Dettagli Data di pubblicazione7 dicembre 2016 (Ultimo aggiornamento: 20 giugno 2023) Descrizione Ogni anno la Commissione redige una relazione annuale sulla gestione e il rendimento, che offre una panoramica dei risultati conseguiti con il bilancio dell’UE e illustra come è stato gestito e salvaguardato il bilancio dell'UE. La relazione rappresenta il principale contributo della Commissione al processo di discarico del bilancio annuale. La relazione illustra i passi che la Commissione sta compiendo affinché il bilancio dell'UE sia gestito conformemente ai più elevati standard di sana gestione finanziaria. Adottando tale relazione la Commissione si assume la responsabilità politica complessiva della gestione del bilancio dell'UE. Ciò costituisce la fase finale del ciclo annuale di pianificazione, programmazione e rendicontazione della Commissione. La relazione annuale sulla gestione e il rendimento del bilancio dell'UE fa parte del pacchetto integrato di relazioni della Commissione in materia finanziaria e di responsabilità che contiene altre relazioni, quali i conti consolidati. Il pacchetto integrato di relazioni in materia finanziaria e di responsabilità rappresenta il principale contributo della Commissione alla procedura di discarico annuale attraverso la quale il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio approvano in via definitiva l'esecuzione del bilancio per un determinato anno. Documenti Annual management and performance report19 giugno 2024Segretariato generaleAnnual management and performance report 2023Annual management and performance report 2023 Annual management and performance report20 giugno 2023Annual management and performance report 2022Annual management and performance report 2022 Annual management and performance report7 giugno 2022Annual management and performance report 2021Annual management and performance report 2021 Annual management and performance report8 giugno 2021Annual management and performance report 2020Annual management and performance report 2020 Annual management and performance report25 giugno 2020Annual management and performance report 2019Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. Annual management and performance report25 giugno 2019Annual management and performance report 2018Every year Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. Annual management and performance report7 giugno 2018Annual management and performance report 2017Every year Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. Annual management and performance report13 giugno 2017Segretariato generaleAnnual management and performance report 2016Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. Annual management and performance report5 luglio 2016Annual management and performance report 2015Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 7 dicembre 2016Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2014 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 7 dicembre 2016Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2013 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 7 dicembre 2016Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2012 – report and annexesEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 7 dicembre 2016Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2011 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 1 giugno 2011Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2010Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 2 giugno 2010Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2009Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. 9 ottobre 2017Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2008Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2008 4 giugno 2008Synthesis of the Commission's management achievements in 2007Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements. Link correlati Documenti strategici
Annual management and performance report19 giugno 2024Segretariato generaleAnnual management and performance report 2023Annual management and performance report 2023
Annual management and performance report20 giugno 2023Annual management and performance report 2022Annual management and performance report 2022
Annual management and performance report7 giugno 2022Annual management and performance report 2021Annual management and performance report 2021
Annual management and performance report8 giugno 2021Annual management and performance report 2020Annual management and performance report 2020
Annual management and performance report25 giugno 2020Annual management and performance report 2019Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
Annual management and performance report25 giugno 2019Annual management and performance report 2018Every year Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
Annual management and performance report7 giugno 2018Annual management and performance report 2017Every year Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
Annual management and performance report13 giugno 2017Segretariato generaleAnnual management and performance report 2016Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
Annual management and performance report5 luglio 2016Annual management and performance report 2015Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
7 dicembre 2016Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2014 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
7 dicembre 2016Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2013 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
7 dicembre 2016Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2012 – report and annexesEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
7 dicembre 2016Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2011 – reportEvery year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
1 giugno 2011Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2010Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
2 giugno 2010Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2009Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.
9 ottobre 2017Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2008Synthesis of the Commission’s management achievements in 2008
4 giugno 2008Synthesis of the Commission's management achievements in 2007Every year the Commission produces a synthesis report on the previous year's management achievements.