenticate plugin
Crossref LIVE US Online
Crossref LIVE US Online
Please note...
The plugin will deposit DOIs on publication, but your DOIs
will still take time to be processed. It is not immediate.
The plugin does not automatically update DOIs if metadata
changes. That has to be done manually.
If a DOI deposit has failed, you can click on the failure link
for a report
more info at: PKP's Community forum and
PKP documentation
Metadata Manager
Crossref LIVE US Online
Not just bibliographic metadata
Crossref LIVE US Online
Crossref LIVE US Online
Metadata should be…
• accurate
• complete
• up to date
Updating and
adding extra
What do we mean when we talk about Crossref metadata?
Members —> Crossref
Basic metadata: titles; author names; ISSNs/ISBNs,
abstracts, references
Funding Information, Funder identifiers, award
License Information, License URIs
Full-text URIs (e.g. for text mining and Similarity
Crossmark: updates, retractions, corrections
Recently: Peer Review reports, relations, Grant IDs
Soon… Organization IDs
Search &
Keeping metadata up to date
• Correct metadata errors
• Add more metadata to an existing record
• Update URLs
What happens when…
• You discover an error after deposit
• How do you correct the metadata?
• You update your website
• How do you maintain DOI links?
• You partner with another publisher
• Who is responsible for updates?
• You host your content on multiple sites
• Where should the DOI point?
What if something changes
• Change/correction to the metadata
• E.g. author’s name is entered incorrectly
• Change to the URL
• E.g. your publication moves to another site
Do not re-assign another DOI
There is never a charge to update DOIs
Viewing your metadata
Crossref Metadata Search
Crossref LIVE US Online
Editing your
Crossref LIVE US Online
Correcting your metadata if you have already
deposited it
• Resubmit metadata via XML - overwriting the old record
with new information
• Redeposit via the Web Deposit Form
• Edit the metadata record in Metadata Manager (journal
Crossref LIVE US Online
Crossref LIVE US Online
Crossref LIVE US Online
Crossref LIVE US Online
• Our Conflict and Resolution reports can help you
identify existing metadata errors. You can fix these
with no charge.
• The Conflict report includes information about
conflicts that have been created by members when
two (or more) metadata records share similar or
identical metadata. 
Resolution reports
• Resolution reports are sent out via email at the beginning of
each month
• When a researcher clicks on a DOI link for an article, that counts
as one DOI resolution. No information is captured about who
the user is or where they are coming from. 
• A separate report is generated for each DOI prefix.
• If you have a high number of failures - don’t panic, but do pay
attention! Sometimes this can user error in typing or
cutting-and-pasting DOIs or the DOI has been distributed but
not deposited.
Why reports are important
• Make sure your content is properly registered
• See how content is being used
• Catch any errors
Make sure the right person in your organization gets
them! If not, please write to
Questions &
Crossref Metadata?
No, this is Crossref metadata
This may be your Crossref metadata
….but maybe this?
A tool to use where:
You can see what metadata you are registering with
You can track progress of your metadata
You’re able to see how you measure up to other members
What are they?
Why did we create them?
Members are not always aware of what metadata they’re
sending to Crossref
Members can see what’s missing and can fix the gaps
And can track progress of their metadata in an easy and
user-friendly way
Crossref LIVE US Online
> 600 million queries per month
Access the reports at
and you can find documentation to help on our website.
Crossref LIVE US Online
● Greater discovery of your content
● Inclusion in discovery services
● Only your metadata is shared, not your full text
Sharing metadata
Find out more
Monthly Participation Report webinars
Schedule a Metadata Health Check
Crossref Services
Our servicesOur services
• Reference Linking
• Cited-by
• Similarity Check
• Crossmark
Reference linking means
hyperlinking with Crossref DOIs
when you create your citation
Reference Linking
Reference Linking
How to add Crossref DOI links to
• Use a search engine for individual articles
• Query Crossref with XML
• Use Crossref lookup tools
• Use Metadata Manager
• Third party tools such as OJS 3.1.2
Cited-by provides a clear
overview of the publications that
have cited a piece of content
Crossref LIVE US Online
1. Deposit you references
2. Email to sign up
3. Query Crossref for a list of all DOIs citing an article
4. Display Cited-by results on your website
No fee and is an optional service
How to participate
Querying for Cited-by links
Similarity Check offers
publishers with a way to
actively engage in efforts to
prevent plagiarism.
