This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
An action for annulment is a legal procedure whereby parties can request the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) to rule on the legality of EU acts.
The CJEU can review the legality of:
Actions for annulment may be brought by the following three types of applicant.
Grounds for the annulment of an act include:
Effects of annulment. When the CJEU rules that an act is void, the effect of annulment is generally from the point of the adoption of the act in question (ex tunc) but may also be from the date of the CJEU’s judgment (ex nunc). In addition, the CJEU may rule to maintain the effects of the annulled act.
The author of the annulled act must take the necessary measures to comply with the CJEU’s judgment.