- 760.000
- people assisted by WFP in 2023
- 30%
- inflation in 2023
- 11.2 million
- population
The largest island in the Caribbean, Cuba ranks 85th among 193 countries in the Human Development Report 2023-2024, with its position supported by social protection programmes and universal access to basic services.
In 2023, the country experienced a 2 percent contraction in GDP, and inflation was estimated at 30 percent, reflecting three consecutive years of rising prices. In addition, limited access to foreign currency has significantly reduced the availability of domestic and imported food products.
The Government's monthly food basket provides basic commodities for the entire population. However, in 2023 it was almost entirely imported, and the Government reported shortages and delays in distribution.
Pre-pandemic data from the National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology showed a high prevalence of anaemia in children aged 6-23 months in eastern and central provinces and Havana.
Cuba is one of the Caribbean countries most exposed to hurricanes, droughts and unseasonal rains. In addition, low agricultural productivity and high post-harvest losses remain key challenges.
WFP's operations are aimed at strengthening agriculture and linking producers with social protection programmes, to ensure the supply of locally produced nutritious food.
What the World Food Programme is doing in Cuba
Resilient and sustainable local food systems
WFP prioritizes support to agricultural value chains (from production in the field to final consumption), especially for vegetables and grains, by reducing post-harvest losses, and growing farmers' incomes to ensure a stable food supply for nutrition-sensitive social safety nets. We provide training, technical assistance and equipment to smallholder farmers with a focus on reducing vulnerability, increasing crop yields and improving crop quality.
Strengthening social protection systems
We support the Government with vulnerability analysis, targeting, digitalization of the beneficiary database and use of cash-based transfers.
School feeding
WFP supports the Government with school feeding programmes that provide training on healthy eating habits and nutrition to smallholder farmers, teachers, schoolchildren and their families. We also support training on buying and preparing food – including fresh local produce from smallholder farmers – and the design of nutrition-focused menus.
Nutrition, communication and education
WFP provides specialized nutritious food, including fortified products, with a focus on initiatives such as the mother-and-child programme, and assistance to elderly people through the Sistemas de Atención a Familias – Government-run community canteens that serve highly vulnerable groups. We support nutritional education through training workshops, distribution of educational materials, educational work with children through curricular and extracurricular activities, and the creation of educational aids with the participation of teachers, children and families.
Emergency response, resilience and disaster risk management
WFP analyses the vulnerability of local food production to drought, hurricanes and earthquakes, as part of efforts to support Cuba in strengthening its early-warning systems and risk assessments. Other planned support includes technical assistance for a comprehensive national disaster risk management strategy, improved technology for data processing, and workshops with communities to improve their risk perception.
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P.M.A., Calle 36 No. 724 entre 7ma y 17, Playa