Members are provided with access to Turnitin’s powerful text comparison
tool, iThenticate. This allows them to compare their own documents against
the largest comparison database of scientific, technical and medical content in
the world.
Similarity Check members contribute their own published content into
iThenticate’s database of full-text literature.
Similarity Check
• Turnitin’s plagiarism detection
• Text-based screening
• Contains content indexed from over
1 billion web pages, 57 million items
from Crossref members, and a
further 105 million items from other
content partners such as Pearson,
Cengage, EBSCOHost etc.
What is iThenticate?
How the service works
• Upload a document to iThenticate
• A similarity report is produced
• Compare side-by-side
• Editor makes a decision about
whether the similarity detected is
legitimate or if further investigation is
• When members publish new content,
they provide a link to their full-text
which Turnitin use to index the item
and add it into their database
Crossref LIVE US Online
What issues are publishers looking for
•Poor, missing, or incomplete references (can be fixed)
•Self-plagiarism/text recycling (can be fixed)
•Unattributed use of parts of another person’s work
•Submitting another person’s work as your own
•Is the author attempting to mislead/misrepresent?
How to join
Are you eligible?
How much does it cost?
• Annual administrative fee equal to 20% of your Crossref membership fee, paid to Crossref along with your annual
membership fee.
• Each document run through Similarity Check is charged at a per-document-checking fee. There is a separate invoice
for Similarity Check document checking fees.
• If you work with a sponsor, they’ll receive the invoices for your use of the service.
• Invoices for the per document checking fees Similarity Check service will be sent, from Crossref, in January (for the
previous year). You can check how many documents you’ve checked in the Reports section in iThenticate.
Crossmark is a great way to
show users extra or updated
information about the
content they’re viewing so
that they can trust it
•An embedded button for HTML and PDF that, when clicked,
shows the researcher publication information that a publisher
chooses to include
•The information stays with the article and can be accessed even
away from the publisher site
•Machine-readable metadata available via the Crossref REST API
Crossref LIVE US Online
Crossref LIVE US Online
Crossref LIVE US Online
Deposit additional metadata
•Funding data
•License information
•Clinical trial numbers
•Any additional custom metadata
•Publication history
•Similarity Check deposited
Crossref LIVE US Online
• Over 1000 publishers depositing Crossmark metadata
• Nearly 12.5 million DOIs
• Around 1% are updates (so even more important that
they’re flagged!)
• Over 4,000 of the updates are retractions
How to participate
1. Contact us to let us know you want to get started
2. Create a Crossmark policy page and assign it a DOI.
3. Deposit Crossmark metadata as part of your regular
metadata deposits, this can also be deposited as
stand-alone data for backfile content
From January 2020 we have removed the fees for this service.
Crossref LIVE US Online
Make Data Count
Since 2014, the Make Data Count (MDC) initiative has focused on building the social and
technical infrastructure for the development of research data metrics. With funding from the
National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation, the initiative has transformed from a research project with an aim to understand
what researchers value about their data, to an infrastructure development project, and now into
a full-fledged adoption initiative.
Additional funding from the Sloan Foundation to focus on widespread adoption of standardized
data usage and data citation practices, the building blocks for open research data metrics.
Make Data Count: aims
1. Increased adoption of standardized data usage across repositories through
enhanced processing and reporting services
2. Increased implementations of proper data citation practices at
publishers by working in conjunction with publisher advocacy groups
and societies
3. Promotion of bibliometrics qualitative and quantitative studies around data
usage and citation behaviors
Crossref and PKP Collaboration
•PKP Strategic Partner
•Crossref-PKP Working Group
•OJS Plugin
•Sponsorship program
Further help
and support
•Help members register and maintain their
metadata records
•Help everyone else discover and use
metadata records
•1/3 of all support tickets are related to
metadata quality concerns
•Find information on services, with technical
explanations and examples at our education
centre at
Where can I find out more?
● Community forum:
● Documentation:
● Email our support, member, and billing teams,
● Webinars:
Staying up-to-date
Twitter: @crossrefOrg and @crossrefsupport
What are we thinking about:
Get in touch:
Help us stay up-to-date!
If the contacts at your organisation change, let us know!
Just email
Thank you!

