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ELI coordinator
SPF Justice, le Moniteur belge (Justel service)
For info, contact: [email protected]
. Please enter ELI in the subject field of your email.
ELI implementation level
Belgium has implemented the first pillar: the URI.
URI template used (pillar 1)
The URI has a fixed part and a variable part:
- Fixed part: http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/eli/
- Variable part: part in which all items may have different values (TL/YYYY/MM/DD/Unique identifier/version of legislation).
TL represents the type of legislation. This item (upper or lower case) is obligatory; in its absence, cross-reference is made to the bilingual version of the help page.
The types of legislation available are as follows:
- LOI [LAW] (federal legislation)
- DECRET [edict] (regional and local legislation, since 1972)
- ORDONNANCE [order] (Brussels legislation, since 1990)
- ARRÊTÉ [decree] (secondary federal, regional and local legislation, such as royal
decrees, regional or local government decrees, ministerial decrees)
YYYY represents the year in which the legislation was promulgated. This item is obligatory; in its absence, cross-reference is made to the version of the help page in the language
of the type of legislation (TL).
MM represents the month in which the legislation was promulgated. This item is optional, but becomes obligatory if it is desired to complete the address with the day on
which the legislation was promulgated (DD).
DD represents the day on which the legislation was promulgated. This item is optional, but becomes obligatory if it is desired to complete the address with the unique
Unique identifier is a unique number given to the legislation on publication. This number has ten digits,
starting with the year in which the legislation was filed for publication, followed
by its working number in the chain of production of the Official Journal. This item
is optional, but becomes obligatory if it is desired to complete the address with the version
of the legislation.
Version of the legislation: two versions of the legislation are potentially available:
Moniteur is the version in character mode provided by the Moniteur belge. A hyperlink can
be used to access the publication image format (PDF). It is strongly advised to view
the image, as the text version has no legal value and may be incomplete;
Justel is the consolidated version without any authentic or official status, created by
Justel, a service of the Moniteur belge.
This item is optional.
Examples of correct addresses (from the most general to the most specific)
If you want the law of 25 April 2014 concerning the status and verification of credit
institutions and stockbroking companies:
If you know its unique identifier (2014003194) and you want the consolidated version,
the right address to take you straight there will be:
© SPF Justice, Justel service, Belgium
For any use of the content of this page, please contact [email protected]
Last update: 25/03/2020