This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
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Public Enterprise “Official Gazette”
Boris Petrović
Nina Radojević
Pillar 1, pillar 2, pillar 3
Serbia legislation is published using the following URI template:
The implemented ELI HTTP URI template is as follows:
Component: Meaning
eli: Information indicating whether it is an ELI act.
level: Identifiers indicating whether it is a republic {rep} or other official gazette. Currently, in line with the legal solution, only republic regulations and other acts are published in the Legal and Information System of the Republic of Serbia, so for all acts this component is {rep}, but the program solution offers the possibility of publishing regulations of other levels (e.g. local self-government regulations)
type_gazette: Identifier indicating whether an act was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia {sgrs}, the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia — International Agreements {ia} or the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia — Educational Gazette {eg}
passed_by: Information indicating who passed the act.
type_document: Information on document type.
year: Year of the official gazette in which the regulation was published.
number:Number of the official gazette in which the regulation was published.
serial_number: Serial number of the type of act passed by a certain enacting authority in a certain number.
Given that the register database is the central database of the Legal and Information System of the Republic of Serbia, in which basic and revised texts of the regulation are published in line with the legal solution, and which is available free of charge for all internet users (in accordance with the ELI open-data philosophy), all acts in the subject database are linked to the official gazettes in which the basic texts of the regulation are published, as well as all of the amendments, addenda and corrigenda, and vice versa. All of the republic’s regulations in the subject database have the ‘About the Act’ field that contains basic data on the regulation, in particular:
The implemented program solution enabled the linking of regulations within the Legal and Information System of the Republic of Serbia, through regulations within the register database, in particular to:
Example: Law on Publishing Laws and other Regulations and Acts (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No 45/13)
The implemented program solution enabled the basic URI template to be upgraded with other components as well, such as:
/sg — this indicates an act in the form in which it was published in the official gazette.
/reg — this indicates acts within the register database, in which basic and revised texts of the regulations are published (officially and unofficially).
/{point_in_time} u YYYYMMDD format — this indicates versions of the revised text of the regulation (from the register database) applied at a specific point in time. Please note that safekeeping of the different versions of the revised texts has been enabled by the Legal and Information System of the Republic of Serbia since the second half of 2016, and therefore this component functions only in case of regulations that have the texts of the versions of the revised text
/{language}— although, at this moment, all of the acts are published in Serbian, it has been set so that the URI template can be added the ‘/srb’ component, for the purpose of indicating the language of the legal resource, for example English, and for the language of the legal resource to be English as well in case in future a need arises for the regulations to be published in several languages
/{format}— this indicates whether an act is in PDF or HTML format.
When conceiving the ELI HTTP URI template, and while abiding by the ELI Task Force guidelines, particular attention was paid to the design of clear and precise identifiers which are close to the manner in which the legislation in Serbia is cited and which comprise components with a clear hierarchy that would be ‘resilient’ to the passing of time.
From the moment Legal and Information System of the Republic of Serbia was established in 2014, great attention has been paid to continuous improvements of the system, both in terms of its contents and program. As a member of the European forum of official gazettes, in 2016 a one-day ELI workshop was held in the Public Enterprise “Official Gazette”. Thanks to that workshop, in the begining of 2018 Public Enterprise “Official Gazette” decided to prepare a project that will enable the implementation of ELI in Legal and Information system of the Republic of Serbia. While preparing the project ELI Task Force guidelines, published on eur-lex website, were abided, and considered specificities of the legal system of the Republic of Serbia. In December 2018, based on the prepared program solution, ELI (3 pillars) was implemented in Legal and Information System of the Republic of Serbia among all acts published in legislation part of official gazettes and acts published in the Register database.
© Legal and Information System, Serbia
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Last update: 19/01/2023