This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Commission Opinion [COM(97) 2010 final - Not published in the Official Journal]
Commission Report [COM(98) 709 final - Not published in the Official Journal]
Commission Report [COM(99) 512 final - Not published in the Official Journal]
Commission Report [COM(2000) 712 final - Not published in the Official Journal]
Commission Report [COM(2001) 701 final - SEC (2001) 1755 - Not published in the Official Journal]
Commission Report [COM(2002) 700 final - SEC (2002) 1411 - Not published in the Official Journal]
Commission Monitoring Report [COM(2003) 675 final - SEC(2003) 1208 - Not published in the Official Journal]
Treaty of Accession to the European Union [Official Journal L 236 of 23.09.2003]
In its Opinion of July 1997, the European Commission expressed the view that, provided the necessary legislative measures were adopted by the specified deadlines and were accompanied by the necessary structural adjustment of the industry, Slovenia should be able to meet EU requirements in the audio-visual sector in the medium term.
In contrast, the November 1998 Report stated that very little progress had been made in this field and that Slovene legislation was incompatible with the Community acquis.
The October 1999 Report noted that Slovenia had made little progress in this area.
The November 2000 Report found that Slovenia had made no progress since 1999.
The November 2001 Report noted that Slovenia had made considerable efforts in the audiovisual area. The level of alignment with the acquis was considered to be good.
The October 2002 Report noted that Slovenia had made certain progress towards aligning its legislation with the Community acquis on audiovisual matters since the previous report.
The November 2003 Report confirms that Slovenia is essentially meeting the commitments and requirements arising from the accession negotiations in the audiovisual field.
The Treaty of Accession was signed on 16 April 2003 and accession took place on 1 May 2004.
In the context of the internal market, the audio-visual acquis is intended to ensure the provision and free movement of audio-visual services within the EU as well as the promotion of the European programme industry. The acquis is contained in the " Television without frontiers " Directive, which is applicable to all broadcasters regardless of mode of transmission (terrestrial, satellite, cable) or whether private or public, and lays down basic rules concerning trans-frontier broadcasting. The main points are:
The Europe Agreement between the European Union and Slovenia provides for cooperation in the promotion and modernisation of the audio-visual industry, and the harmonisation of regulatory aspects of audio-visual policy.
The "Television without frontiers" Directive is one of the measures to be adopted by the CEECs under Stage I of the White Paper on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the internal market of the Union (1995).
In the audiovisual area, the National Broadcasting Council has been incorporated into the Telecommunications and Radio Agency that was set up in July 2001. The necessary equipment and staff will have to be made available to the Agency and the Council.
The Mass Media Act and amendments to the Law on Radio and Television were adopted in April 2001 and September 2001 respectively in order to align Slovene legislation with the "Television without frontiers" Directive. Two decrees, one governing the method and criteria for drawing up the list of major events to which viewer access must be ensured, and the other laying down the criteria and arrangements for defining Slovene audiovisual works, were adopted in December 2001.
Slovenian legislation is therefore now considerably aligned with the audiovisual acquis. However, certain minor adjustments need to be made to the Mass Media Act before accession, especially concerning the definition of European audiovisual works and the derogation granted to certain local and regional broadcasters from the obligation to broadcast European works. Moreover, not all the implementing provisions foreseen by the Mass Media Act have been adopted so far.
A media and audiovisual culture department has been set up in the Ministry of Culture. It is responsible for monitoring and administrative supervision and the drafting and implementation of legal provisions in the areas of the media and audiovisual matters. It monitors the implementation of the Mass Media Act. However, it remains considerably understaffed (three people and one independent inspector).
Slovenia ratified the European Convention on Trans-frontier Television in June 1999 and has also ratified the Protocol amending the Convention.
Slovenia has taken steps in order to participate in the Community programmes Media Plus and Media Training from 2003.
In 2003, Slovenia's legislation was largely in line with the Community acquis in the audiovisual field. However, the Commission notes that measures to implement the derogation for certain local broadcasters should be refined. Slovenia must also improve its administrative capacity.
In the area of culture, Slovenia started to take an active part in the Culture 2000 programme in January 2002.
Last updated: 20.01.2004