More Related Content

Crossref LIVE US Online

  • 2. Susan Collins Community Outreach Manager Rosa Clark Communications & Events Manager Isaac Farley Technical Support Manager
  • 3. Agenda Welcome and Introductions Intro to Crossref Content Registration Updating and Maintaining Your Metadata Questions and Break Participation Reports - brief introduction Services Community Initiatives How to get help Questions
  • 4. Crossref makes research outputs easy to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse. We’re a not-for-profit membership organization that exists to make scholarly communications better. Mission
  • 6. Governance and Committees •Advisory Groups and Committees •16 member board, cross section of international publishers •One member, one vote, including members represented by a sponsoring organization - each of you has a vote •Board elections each November
  • 7. Crossref overview • Over 14,000 member and affiliated organizations •16 member board, cross section of international publishers • Metadata store of over 117 million scholarly content items • A DOI is just the start - We offer a wide array of services to ensure that scholarly research metadata is registered, linked, and distributed. • We preserve the metadata we receive and make it available via our open APIs and Search.
  • 8. Who uses Crossref? •Publishers •Funders •Institutions •Archives & repositories •Research councils •Data centres •Professional networks •Patent offices •Indexing services •Publishing vendors •Peer review systems •Reference manager systems •Lab & diagnostics suppliers •Info management systems •Educational tools •Data analytics systems •Literature discovery services •Registration Agencies
  • 9. Why do publishers join Crossref? •To help get their content discovered •Show people where their content is located and update that if/when the content moves •Drive more traffic to publications •Turn references into hyperlinks •Find out who is using their content •Participate in other collaborative services
  • 10. Crossref Members and Affiliates by Year
  • 13. Content Types • Journals • Books • Conference proceedings • Standards • Technical reports • Working Papers • Theses and dissertations • Components (figures, tables) • Datasets (supplementary data) • Databases • Posted content (includes preprints) • Peer Reviews
  • 17. Your prefix •One prefix may be used for all content •New titles may be added at any time •No limit to the number of DOIs created, also no minimum number is required. 10.4444 10.55555
  • 18. Persistent identifiers • The DOI directory: makes the DOI actionable on the web • Prefix: assigned by Crossref • Suffix: assigned by the publisher Total DOI = routes through the DOI resolver to point to the registered URL
  • 19. DOI suffix • consistent • simple • short More details:
  • 20. Crossref DOI display guidelines • Always be displayed as a full URL link • An example of the best practice in displaying a Crossref DOI link is: • Old format was
  • 21. Your landing page • A full bibliographic citation so that the user can verify they have been delivered to the correct item • The DOI displayed as a URL, per display guidelines • A way to access full text: access to full text is completely controlled by the publisher but the landing page must be accessible to everyone.
  • 22. metadata author names, ORCIDs, affiliations, article titles, ISSN, ISBN, pages, issue #, volume #s, dates, identifiers
  • 23. more metadata reference lists, funding data, ORCIDs, license data, clinical trial numbers, errata, retractions, updates and more through our Crossmark service, JATS-formatted abstracts, relationships between items…
  • 24. Ways to register content Upload XML file ( The manual web deposit form ( OJS Crossref plugin ( Metadata Manager (
  • 25. Create XML Crossref Schema Metadata deposit schema: for everything Metadata deposit schema 4.4.2 (documentation) Resource schema: for adding most non-bibliographic metadata to existing records doi_resources4.3.6.xsd (documentation)
  • 26. <journal_metadata> <full_title>International Journal of Meetings</full_title> <abbrev_title>Am J Meet</abbrev_title> <issn media_type='print'>4445-6767</issn> </journal_metadata> <journal_issue> <publication_date media_type='print'> <month>5</month> <day>5</day> <year>2001</year> </publication_date> <journal_volume> <volume>33</volume> </journal_volume> <issue>1</issue> </journal_issue> Journal title: International Journal of Meetings ISSN: 4445-6767 Publication date: 5-5-2001 Volume: 33 Issue: 1
  • 27. <journal_article publication_type='full_text’> <titles> <title>Let’s have a meeting</title> </titles> <contributors> <person_name sequence='first' contributor_role='author'> <given_name>Bob</given_name> <surname>Surname</surname> </person_name> <publication_date media_type='print'> <month>5</month> <day>9</day> <year>2001</year> </publication_date> <pages> <first_page>100</first_page> <last_page>200</last_page> </pages> <doi_data> <doi>10.50505/test_200704082300</doi> <resource></resource> </doi_data> article title: Let’s have a meeting author: Bob Surname pages: 100-200 DOI: 10.50505/test_2007
  • 28. Success! Your content now has persistent identifiers and a Crossref metadata record ??????? hooray! Failure…your content has not been registered.
