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ELI coordination
Organisation/state agency responsible for the ELI implementation
Swiss Federal Chancellery/Center of Official Publications
Responsible person(s)
Léonore Leresche
Contact email
[email protected]
Status of ELI implementation
Access to the ELI startpage
Level of implementation
- The official website contains the publications of the Official Collection, the Federal Gazette, the consolidated acts of the national and the international law in the Classified Compilation, as well as the documents concerning the consultation procedures.
- Re-use the data from the federal legislation platform, as a form of “semantic web” and in line with the principles of Linked Open Data. The so called “Casemates” offers a SPARQL endpoint for searching and downloading metadata and legislative documents (PDF, DOCX, HTML, XML).
- Since 30.05.2022, all new publications can be downloaded as XML files compatible with Akoma Ntoso.
URI template structure for pillar 1
Swiss legislation is published using the URI template described at https://fedlex.data.admin.ch/home/convention
The namespace of the URIs is
Implemented metadata elements (only applicable for pillar 2)
© Swiss Federal Chancellery/Center of Official Publications
For any use of the content of this page, please contact [email protected]
Last update: 19/01/2023