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Chancellery of the Sejm
Agnieszka Kaczmarska - Chief of the Chancellery of the Sejm (Secretary General)
Pillar 1, pillar 2
Poland legislation is published using the following URI template:
URI templates are strings made up of fixed and variable parts.
Fixed part:
Variable part:
journal - symbol of a journal, >e.g.: DU – Dziennik Ustaw (Official Journal of the Republic of Poland), MP – Monitor Polski (Legal Gazette of the Republic of Poland)
year - year from 1918 to the cu>rrent year
position - position in a given >journal, starting from 1
ogl - mark of a published text >in the Government Legislation Centre (RCL)
tj - mark of a consolidated tex>t in the RCL
uj - mark of a codified text in> the Online Database of Polish Legislation (ISAP)
pol - Polish language version>
pdf - text in PDF format>
html - text in HTML format>
The following RDF dictionaries have been defined for central administration:
Dictionary of act types:
Dictionary of the institutions:
The ontology describes the characteristics of the act and the relationship between acts. Polish ontology was based on the official EU ontology, which it expands with additional data.
The dictionary of act types defines which URIs are identified for each type of act, e.g.
act -
regulations -
The dictionary of the institutions is used to identify institutions that are associated with files (e.g. issuing authority, obligated authority).
Examples of institution identifiers:
Sejm -
President - lists ye>arbooks in the Official Journal lists> legislative acts adopted in 1991 >provides the details of the most recent consolidated text of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system> provides the details of the published text of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system.> links to the consolidated text of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system> links to the codified text (without legal force) of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system>/pol/pdf shows the text of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system in PDF format>/pol/html shows the text of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system in HTML format>pol/pdf shows the consolidated text of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system in PDF format>pol/pdf shows the codified text (without legal force) of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system in PDF format> provides the details of the most recent consolidated text of Dz.U. 2006 No 218, item 1592
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Last update: 01/12/2022