  • 30. OJS/Crossref integrations As of OJS 3.1.2 • Reference linking and depositing • Funding metadata • iThenticate plugin
  • 33. Please note... The plugin will deposit DOIs on publication, but your DOIs will still take time to be processed. It is not immediate. The plugin does not automatically update DOIs if metadata changes. That has to be done manually. If a DOI deposit has failed, you can click on the failure link for a report more info at: PKP's Community forum and PKP documentation
  • 40. Metadata should be… • accurate • complete • up to date
  • 42. What do we mean when we talk about Crossref metadata?
  • 43. Members —> Crossref Basic metadata: titles; author names; ISSNs/ISBNs, abstracts, references Funding Information, Funder identifiers, award numbers License Information, License URIs Full-text URIs (e.g. for text mining and Similarity Check) Crossmark: updates, retractions, corrections ORCID iDs Recently: Peer Review reports, relations, Grant IDs Soon… Organization IDs
  • 45. Keeping metadata up to date • Correct metadata errors • Add more metadata to an existing record • Update URLs
  • 46. What happens when… • You discover an error after deposit • How do you correct the metadata? • You update your website • How do you maintain DOI links? • You partner with another publisher • Who is responsible for updates? • You host your content on multiple sites • Where should the DOI point?
  • 47. What if something changes • Change/correction to the metadata • E.g. author’s name is entered incorrectly • Change to the URL • E.g. your publication moves to another site Do not re-assign another DOI There is never a charge to update DOIs
  • 49. Viewing your metadata Crossref Metadata Search
  • 53. Correcting your metadata if you have already deposited it • Resubmit metadata via XML - overwriting the old record with new information • Redeposit via the Web Deposit Form • Edit the metadata record in Metadata Manager (journal articles)
  • 58. Reports • Our Conflict and Resolution reports can help you identify existing metadata errors. You can fix these with no charge. • The Conflict report includes information about conflicts that have been created by members when two (or more) metadata records share similar or identical metadata. 
  • 59. Resolution reports • Resolution reports are sent out via email at the beginning of each month • When a researcher clicks on a DOI link for an article, that counts as one DOI resolution. No information is captured about who the user is or where they are coming from.  • A separate report is generated for each DOI prefix. • If you have a high number of failures - don’t panic, but do pay attention! Sometimes this can user error in typing or cutting-and-pasting DOIs or the DOI has been distributed but not deposited.
  • 60. Why reports are important • Make sure your content is properly registered • See how content is being used • Catch any errors Make sure the right person in your organization gets them! If not, please write to [email protected].
  • 63. No, this is Crossref metadata
  • 64. This may be your Crossref metadata
  • 67. A tool to use where: You can see what metadata you are registering with Crossref You can track progress of your metadata You’re able to see how you measure up to other members What are they?
  • 68. Why did we create them? Members are not always aware of what metadata they’re sending to Crossref Members can see what’s missing and can fix the gaps And can track progress of their metadata in an easy and user-friendly way
  • 70. > 600 million queries per month
  • 71. Access the reports at and you can find documentation to help on our website.
  • 73. ● Greater discovery of your content ● Inclusion in discovery services ● Only your metadata is shared, not your full text Sharing metadata
  • 74. Find out more Monthly Participation Report webinars ( Schedule a Metadata Health Check ([email protected])
  • 76. Our servicesOur services • Reference Linking • Cited-by • Similarity Check • Crossmark
  • 77. Reference linking means hyperlinking with Crossref DOIs when you create your citation list.
  • 80. How to add Crossref DOI links to references • Use a search engine for individual articles • Query Crossref with XML • Use Crossref lookup tools • Use Metadata Manager • Third party tools such as OJS 3.1.2
  • 83. Cited-by provides a clear overview of the publications that have cited a piece of content
  • 85. 1. Deposit you references 2. Email [email protected] to sign up 3. Query Crossref for a list of all DOIs citing an article 4. Display Cited-by results on your website No fee and is an optional service How to participate
  • 86. Querying for Cited-by links
  • 87. Similarity Check offers publishers with a way to actively engage in efforts to prevent plagiarism.
