This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Commission Opinion COM(93) 313 finalCommission Report COM(98) 710 finalCommission Report COM(1999) 502 finalCommission Report COM(2000) 702 finalCommission Report SEC(2001) 1745Treaty of Accession to the European Union [Official Journal L 236 of 23.09.2003]
In its July 1993 Opinion, the Commission considered that Cyprus' accession to the European Community would not have a major impact on typically Mediterranean products. This view is confirmed by the November 1998 report and is also a consequence of the small size of the agriculture sector in Cyprus. However, the progress made by Cyprus in preparing for the integration of its agriculture and agriculture policy into the common agricultural policy should be noted.
The October 1999 Report endorses the steps taken by Cyprus in agricultural legislation with a view to its future integration into the common agricultural policy and highlights the need to create administrative structures. Although some progress has been made in the area of fisheries, many provisions on the fishing fleet are still missing. Institutional structures also need to be strengthened with a view to implementing a fisheries policy.
The November 2000 Report underlines that despite the adaptation of some pieces of Cypriot legislation to the Community acquis, major efforts still need to be made particularly regarding market organisations. As regards fisheries, the application of the legislation has improved and infrastructures have been strengthened. No progress has been made on market policy.
The November 2001 Report shows that the work towards legislative alignment in the agricultural sector is continuing.
Cyprus has generally made progress in fisheries in terms of inspection and control, the strengthening of administrative capacity, resource management and structural measures. A fishing boat register has been created and the country has continued to reduce the number of deep sea fishing boats. In addition, a satellite monitoring system has been established.
The purpose of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is to maintain and develop a modern agricultural system offering the farming community a fair standard of living and ensuring a reasonably priced food supply for consumers while guaranteeing the free circulation of goods throughout the European Community.
The Common Fisheries Policy includes common market organisations, structural policy, agreements with third countries, management and conservation of fish resources, and scientific research in support of these activities.
In 2000, agriculture accounted for 3.8% of gross value added compared with 4.2% in 1999. Agriculture's share of total employment went from 9.5% in 1999 to 9.2% in 2000. Agricultural production decreased by 4.9% compared with 1999.
The agricultural budget in 2001 was increased by nearly EUR 40 million in comparison with the year 2000 (EUR 119.75 million against EUR 80.5 million). In terms of commercial trade, the trade surplus in favour of the European Union increased from EUR 152.3 million in 1999 to EUR 233.9 million in 2000.
Alignment with the acquis is continuing in relation to plant health particularly in relation to pesticides. Border inspection posts need to be provided with laboratories and the capacity of veterinary services reinforced.
A strategy for food safety was adopted in April 2001.
This sector accounts for about 4% of total value added in the agriculture sector. Between 1991 and 1996, production increased by 4.5% per year but is still not sufficient to cover national consumption.
As regards resource management, inspection and controls, the fisheries legislation adopted in June 2000 has been modified to regulate the granting of fishing licences to fleets active outside territorial waters. The allocation of fishing licences will from now on conform to the Community acquis. Inspection capacities have been strengthened. The aquaculture sector is regulated by an Act of June 2000. As regards state aids, the Cypriot government subsidises fleets fishing in international waters of the Mediterranean.
Cyprus' implementation of the acquis regarding fisheries has made considerable progress. However, work still needs to be done, particularly as regards the application of trading standards and the recognition of producer organisations. The policy of reducing the number of deep sea fishing boats must be maintained.
On an international level, Cyprus is in the process of ratifying specific UN and FAO agreements. It has also approved the creation of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean.
Last updated: 15.03.2002