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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

Standing Committee on Internal Security

Article 71 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) establishes a Standing Committee on Internal Security (COSI) within the Council. COSI is composed of members of the competent national ministries who are assisted by the permanent representatives to the European Union of the EU countries in Brussels and by the secretariat of the Council.

COSI’s objective is to facilitate, promote and strengthen the coordination of operational cooperation of EU countries in the field of internal security. In this capacity, it acts in a number of different areas, including police and customs co-operation, the protection of external borders and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. It must submit a regular report on its activities to the Council, which then informs the European Parliament and the national parliaments.

COSI, as well as the Political and Security Committee, must also assist the Council with regard to the ‘solidarity clause’ (Article 222 of the TFEU).

COSI does not take part in the preparation of new legislation or the conduct of operations.