  • 88. Members are provided with access to Turnitin’s powerful text comparison tool, iThenticate. This allows them to compare their own documents against the largest comparison database of scientific, technical and medical content in the world. Similarity Check members contribute their own published content into iThenticate’s database of full-text literature. Similarity Check
  • 89. • Turnitin’s plagiarism detection software • Text-based screening • Contains content indexed from over 1 billion web pages, 57 million items from Crossref members, and a further 105 million items from other content partners such as Pearson, Cengage, EBSCOHost etc. What is iThenticate?
  • 90. How the service works • Upload a document to iThenticate • A similarity report is produced • Compare side-by-side • Editor makes a decision about whether the similarity detected is legitimate or if further investigation is required • When members publish new content, they provide a link to their full-text which Turnitin use to index the item and add it into their database
  • 92. What issues are publishers looking for •Poor, missing, or incomplete references (can be fixed) •Self-plagiarism/text recycling (can be fixed) •Unattributed use of parts of another person’s work •Submitting another person’s work as your own •Is the author attempting to mislead/misrepresent?
  • 94. How much does it cost? • Annual administrative fee equal to 20% of your Crossref membership fee, paid to Crossref along with your annual membership fee. • Each document run through Similarity Check is charged at a per-document-checking fee. There is a separate invoice for Similarity Check document checking fees. • If you work with a sponsor, they’ll receive the invoices for your use of the service. • Invoices for the per document checking fees Similarity Check service will be sent, from Crossref, in January (for the previous year). You can check how many documents you’ve checked in the Reports section in iThenticate.
  • 95. Crossmark is a great way to show users extra or updated information about the content they’re viewing so that they can trust it
  • 96. Crossmark •An embedded button for HTML and PDF that, when clicked, shows the researcher publication information that a publisher chooses to include •The information stays with the article and can be accessed even away from the publisher site •Machine-readable metadata available via the Crossref REST API
  • 100. Deposit additional metadata •Funding data •License information •ORCID iDs •Clinical trial numbers •Any additional custom metadata •Publication history •Similarity Check deposited •etc.
  • 102. Uptake • Over 1000 publishers depositing Crossmark metadata • Nearly 12.5 million DOIs • Around 1% are updates (so even more important that they’re flagged!) • Over 4,000 of the updates are retractions
  • 103. How to participate 1. Contact us to let us know you want to get started 2. Create a Crossmark policy page and assign it a DOI. 3. Deposit Crossmark metadata as part of your regular metadata deposits, this can also be deposited as stand-alone data for backfile content From January 2020 we have removed the fees for this service.
  • 107. Make Data Count Since 2014, the Make Data Count (MDC) initiative has focused on building the social and technical infrastructure for the development of research data metrics. With funding from the National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the initiative has transformed from a research project with an aim to understand what researchers value about their data, to an infrastructure development project, and now into a full-fledged adoption initiative. Additional funding from the Sloan Foundation to focus on widespread adoption of standardized data usage and data citation practices, the building blocks for open research data metrics.
  • 108. Make Data Count: aims 1. Increased adoption of standardized data usage across repositories through enhanced processing and reporting services 2. Increased implementations of proper data citation practices at publishers by working in conjunction with publisher advocacy groups and societies 3. Promotion of bibliometrics qualitative and quantitative studies around data usage and citation behaviors
  • 109. Crossref and PKP Collaboration •PKP Strategic Partner •Crossref-PKP Working Group •OJS Plugin •Sponsorship program
  • 112. •Help members register and maintain their metadata records •Help everyone else discover and use metadata records •1/3 of all support tickets are related to metadata quality concerns •Find information on services, with technical explanations and examples at our education centre at Support
  • 113. Where can I find out more? ● Community forum: ● Documentation: ● Email our support, member, and billing teams [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] ● Webinars:
  • 114. Staying up-to-date Twitter: @crossrefOrg and @crossrefsupport What are we thinking about: Get in touch: [email protected]
  • 115. Help us stay up-to-date! If the contacts at your organisation change, let us know! Just email [email protected]