2. Почему важно уведомлять об обновлении?
• Читатели должны знать, что источник информации
объективен и соответствует современным знаниям
• Работа по обновлению и поддержанию контента
научного исследования крайне важна для
издателей, в том числе репутационно
8. Решение: Кроссмарк
• Встроенная в верстку «кнопка» для HTML или PDF
при нажатии показывает информацию, включенную
• Простой способ показать читателям обновленную
информацию, которой можно доверять
• Информация остается со статьей и может быть
доступна необязательно с сайта издателя
• Машиносчитываемая информация доступна через
сервис Crossref REST API
13. Некоторые цифры
• Более 550 издателей загружают Кроссмарк
• Для около 6,5 млн ЦИО
• Около 1% - обновления (они помечены флажком)
• Около 2000 изменений - опровержения
14. Преимущества
• Позволяет читателям знать, что информация надежна
• Удобно - вся информация, в том числе и
обновленная, находится в одно месте
• Доступно в HTML (нас странице статьи в электронной
версии журнала) и в PDF
• Позволяет исследователям использовать наиболее
современную версию работы
• Дополнительная информация доступна там же
• Распространение вашей информации
16. Напрямую – вы должны иметь договор с Crossref
• Направьте письмо на адрес [email protected]
• Создайте страницу Кроссмарк (Policy Page – пояснение
политик журнала в отношении ретракции и отношения
редакции к обновлению контента) на сайте журнала и
присвойте ей DOI
• Зарегистрируйте метаданные Кроссмарк
• Запишите DOI в HTML метаданных на страницах статей
• Вставьте код с «кнопкой» Crossmark на странице статьи и в
PDF файле
• Обновляйте ваш контент Кроссмарк
• Подробнее здесь - https://www.crossref.org/get-
18. НЭИКОН помогает с Crossmark
НЭИКОН в рамках помощи в подготовке контента
к публикации и размещению в электронной версии
выполняет все указанные требования
#2: So I’m going to now talk to you about managing changes to content and how our Crossmark service helps with this.
#3: After it’s published content can change and readers need to know. It could be an update or a correction which are quite common, but also can be more serious changes such as retractions.
Readers need to know that they can trust that they can use the research. Not bad or negative to update works - it helps to maintain the scholarly record - this is an important job that publishers do.
(Not sure if anyone is familiar with retraction watch blog, it’s an interesting blog that reports on retracted papers.)
#4: However, updates are shown in different ways across publisher sites.
#5: This is an example of a correction notice on a publisher article.
This one is at the top - other publishers may choose to place it elsewhere so there is no consistent way of seeing the correction across publishers.
Hard to find and hard to track.
#7: Similarly here is an example of a retraction, it could be included in the title of the work itself and perhaps needs more information such as a retraction notice for the reader. Again there are different ways in which publishers have displayed this information.
#8: So it’s good to see updates in a consistent way so readers don’t miss them! And so there can be confidence in the content.
#9: So our members asked us to develop a solution and in 2012 after a lengthy pilot we launched CrossMark launched.
So what is CrossMark?
So as you have heard throughout the morning- Crossref is all about either metadata in or metadata out and CrossMark is a great example of both. Publishers deposit extra metadata that they want CrossMark to display and researchers can then access this data though the widget or through the Rest API.
It’s a great way to show users that the article is up-to-date and that they can trust the content, the information stays with the article and can even be accessed via the widget away from the publisher site, on a pdf for example so long as the reader is connected to the internet.
#10: Now I’m going to show a few examples of Crossmark. Here is an article on regional innovation in Russia where the publisher participates in Crossmark and the reader can click the widget to get any updates and further information about the article.
#11: This is an example of a CrossMark with no updates.
The document is current, the message you will see most commonly. It displays a link to the publisher maintained version which in this case is up-to-date.
Below you can see the additional publication information such as the authors, any clinical trials linked to the article, as well as funding or license information.
#12: Here’s another example where there are updates available and this is in yellow to show this along with a link to view the correction notice.
#13: And this is an example of a retraction, where the box would shows up in red and similarly includes a link to the retraction notice for the paper.
#14: Uptake:
Over 550 publishers depositing Crossmark metadata
For over 6.5 million DOIs
Around 1% are updates (so even more important that they’re flagged!)
Over 2,000 of the updates are retractions
Number of publishers and no of DOIs found using this API query: http://api.crossref.org/works?filter=has-update-policy%3Atrue&rows=0&facet=publisher-name%3A%2A
Updates and update type: http://api.crossref.org/works?filter=is-update:true&facet=update-type:*&rows=0
#15: So what are some of the things that make Crossmark great:
Lets readers know they can trust the content
Convenient - one place to access information
Works in both HTML and PDF
Easier for researchers to cite the most recent version of content
Additional publication information all in one place
Free for researchers to click on
More dissemination of your metadata
#17: How to get started:
Sign up via our website.
Create a policy page and deposit an identifier.
Deposit additional Crossmark metadata for your content and add a snippet of code to their DOI landing pages to generate the Crossmark button and link for HTML and PDF.
Maintain your content and promptly register any updates
There is no annual fee for Crossmark, however each current item (published within the last 2 years) is $0.20; and the per backfile fee per item is $0.02 USD.