Crossmark gives publishers a standard way to communicate important updates to content, and to share additional metadata that can provide assurance and context. Join us to find out how your publications can benefit.
Webinar held on November 21, 2017
2. What is Crossmark
A button and a set of metadata that informs readers about
Publication status (current, updated, retracted)
Funding information
Authors’ ORCIDs
Publication history
Rights or licensing information
And much more…
24. Online reading environments
• Crossmark button on publisher
copy of PDF
• Opportunities: ReadCube, Papers,
Utopia, Mendeley, etc.
• Enhance the PDF and display
publication update notification
• Notify users across all the
channels available
25. Crossmark Best Practices
• Comprehensive deposit of publisher metadata
• Proper display of Crossmark button above or close to the
title of the article
• Timely deposits of publication updates
27. If you already participate
Upgrade to v2.0!
• New design buttons
• Mobile-friendly, responsive pop up box
• Widely-compatible code (no js)
• v1.5 no longer supported (March 2017)
28. How?
• Replace snippet of code in your landing pages with 2.0 code
• Choose shape and size of button from Crossref CDN
29. Latest numbers
• 5.4 million Crossmark deposits
• 490 publishers
• 57,000 status updates
• 1,860 retractions
• 51,000 corrections
• 3.1 million DOIs with additional metadata